Herb Zinser's analysis of WORLD WAR 3 --> C.P. SNOW to the year 2103 Science Wars
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- Site maps to Science War posts
- The Margaret Mead nuclear family and Peru atomic anthropology structures. A modern atomic human undercover agent --> his electron brain and the math life of odd integers
- Wisconsin's math war and Einstein's FIELD Theory physics war --> Science War casualties
- Nature's wave mechanics physics SCIENCE WAR casualties - Pentagon receives incorrect military advice from civilians
- The Milwaukee bio-physics electromagnetic WAR. Police agent Byran Norberg uses special math equations to reveal secret EM manipulation groups that influence MIlwaukee criminal activity.
- Africa as an atomic anthropology and bio-math Earth Lab test region - introduction
- Princess Diana and the EARTH LAB: Quantum tunnel
- The Virginia TECH April 16 ROC supersymmetry math logic war --> Principia Mathematica, the INVERSE Class battle and the Science War casualties
- Norway and the OE = Order Entry violations of the OE --> OEDIPUS complex --> complex math life --> social rules for complex societies. Eisenhower and his military industrial complex variable math warriors defeat European newspaper nonsense at Utoeya
- Wisconsin Singularity Theory --> applied Milnor numbers with undercover Milnor agent: Milwaukee policeman Norberg wounded in Milnor number math battle
- Norway continuum war in Europe n-space-- introduction
- The European engineering vector ( i, j, k ) war identified with math parameters: Norway, Viking, Thor . . . . The TOE physics battle at - - -> u.TOE.ya. . . . .. . . . . ..exposes secret community conspiracy against math.
- The Quantum TIME MACHINE - Computer Earth
An accurate analysis of the various dimensions of existence and their battlefields. Mathematical-physics life within bio-physics HUMANS reveals the astonishing secret world war of the symbolic universe....as displayed by human behavior and thoughts. Shakespeare stated around year 1600..."The world is a stage and we are the players". In year 2013...the WORLD is a mathematical-physics stage and humans are atomic numeric actors....playing concept roles...like President NIXON representing N x N square matrix life on EARTH.