Atomic English language questions completeness of the STANDARD MODEL physics explanation of the STANDARD OIL Building error event.
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RD-blog-340 by Herb Zinser
The STANDARD Model of physics, while a brilliant achievement.....only explains parts of REALITY of EARTH LAB. Using various techniques and symbolic tools and the astrophysics EVENT HORIZON, one can study error events as atomic feedback systems. College textbooks in engineering math, electron circuit theory, and process control systems cover some of the basic concepts needed to understand atomic feedback systems....and their atomic English language message processing systems. Sometimes may take 10 or 20 years..if not longer for an atomic message to be understood by the Margaret Mead nuclear family that exists in the human atomic brain.
The periodic atomic table government has many formats of expression.
--> One such FORMAT are atomic bio-physics structures labeled: HUMAN with a possible symbolic brain data processor with curosity. Such humans may form a CARL JUNG atomic collective group (such Batavia,Illinois theorists and researchers).....with a mission to take the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious MIND and bring it to the conscious expression with data and symbolic models,etc...and then distribute this atomic consciouness via published books like the "The GOD Particle". Thus these atomic human FORMATS are really representatives for the periodic atomic table government and the STANDARD MODEL of physics.
--> Another FORMAT of the atomic government expressions parallel processing on EARTH ...
is the STANDARD OIL building in Chicago. Thus we have have 2 Standard architectures.....providing a comparision-correlation system....a LINK ....a parallel......
a back-up system to the STANDARD MODEL of physics case physics professors get hypnotized in the SCIENCE WARS......a possibility predicted by books: 1984, Brave New World, etc.
Thus the super-symmetry physics of the columns ... the above 3-dimensional EXTERNAL visible display version of the atomic table family columns.
Part of the 18 column table shown below.
From Nature's intellectual point of view with algebraic subset humans, subset educational institutions, and subset research organizations.....which may exhibit intellectual bias and distortion............Nature has constructed alterate back-up systems to bypass the social science propaganda per George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, etc.
The alternate BACK-UP research system of Nature...uses everyday EVENTS of human life and corporate act as a partial parallel to the expensive laboratories that do pioneering research in physics, medicine, chemistry, etc. These RESEARCH LABS are very expensive and cost tens of millions of dollars;
thus NATURE designed an umbrella system that can see OVER ..all these other systems and also see their manipulations and good tricks and nonsense tricks.
Then Nature thru Darwinian selection of symbolic brains...can select older and wiser adult humans (with high-school math/science or more) to be messengers. These messengers ..if they pass the Nature's quality control test miniminize bias and nonsense....may then become
part of Nature's communication processes. Thoreau, Hawthrone, Spencer, Russell, Huxley, Orwell....then expressed messages for Nature.....sometimes in a direct, straightforward language OR using symbolism/ fantasy stories....which contain within a hidden level serious messages.
Thus a reason for the Standard Model...Sartre existential parallel......
Standard Oil Building architecture and its multi-dimensional atomic attributes in Earth designed by Nature without the human bias problem.
The Standard Oil Building in Chicago was completed in 1974. The 80 story building was supported by a steel structure and clad in white Italian Carrra marble panels. After a while engineers noticed that the marble panels were starting to buckle outward. By 1988 thirty percent of the 44,000 panels deflected outward 1/2 inch or more. A few panels fell off the building.
Eventually, the building underwent an $80 million renovation...using Mount Airy white granite from an EARTH Lab NC (Numerical Control)quarry in NC = North Carolina.
Standard Orbital Center Orbital alegbra subset -- Oil Center | |
![]() |
General information | |
Type | Office |
Location | 200 E. Randolph St. Chicago, Illinois 60601, United States |
Coordinates | 41°53′07″N 87°37′17″WCoordinates: 41°53′07″N 87°37′17″W |
Construction started | 1970 |
Completed | 1974 |
Opening | 1973 |
Cost | $120,000,000 (USD) |
Height | |
Architectural | 1,136 ft (346 m)[1] |
Technical details | |
Floor count | 83 aboveground[1] 5 belowground |
Floor area | 3,600,000 sq ft (334,451 m2)[1] |
Lifts/elevators | 50, made by Otis Elevator Company |
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION(Planet Earth) considers Earth as a social engineering experimental laboratory. Astrophysics has a symbolic tool named the: EVENT HORIZON which is useful.
Since EARTH is a subset of the astrophysics universe;
then EVENTS on earth are subsets of astrophysics EVENTS...
and VIA the CONTINUUM ...also,atomic events.
Thus we now look a a combined,amplified VIEW of the situation of Earth Lab
--> STANDARD MODEL of physics
and Standard Orbital architecture theory of existences:
subset word....O..i..l ......of the symbolic universe
thus Standard Oil building/architecture within the atsrophysics LOCAL REGION
Images for standard model physics table
NOVA | The Elegant Universe: Series ... - PBS
The standard model parallel building
Looking up
Images for standard model physics table
--> STANDARD MODEL of physics
and Standard Orbital architecture theory of existences:
subset word......ital .....subset of ITALY orbital
language........italian....the Pier brain electron orbital
thus ...white..italian carrerra marble
Failures - Standard Oil - AMOCO Building Marble Facade Failure
CICS TS for z/OS 4.2: Resource Definition Guide - IBM
Glossary - e IBM Tivoli Composite - IBM
An IBM 8100 system control program. ..... The use of a map to produce a panel from an output record, or an input ...
IBM 3270 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FermiLab has interesting human ... atomic nio-physics brain research SYMBOL MACHINE specimens.
The atomic ITALIAN language is very interesting ....including its Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology applications and atomic economic applications ....especially bias and distortion.
But they ain't talking people like me.
Thus we have Nature's indirect message processing system...and its messages are ignored.
The message continues as ITALIANs use their secret language for economic voodoo in the atomic automotive industry in the United States.
--> STANDARD MODEL of physics
and Standard Orbital architecture theory of existences:
.................ital .....subset of the major reference
thus .....white..italian carrerra marble
............... italian car subset...with FIAT
Kenosha, Wisconsin and Chrysler Engine purcahse by FIAT
.....and we have the code of SILENCE...of FermiLAB.
Perhaps Italian scientists ought the explain ALDO(us) Huxley BRAVE NEW WORLD experiment in molecular social chemistry with ALDO Muro. The Italian atomic brain manipulation experiment resulted in the death of the Christain DEMO Democrat ALDO M. --> now a martyr of M-theory physics.
But they have no interest in communications theory ..regarding the SCIENCE WARS and the various problems. They follow the orders from the Office of Science.......those who incorrectly claim superiority over the the periodic atomic table government...hence the Hierarchy Problem and the Science War casualties at Cole Hall at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb.
In year 1632 Galileo wrote "Two chief World System".....and FermiLAB and other scientists live in 1 WORLD and refuse to acknowldge the existence of the other 2nd WORLD of EARTH LAB as predicted by Galileo. In year 2011 this is absurd...with all the knowledge clues available in literature .....and college math and science textbooks. These are serious issues that undermine our economy and our intellectual leadership in the world...but who cares? What's on television tonight? Shall we eat pizza or get some hamburgers? Now those are serious thoughts.
The Standard Model atomic computer of the uranium atom LINK to astrophysics processor
The periodic atomic table government has various expressions of its atomic computer powers.
The most obvious is the Ox...the work Oxen of life
--> Oxen
--> Oxygen atomic computer weight 16 Base 16 hexadecimal
A more subtle element is the uranium 238 data processing conversion of
238 --> Base 2 exponent 3 = 8 data bits (1 byte). Uranium 238 exists
in the mathematical-physics dimensions of SPACE/TIME. It is a physical solid atom.... but since its exists as a subset within numeric SPACE/TIME is very conceivable that it does computer processing on behalf of NATURE's intellect.
Since atomic humans exist in math spaces and do calculations;
then atomic uranium existing in math spaces might have the same abilities.
Calculations of periodic atomic table HIERARCHY suggest that uranium 238 with its high atomic weight ...also has an important foundation in the continuum of Sartre existentialism and its multi-facted dimensions...including not only physical existences, but math dimensions of life and symbolic life the English alphabet letters and their extensions into words and concepts.
A simple version of the existentialisn....would be:
atomic <-- continuum --> astrophysics
Human agents at the atomic level would be the likes of Leon Lederman, Pier Oddone, and others...who so research and write books ..that help folk like myself... get some clue..about what's happening. Not that I understand everthing...but I might understand 10 percent...which is better that zero.
Human agents at the astrophysics level would be..... characteristic expressions like Stephen Hawking and the mantissa of logarithms from LOG Universe (in earth terms that is Logan, Utah)...known as Kip S.Thorne. These good gentlemen also help explain things thru their books.
Images for uranium utah
Logan --> an astrophysics logarithms TIME orgination point
Salt Lake City --> the periodic atomic table SALT treaty of sodium chloride with humanoids
Zion --> Z = atomic number input output numeric
Grand Canyon --> part of Grand Unified Theory of geo-physics and physics
Escalante --> Computer Earth system 370 land/ geography keyboard with the ESC key
Utah's Uranium Boom
Small rail cars loaded with uranium from Atlas Minerals uranium mine
Atlas Minerals uranium mine in typical, remote southeastern Utah country
New Uranium Mining Projects - Utah, USA - WISE Uranium Project
The Celestial Railroad by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hawthorne – The Celestial Railroad | Harper's Magazine Celestial Railroad by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Celestial Railroad by Haw thorne
The Celestial Railroad by Hawking and Thorne (logarithms of LOGAN)
Logan math at Caltech --> Log atomic number messengers of U = Universe subset --> Utah
Now we look at the uranium atomic mind...and its intellectual communications BRIDGE problem.
The BRIDGE problem is how to LINK different FORMATS of existence into 1 architectural entity.
Let's look at the components of the major areas of the continuum.
--> FermiLAB components:
1) the periodic atomic table...thru uranium 238
2) the bio-physics ODDONE related to ODD integers ONE --> 1, 3, .... 5 fingers, 7, 9, SKU11, 13, 15.....
The word ODD integer is a subset of the word GODDESS.
Now the ODD math life integers are controlled by the GODDESS of mathematical existential space on EARTH LAB daily life....hence, FermiLAB seems to have the common number theory symbolic illness..... the....brain cell WA11 math problem.
This molecular cell wall well known by
the number theory song: Comfortably NUMB(er)
by Pink Floyd album ...the WA11 .....
more detailed..the symbolic brain cell WA11
Thus the song Comfortably Numb...Number theory and the Numb-skull problem ....of billions of people on earth. But......theoretical physics can't be bothered ....with their brain processor concerns. Know THY-self says THY Lord...your THY.roid gland.
Now Nature (symbolic GOD) tries to communicate with the GODDESS but
she has a data BIT error --> consequently ....she can be a BIT??
To help solve the problem ...2 probes were created to gather data:
1) Kurt Godel math
2) play Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
Thus Godel and Godot have addressed the Goddess situation.
--> The astrophysics EVEN math integer space ...a subset of the EVENT HORIZON.
For this EVENT HORIZON to work for EARTH LAB events ...agents were designed to be born on even integer years.
Thus EVENT HORIZON ....and the design of
MAX BORN year 1940 THOR --> Viking code
MAX BORN year 1942.Hawk --> Hawking
Thus we see the key numbers 40 and 42...and
EVEN TIME integers..
EVENT ..........
--> their exist 4 DNA nucleotides suggesting that number 4 might be important number in Nature.
We have Time Square 42nd Street.
We have Time agent 1942.
We have TImes Square 42 mirror 24 hour clock.
We have 42 --> base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 hex
We have 24 --> Base 2 exponent 4 = Base 16 hex
Thus the symmetry physics of these 2 TIME numbers and their covergence to Base 16 hexadecimal
suggests that uranium 238 data processing property may have a hexadecimal LINK.
Repeating.. we have astrophysics TIME common feature suggested:
42nd Street --> Base 16 Hex <-- 24 hours (base 2 exp 4).
Now the Earth is a subset of the astrophysics universe.
Therefore the 4 DNA nucleotides are subset (or set) of the universe.
4 DNA --> dna FOUR --> dna Fourier engineering math functions for social engineering of society
4 DNA --> four may be percived as a double-helix number.
Partitioning word: Four into 2 parts gives --> Fo + ur
Taking our view that the dimensions of Sartre existentialism may be in different FORMATS....we consider the word Four = Fo + ur.
Let Fo --> Base 16 Hex 'Fo' = 240
Let symbol ur = uranium atom 238
The difference betwwen these numbers is even integer Base 2.
Thus word Four is a Bridge mechanism ...LINKING different FORMATS
.........the atomic part of the continuum
(number 1 thru 238) and
...odd integer 239 = HEX'ef' =
..........................ef.fort of math life to get to number 240
............ = 240 start of EVEN Event Horizon intgers
............ = 242 .....
with number 240 equated to agent year 1940
and number 242 equated to agent year 1942
....both agents evolved in the Base 16 hexadecimal dimension to be
Base 16 Hex'Fa" = 250 Faculty members of universities and
Base 16 Hex'Fe' = 254 Feynman scholar......near the edge of hex space 255, 256.
Thus we have the different formats intertwined with information STRINGS....of applied STRING theory .......that help explain our daily lives and our daily events.
Thus the phrase the 38th Parallel ....also include uranium 238....and then the next parallel step/level on EARTH LAB...the higher reaches of hexadecimal math life.
Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia