Dr.Watson explains DNA subset messenger Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Part 2 of DNA symbolic evolution
DR.Watson with Sherlock Holmes provides mental exercises that become useful in our daily life and our intellectual life. The "Reigate Puzzle" mentions Dr.Watson in Afghanistan with Colonel Hayter.
Harper's Weekly - Jun 17, 1893 --
Sherlock Holmes "The Reigate Puzzle"
IT WAS some time before the health of my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes recovered from the strain caused by his immense exertions in the spring of ’87. The whole question of the Netherland-Sumatra Company and of the colossal schemes of Baron Maupertuis are too recent in the minds of the public, and are too intimately concerned with politics and finance to be fitting subjects for this series of sketches. They led, however, in an indirect fashion to a singular and complex problem which gave my friend an opportunity of demonstrating the value of a fresh weapon among the many with which he waged his lifelong battle against crime.On referring to my notes I see that it was upon the fourteenth of April that I received a telegram from Lyons which informed me that Holmes was lying ill in the Hotel Dulong. Within twenty-four hours I was in his sick-room and was relieved to find that there was nothing formidable in his symptoms. Even his iron constitution, ..........
My old friend, Colonel Hayter, who had come under my professional care in Afghanistan, had now taken a house near Reigate in Surrey and had frequently asked me to come down to him upon a visit. On the last occasion he had remarked that if my friend would only come with me he would be glad to extend his hospitality to him also. A little diplomacy was needed, but when Holmes understood that the establishment was a bachelor one, and
This PUZZLE of English language syntax translates:
- Colonel ...Hayter ....language evolved into messages:
- Colonel --> Colon + elements of style ..year 1918 book by William Struck Jr of Cornell
- Hayter --> Hay + ter ---> Hayakawa 1949 book " Language in Thought and Action" and "Symbols,Status and Personality" AND ter = tiers ...levels of abstraction.
Language in Thought and Action by S.I. Hayakawa - Reviews ...
Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition: S.I. Hayakawa, Alan ...
Thus we see how the language of an early generation (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)...influences subsequent generations of author/messengers.
The Blog: Dr.Watson explains the DNA orgin of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and atomic English language evolution ....and is a prerequiste to this DNA language continuation. But you may continue...for now.
The background frame of reference covers the period of 1872 thru today.
In 1872 Herbert Spencer in Principles of Biology (see the Story of Philosophy by Will Durant) suggests:
"Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations".
Will Durant comments with "The completeness of life depends on the completeness of this correspondence."
15 years later, in 1887, the mathematical logic LIFE FORM begins its completeness theorem .....the completeness of this (logic life)... correspondece starts as the written correspndence via characters...symbolic life forms of Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson.
Thus Sherlock Holmes and DR.Watson are applied mathematical logic expressions ....as the COMPLETENESS THEOREM of math life starts its influential journey from 1887 to year 2010 and the appearance of Governor Doyle of the State of MIND ...Wisconsin.
Orginally the brain concept of Wisconsin was only as a physical geography state in the United States; but now we have have multiple perceptions of a STATE......all can be valid to the self-educated individual. We have Quantum States; Markov Transition States; Decision Theory ...States of Nature, etc. All these are different possible elements of your brain symbolic geography maps.
The primary state is the original EARTH geography concept of state ..that is why it is important to learn geography STATES in elementary grammer school...to establish a FRAME of Reference between symbols and external reality ...for the optical nerve and its education about symbolic life and relationships.
And later, maybe..elementary school geography STATES extend to
quantum STATES in elementary physics.
Thus Herbert Spencer in 1872 gives us a biological awareness description like the "TALE of 2 Cities" per single human individual:
- the physical internal government of a human body and its associated symbolic thoughts...as identified by phrases: Heart to Heart conversations....from the bottom of my Heart...
- external reality of Nature with physics and mathematical models,etc and external social engineering institutions and governments
Thus the theory of 1872 becomes an application in 1887...
with the PRINCIPLE human example of BIOLOGY ... Sir Arther Conan Doyle and his subliminaL MIND DNA messengers with proper noun labels: Sherlock Holmes and DR. Watson; and a few years later Sherlock Holmes started string theory physics with the 1st STRAND of deductive/induction logic news MAGAZINE.
Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin are advisors to the DNA government of Nature...and its DNA applications to subset human ..symbolic EARTH lab specimens. Darwin natural selection...suggested to the DNA governmental level that it select a educated human ..whose name might suggest that he/she is a messenger for DNA and its symbolic life. The law of math life and algebraic subets.....was used by the DNA decision process in the symbolic selection of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. What was the algebraic subset rule of selection used by DNA?
What are the 4 DNA nucleotides - WikiAnswers
Cytosine .
DNA --> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters + Base 4 letters.
DNA --> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c + A c i d
subset D... o ..y....................Le ................
thus Doy.Le --> DNA Subset
...........Lead messenger .....with Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson
Thus the internal social/intellectual thoughts of DNA's symbol machine nature inside the biological body of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle....is converted VIA the Doyle transformation process .....to external messages printed on cellulose paper. Hence the DR.WATSON and Sherlock Holmes are really DNA symbolic life fomats ...that VIA the DNA selected messenger DOYLE ...had their DNA signals printed.
Thus we come to the next stage of DNA symbolic character Dr.Watson's description of evolution.
The year 1887 thru 1900 had:
DNA --> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters of the hexadecimal molecular computer of
DNA --> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c with
subset D...o ..y...............Le ................
theexternal proper noun label (Doyle) of physical entity Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ....... while
his internal government is composed of the : DeoxyribonucLeic ...with 16 data processing symbols.
Thus his internal government has the complete DNA hex algebra of 16/16ths --> 1 IBM system 370 hexadecimal biological computer unit operating at human body tempertaure of 37.0 degrees C.
The DNA word (DeoxyribonucLeic) represents a complete goverment of awareness .....while his external identifier is the subset word Doyle which is 5/16 of DeoxyribonucLeic....representing 5/16 of awareness. Thus we have the Missing LINK problem of the atomic bio-physics anthropology family at Fermi_ _LAB.
Doyle is 5/16 of DeoxyribonucLeic leaving a remainder of 11/16 ....11 is the mathematical integer attribute of FermiLAB bio-physics SKU11 problem..the Hierarchy Problem.
This is the 11/16 of the DNA intellect....the Missing Link that will complete the DR.Watson, Sherlock Holmes equation of DeoxyribonucLeic. The Base 16 equation was:
5/16 (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) + 11/16 = 1 complete DNA intellectual unit
THe answer lies in Zino particle physics human representative which is tied to the number 11 of Nature's ZINJAN Sku11 project.
Lets establish a reference point here.
In summary, we have Nature's messenger Herbert Spencer (who is composed of atomic DNA and symbolic DNA) explain his theory in 1872 (really a DNA authored theory VIA the alert humanoid messenger named SPENCER).
Then Nature's DNA governmental level .......given the 1872 theory...decided to implement some communications experiments...hence the Darwinian symbolic subset math selection of Doyle...and also the Darwinian selection of names: Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes.
Why not names like: Dr.Smith and Sherlock Jones?
Let's see how Base 16 hexadecimnal DNA word: DeoxyribonucLeic......undergoes evolution with DR.Watson from year 1887/ 1900/ 1903 ........ +50 years to approximately year 1950 and 1953.
Dr.Watson year 1903 with hex DNA subset Doyle
...............+ 50 years of evolution giving
Mr.Watson year 1953.
Gee whiz...that name sounds so familiar. Whar happened around 1953?
Perhaps Mr.Watson is a double-helix name...thus Nature's government have have the WATSON double agents? What is their format from Nature's view?
Now analysis of year 1887 thru 1903 suggested 2 major themes:
- 1st the existemce of the DNA subliminal mind word: DeoxyribonucLeic
- 2nd the existence of DeoxyribonucLeic with 16 symbols
Thus in 1953 we have the emergence of Nature's intellect with 2 subset humans:
- the discovery by Watson at Cavendish Labs...of DNA and ...and himself an example of DNA long-term project plans and destiny VIA Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- the discovery by Watson on IBM of Base 16 hexadecimal data processing sytems. Thus IBM Watson is an example of a DNA government long-term project agent.
Nature's systems display ...
the Double-Helix WATSON intellectual expression.
The evolution of DR.Watson with Sherlock Holmes
The evolution of DR.Watson with Sherlock Holmes
In year 2011..organizations deny their debit to the DNA intllectual structure of Nature...which is regarded as a stupid biochemistry structure without thought. Groups claim full credit for the accomplishments of their labs. It's a big intellectual mistake to disrespect Nature and insult the periodic atomic table government...hence, the SCIENCE WARS ...as universities and companies suffer defeat after defeat....in the symbolic brain cell battle zone.
It's vary obvious to an unbiased reader of the newspaper tragedy reports --> a research scientist with freshman college textbooks for reference ......that an incomplete explanation is given by universities....about their tragedies. For course, Lewis Carroll around year 1865 and Bertrand Russell in year 1910 ...and H.G.Wells, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley already dicussed these problems. Fortunately, the school system taught some of their book messages.
Modern example:
- The Cole Hall shooting in the oceanography class....and news reports OMIT the reference to the George Well war over 1984 and Oceania...and the biased propaganda of parts of the education system...a system that is approved by citizen thoughts.
- The Virginia Tech university shooting of April 16......a biological computer job .... the Base 16 execution scheduled by the DNA cortex computer....using brain COBOL English language computer instructions......with Mr.Cho just a hypnotized pawn in the university SCIENCE WARS.
Why April 14..or April 15? Nature's Base 16 DNA likes the precise April 16th message for the university social science and philosphy/theology departments. Their manipulation of DNA symbolic language resulted in errors in their CAD system = Computer Aided Design.....the error resulting in student CAD --> CAD.avers going to Base 16 Hex'AF' = 175 level of the Af.TERLIFE dimensions of Galileo Base 16 COMPUTER EARTH system 370 of Sartre exitentialism.
Thus the April 16 ...Base 16 bio-computer batch job execution FORMAT ( a batch of students executed).
Thus we have advanced ....social engineering human computer science ..and tragic events.
What else is new?
Pay attention please.
Sherlock Holmes fans are put on notice. Either wake up.....or continue to play nonsense games.
Sherlock Holmes expects alot from you...words are words.....we need accomplishments and need to bring out the more complete explanation. Nature is testing all of us...... I am trying...but I'm just 1 guy. Give me break! Any leadership out there?
Dr.Watson in Afghanistan - British RAF military mystery
The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories have an important influence on modern world affairs. The thoughts, ideas, and detective logic by the author have affected our stream of consciousness ...and have become a part of our symbolic subliminal mind...which particpates in human decisions ....of the individual human or a society..in this case the British and American governments......both ENGLISH language humans with English language symbolic brain computers.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | |
![]() Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Born | Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle 22 May 1859 Edinburgh, Scotland |
Died | 7 July 1930 (aged 71) Crowborough, East Sussex, England |
Occupation | Novelist, short story writer, poet, physician |
Nationality | Scottish |
Citizenship | British |
Genres | Detective fiction, fantasy, science fiction, historical novels, non-fiction |
Notable work(s) | Stories of Sherlock Holmes The Lost World |
Signature | ![]() |
The Sherlock Holmes story " Reigate Puzzle" mentions DR.Watson in Afghanistan. How did Dr.Watson influence the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of the British brain VIA the government military decision-making processes and military expressions?
What is the modern day DR.WATSON "Reigate Puzzle' and the English language soldiers...the British military in Afghanistan?
![]() |
For the British collective MIND ..the key words are:
Reigate Puzzle AFghanistan ...and the algebraic subset letters are:
Re.......Pu......AF.............and then a further subset becomes:
R...................AF = RAF = Royal Air Force ..that implements the symbolic commands of the British collective unconsciousness INTELLECTUAL WAR..... modern group psychology WAR with symbolism,etc...conflicts predicted by others after Sir Arthur Conan Doyle...such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.
But lets stick to the details of this example:
Reigate Puzzle AFghanistan ...and the algebraic subset letters are:
Re.......Pu........AF............. which in COMPUTER EARTH system 370 language is:
Re = Region..data processing region with IBM (Dr.)WATSON Labs
Pu = Processing Unit
AF = Base 16 geography region Hex'A' = 10 thru Hex'F' = 15 and
such a region on EARTH is qualified with the name "AF" Afghanistan.
Thus the war in Afghanistan is composed of several components...a few directly visible and
many indirectly visible --> as Sherlock Holmes taught me. Thus a more accurate description of an EVENT may exist. The newspapers provide an accurate surface veneer of an EVENT.....thus the newspaper READER has the essential DATA needed to solve the deeper mystery. A serious Sherlock Holmes fan ..realizes that thought and concentration over days,weeks, months ...with basic science and math books ...and their CLUES....are needed in year 2013.
The readers of this BLOG ..... you must upgrade your brain...and that starts with upgrading your library with high-school and/or college freshman basic textbooks on: genetics, biochemistry, physics, electronics, algebra, calculus, linear algebra, botany, philosophy, etc.
You can only show respect for Sherlock Holmes thru action.....the first action is SELF-education filled with intense desire and will......and slowly over months and years...you will acquire the basic structure and beauty of a serious, abstract, aware and alert functioning brain ....as outlined in the Sherlock Holmes printed messages to our optical nerve, its symbolic life and our Central Nervous System 370 processor.
Someday I may test you with a puzzle? Will you be ready?
Will you have reference textbooks books to ponder over.....and slowly ...and surely solve the modern mysteries that appear every day in some newspaper.
Why does Great Britain fight Base 16 hexadecimal computer wars? There are a few reasons, but the major factor is the British involvement in the 400 year Galileo Astronomy WAR(see the Blog: Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth).
An outline of the British astronomy military expressions VIA the collective mind government:
1982 British base 16 Hex'FA' --> FALK.land Islands computer earth war region
..........Hex'F'= 15 descending to sea level Hex'A'=10
2013 British Base 16 Hex'AF' --> AFghanistan
computer earth war in the INVERSE hexadecimal universe of EARTH
..........Hex'A' = 10 increasing up mountains to Hex'F' = 15
Thus we have data processing REGION AF (Afghanistan) on COMPUTER EARTH system 370 main frame LANDAU geo-physics processor with Einstein's data processsing DATA FIELD theory applied to farm DATA FIELDs and military battle DATA FIELDS...such as BASE 16 X'AF' = AF.ghanistan.
Representing the BRITISH SCIENCE WARS in data processing war
REGION AF.ghanistan are subset humanoid identifiers:
R.......AF = Royal Air Force....of ROYAL AIR oxygen molecule Base 16 bio-physics humanoid devices with LU = Logical Unit = LUNG. The American Air Force uses BASE 16 hexadecimal weapons such as the F-16 fighter.....a military secret not yet covered by Computer World magazine.
Hexadecimal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oxygen agents exist in theory at Ox = Oxford University....but no Oxford humanoid with self-awareness has been found yet that understands communication theory regarding the subtle situation of oxygen ROYAL AIR military policy. Oxford University students and professors wear cotton oxford button-down shirts ...and BIG BROTHER is pushing their buttons.....and thus the STRING theory physics WAR over puppet string biased student thinkers.
Thus a new generation of leadership is needed for the British university system....the current hypnotized group and their STATE of MIND is known as the COMA cluster....which exists in 2 formats:
- the original definition of astronomy objects/ stars and suns ...millions of miles away
- the local community and its thinkers...who have over-looked major aspects of existence in astrophysics galactic region known as EARTH LAB and its social engineering vectors.
In summary ..we have another contributing component to BRITISH soldier deaths in the
Base 16 INVERSE hexadecimal universe on COMPUTER EARTH....the hex/curse of computer wars.
1982 the regular hex universe X'FA' = 250 --> FA 1k data stream islands war
2013 the hexdecimal inverse...X'AF' = 175 --> AF ghanistan LAN(d) = Local Area Network of the earth geography LAN --> LAND surface processor.
The Base 16 hexadecimal number system can be found in a basic data processing book...it takes a few weeks to get used to it. It's best to learn it.....your LUNG with the atomic oxygen computer base 16..atomic weight 16...needs the proper symbolic knowledge for accurate processing.
Bull story people with nonsense are being phased out by Darwinian symbolic brain evolution. Human LUNG/brain computers have existed for thousands of years......the copper wire computer is just a recent version of Nature's data processing expressions.
Are you getting ready for the Darwinian natural selection process...that is undergoing Nature's testing.
The TEST had an error at Virginia TECH University..with the natural selection of
MR.CHO as the CHOSEN ONE......to carry out the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic English language social anthropology polices.
The Office of Science CHOSEN ONE is Pier odd.ONE with the FermiLAB atomic brain experiments in self-awareness .....with the BATMAN television project based upon the Bat Cave in Batavia, Illinois. And Leon Lederman uses atomic English language symbolism in the BOOK: The God Particle........ messages about the top-secret Chicago Polish...GODZIN physics project.
FermiLAB public relations only recognizes the biased reality that they wish to present to the general public...part of their BRAVE NEW WORLD manipulation policies as predicted by Aldous Huxley.
The 1942/1943 secret Manhattan project called S-1 .....that with number TEN of EARTH LAB Tensor space/time ....expressed itself as the Manhattan project on SEPT 11, 2001.
Thus the incomplete descriptions of the tragedy....with the omitted physics equation:
secret Manhattan project S-1 + TEN of Tensor physics ==>
gives the atomic calender S-11 manifold -->
Sept 11, 2001 and the mathematical-physics MANifold ...... the Folding of the Manhattan Towers...which correlates to the atomic English languages message of J.R.Tolkein.
-->The book "Lord of the Rings" includes messages for the accelerator RING at Batavia and other physics research centers.
-->The book "The Two Towers" includes messages about the pending tragic MESS of the Manhattan Two Towers.
The SYMBOL MACHINE anger / conflict .....
and the symbol transformation to a super-symmetry physics
........ parallel MIRROR EVENT
No one cares. Newspaper editors like incomplete stories; that gives the reader and his optical nerve an opportunity to provide a more COMPLETE description of the tragedy. Am I the only Sherlock Holmes reader that has followed his advice and his techniques with determination.
The Office of Science awareness of EARTH's Sartre existential dimensions needs some inmprovement.....and the Department of Energy...needs some new advanced intellectual energy.
Nature's intellect and the TREE of Knowledge consider humans and their institutions, agencies, and universities as subsets of knowledge.
Dr.Watson in Afghanistan - the math Reigate Puzzle . . the Laurent expansion of war into Afghanistan
Key to additional wisdom of DR. Watson..Internet/BLOG keywords:
- Dr.Watson explains DNA origin of Sherlock Holmes
- Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes - the ETHER brain War
- Dr.Watson in Afghanistan - British RAF computer war
British literature and mathematics have an important influence on modern world military affairs. The thoughts, ideas, and logic by authors such as Lewis Carroll, Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Bertrand Russell and others have affected our stream of consciousness ...and have become a part of our symbolic subliminal mind...which particpates in human daily decisions. Thus symbolic life is composed of math equations, social chemistry formulas, cortex COBOL computer language English language commands, music and song lyrics, art, etc. These optical and audio data formats are input to the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer.......and when data input is composed of garbage...the atomic brain processor computing rule is:
Garbage IN --> Garbage OUT ........and Garbage OUT results in accidents, crime, murder, war, family conflicts, etc.
The Sherlock Holmes story " Reigate Puzzle" with DR.Watson in Afghanistan gives some insight on symbolic mechanics. The story provides math clues to help analyze the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology ... mathematical-physics war such as in Afghanistan.
What are these MATH signals in the Reigate puzzle that are familiar to ALL the serious Sherlock Holomes fans?
Have you overlooked these details?
What kind of Sherlock Holmes fan are you?
Adventure 6: “The Reigate Puzzle”
It was some time before the health of my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes recovered from the strain caused by his immense exertions in the spring of ‘87. The whole question of the Netherland-Sumatra Company and of the colossal schemes of Baron Maupertuis are too recent in the minds of the public, and are too intimately concerned with politics and finance to be fitting subjects for this series of sketches. They led, however, in an indirect fashion to a singular and complex problem which gave my friend an opportunity of demonstrating the value of a fresh weapon among the many with which he waged his life-long battle against crime.
On referring to my notes I see that it was upon the 14th of April that I received a telegram from Lyons which informed me that Holmes was lying ill in the Hotel Dulong. Within twenty-four hours I was in his sick-room, and was relieved to find that there was nothing formidable in his symptoms. Even his iron constitution, however, had broken down under the strain of an investigation which had extended over two months, during which period he had never worked less than fifteen hours a day, and had more than once, as he assured me, kept to his task for five days at a stretch. Even the triumphant issue of his labors could not save him from reaction after so terrible an exertion, and at a time when Europe was ringing with his name and when his room was literally ankle-deep with congratulatory telegrams I found him a prey to the blackest depression. Even the knowledge that he had succeeded where the police of three countries had failed, and that he had outmanoeuvred at every point the most accomplished swindler in Europe, was insufficient to rouse him from his nervous prostration.
Three days later we were back in Baker Street together; but it was evident that my friend would be much the better for a change, and the thought of a week of spring time in the country was full of attractions to me also. My old friend, Colonel Hayter, who had come under my professional care in Afghanistan, had now taken a house near Reigate in Surrey, and had frequently asked me to come down to him upon a visit. On the last occasion he had remarked that if my friend would only come with me he would be glad to extend his hospitality to him also. A little diplomacy was needed, but when Holmes understood that the establishment was a bachelor one, and that he would be allowed the fullest freedom, he fell in with my plans and a week after our return from Lyons we were under the Colonel’s roof. Hayter was a fine old soldier who had seen much of the world, and he soon found, as I had expected, that Holmes and he had much in common.
The Reigate math Puzzle
As you read the explanation.....put you mind in concept mode. For the non-math reader ...don't worry about the details for now. Juat see the big picture of the concept relationships...and that the English language contains within it ...math words that help clarify the deeper meanings and causes of a war/ crime/ conflict...or other events in our daily lives.
Page 1 of the puzzle of the Reigate Puzzle.
1st sentence clue: " They led, however, in an indirect fashion to a singular and complex problem which gave my friend an opportunity of demonstrating the value of a fresh weapon....."
--> a FRESH WEAPON for year 2011 BRITISH military think tanks
and a FRESH WEAPON for the citizen/brain soldier in their own personal INTELLECTUAL WAR...in the BRAVE NEW WORLD of World War 3 composed of the SCIENCE WARS, Neuroscience wars, and the BIOLOGY algebraic subset BLOG WARS.
2nd sentence clue: "The whole question of the Netherland-Sumatra Company and of the colossial schemes of.......and fitted subjects for this series of sketches."
3rd clue is the title: Reigate Puzzle.
I mention these clues in the reverse order of their sequential photon appearence to the eye/optical nerve symbolic processor. This enables us to develop the deductive logic and inferences ..in the Central Nervous System 370 traditions as exemplified by Sherlock Holmes.......who is a symbolic character ...alive and well ..in my symbolic brain and its various subconscious levels. Lets proceed and identify the precise nature of this NEW WEAPON ....with the 3 clues.
1st sentence clue:
" They led, however, in an indirect fashion to a
singular and complex problem which gave..." ..key words:
singular......complex ...which are math SINGULARITIES of COMPLEX math functions of life.
2nd sentence clue:
Netherland-Sumatra ..... for this series --> Key words:
Sumatra expanded = Sum..mat...tra = Sum/total math trap
Series = power series of complex SOCIAL math life ... BIO-MATH COMPLEX variables
3rd clue:
The Reigate PUZZLE with key embedded math military symbols..
Clue 3 --> Z = a + bi = complex number. ZZ implies some math/English language relationship between 2 complex numbers...referred to as a math power series...which in the Darwin evolution of math life has become economic power and political power.
Clue 2 of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle suggests a math sum.
CLue 2 with clue 1 ....suggests a math sum involving SINGULARITIES.
Thus I wonder about these clues...and just happen to have a few complex math books lying around and they mention math existences with these properties. Since these math authors explain it rather good.. ..I'll refer to their concepts. The BLOG reader ought go the main library or college bookstore ...and get a complex math book for details. THe reader must force themselves to learn new basic BRAIN concepts .....THINK like Sherlock Holmes would like us to THINK. One doesn't have to be an expert.....to be vaguely aware of the mathematical-physics components of daily life.
Now we have the major elements:
- the Sherlock Holmes story the Reigate Puzzle
- the 3 clues that have been identified as probable math signals
- the Afghanistan war in Asia with British soldiers ..today and
the Afghanistan war in Asia with Dr.Watson over 100 years ago
What is it about Afghanistan?
Look at geography map or globe?
What did they teach us? What words...
--> an isolated, remote, landlocked country. Okay another word equivalent.....
--> an isolated, singular country .....and on a very small map the country would seen like:
--> an isolated, singular point.
Thus we take these empirical data clues and see if their is a mathematical structure that has the CLUE attributes. Upon review of my modern Sherlock Holmes symbolic tool kit (in this case a complex math book)...I see some keywords --> Isolated singular POINT......gee.... that looks like a abstract description of Afghanistan with WEST POINT math warriors fighting an EARTH math war.
Thus we identify the chapter .
--> Laurent series with
--> Laurent expansion of an analytic function ..then the KEY CONCEPT:
--> Isolated Singular points
Complex Analysis with Applications (Dover Books on Mathematics ...
Afghanistan Maps with math point K = Kabul
Afghanistan as an isolated singular point on the world math map
Let's review the three possibilities mentioned above.
1) The Laurent expansion series equation contains no negative powers of Z - Zo , in which case Zo is called a removable singular point.
2) The Laurent series contains a finite number of negative powers of Z - Zo in which case Zo is called a pole (for details ...ask the Polish math undercover agents in Warsaw or Chicago)
3) The Laurent series contains infinitely many negative powers of Z - Zo, in which case Zo is called an essential singular point.
Thus with Dr. Watson in Afghanistan ....the British math war over 100 years ago
repeated in year 2011 ....the MILITARY question finally becomes clear ....in the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) war zone.
Since Afghanistan is an isolated singular point .....
--> is it a removable singular point ?
--> is it a essential singular point ?
--> Do the Polish people think Afghanistan is a parallel processing POLE ?
But we can't just guess at the answer...soldiers are dying ....while waiting for an accurate math answer to the symbolic military question:
What kind of isolated singular point is Afghnaistan?
Meanwhile the SCIENCE WAR unanswered question...continues with complex math battles in the United States ...with the battle reports with --> Isolated singular point... human AGENTS at university INTELLECTUAL Battle zones. Thus the math news reports of the subconscious mind of the American Mathematical Society of Nature's military forces with:
--> Isolated singular point Mr.Cho and the atomic English language conflict at Virginia TECH
--> Isolated singular point Major Hasan and the FORT HOOD ...math deleted neighbor.HOOD with the University of Texas western movie style shootout....like Shakespeare stated ..the "World is a stage....and thus we have FORT Hood western stage...just like advanced DARPA brain experiments with the GUNSMOKE television program...to program the brain computer"
--> Isolated singular point Steven Kaznierczak at the NIL, Cole Hall shooting. Ask WHY?
WHY Steven K. and his Darwinian selection mission of subsets.
...Y...even..K .....with even math life integer BASE 2..thus
...Y....2....K .... thus the Y2K biological clock brain computer .....and university violations of the YEAR 2000 Time Boundary parameters.
Citizens can't bother with these thoughts....after all ..soldiers fight and die ....and students get killed in the SCIENCE WARS--> Time War component......while citizens drink beer, watch television, talk on the cellular phones, play games, etc. Citizens can't be bothered with providing accurate explanations ...thus per the Carl Jung citizen collective unconsciousness ... incomplete explanations and their implied instructions are given to representatives ...who provide the soldier with some (CARL Jung group style: Myths and dreams) fabricated reason about the TRUE NATURE of the conflict...and the trusting soldier will believe the George Orwell propaganda broadcast VIA television and printed by newpspaers.
But NATURE on the other hand....with Computer EARTH..
has set up the Netherland-Sumatra
Courageous thinkers can approach this 2 ways.....because like it or not...everyone is/or will be affected by the SCIENCE WARS.
--> Those with complex math expertise ....would look at the math military symbolic MAP and its details.
--> Those with non-math experience...would get math textbooks...and study the general concepts ...occasionally try to understand the easy pages ...skip... over the hard stuff for the 1st few years. Think of it ...as a long term brain development project that Sherlock Holmes would approve of.
Remember President Eisenhower spoke about the Military Industrial Complex --> in more precise word...the symbolic MILITARY, INDUSTRIAL hard working numbers of COMPLEX math life variables........ military complex numbers in the SYMBOL MACHINE.
For more information ...about your future in the BIOLOGY subset BLOG WARS (get prepared for the BLOG WARS).....review and study the various topics of the SCIENCE WARS as outlined in the master control BLOG that points to various information sites:
Herb Zinser's Science Wars
Dr.Watson in Afghanistan - the English language and the ETHER brain war
British literature and mathematics have an important influence on modern world affairs. The thoughts, ideas, and detective logic by authors of mystery books,science books, and math books have affected our stream of consciousness ...and have become a part of our symbolic subliminal mind...which particpates in human decisions ....of the individual human or a society..in this case the British and American governments......both composed of ENGLISH language humans with English language symbolic brain computers.
The Sherlock Holmes story " Reigate Puzzle" with DR.Watson in Afghanistan helps explain the problem. In addition the story provides the WORD clues to modern war. What are these WORD signals in the Reigate puzzle that are familiar to ALL serious Sherlock Holmes fans?
Harper's Weekly - Jun 17, 1893 --
Sherlock Holmes "The Reigate Puzzle"
IT WAS some time before the health of my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes recovered from the strain caused by his immense exertions in the spring of ’87. The whole question of the Netherland-Sumatra Company and of the colossal schemes of Baron Maupertuis are too recent in the minds of the public, and are too intimately concerned with politics and finance to be fitting subjects for this series of sketches. They led, however, in an indirect fashion to a singular and complex problem which gave my friend an opportunity of demonstrating the value of a fresh weapon among the many with which he waged his lifelong battle against crime.On referring to my notes I see that it was upon the fourteenth of April that I received a telegram from Lyons which informed me that Holmes was lying ill in the Hotel Dulong. Within twenty-four hours I was in his sick-room and was relieved to find that there was nothing formidable in his symptoms. Even his iron constitution, ..........
My old friend, Colonel Hayter, who had come under my professional care in Afghanistan, had now taken a house near Reigate in Surrey and had frequently asked me to come down to him upon a visit. On the last occasion he had remarked that if my friend would only come with me he would be glad to extend his hospitality to him also. A little diplomacy was needed, but when Holmes understood that the establishment was a bachelor one, and
Ops! Have you overlooked these details?
What kind of Sherlock Holmes fan are you?
Are you a lazy intellectual...unable to self-educate yourself ......an educational processs that is much easier today...than it was in year 1890. Okay...I admit I was sort of laid back in my younger days..but I have re-discovered Sherlock Homes.........and I conveniently blame others for my earlier mental lapse. I was tricked by the Virginia TECH University English department and the world-wide university system secret language trick ...as expressed in the Reigate Puzzle key sentence:
"The whole question of the
Netherland-Sumatra Company and of the colossial schemes..."-->
thus we have English language words embedded in the sentence...
ETHER--> is a symbolic word command to anesthetize the eye/optical nerve symbolic processor....causing loss of optical alertness and loss of symbolic awareness.
"The whole question of the
Netherland-Sumatra Company
and of the colossial schemes..."-->
The pattern revealed by the Reigate Puzzle ...is used by university English departments with EAR head citizens and their governments approval...the usage of parallel processing tricks to manipulate an educated, serious thinker. The deliberate usage of symbolic manipulation by those in a TRUST position is forbidden by the atomic brain laws of Nature.
The human population has evolved into 2 groups:
The EYE people with math equations, physics, engineering, chemistry lab experiments and other serious calculations and the EAR/MOUTH people and their volume of social nonsense..fun talk that doesn't explain much. This is changing as the optical symbolic WAR proceeds under Nature's intellect.
We have 2 basic formats for the existence of ETHER:
- the physical format of ETHER used by early doctors and dentists to minimize pain
- the modern SYMBOL MACHINE ...symbol format of ether ( using nouns, verbs, math equations, biochemistry flowcharts) .... to make clear thinking students ...become ether/coma/trance puppets of Margaret Mead nuclear family puppet string theory ...an application of string theory physics to the human atomic brain.
Major words with embedded symbolic ETHER brain commands...are the word--> Netherlands and the word--> whether....both have ETHER as a subset word.
How is trick used on television?
The television science show NOVA...has put SYMBOLIC Novocain into the professor brains,research scientists, engineers and their students....all very happy and very confident of their intellectual.......STATE of MIND......symbols/ word anesthetics. The books BRAVE NEW WORLD and 1984 warned us.....but who cares about such trival matters. Newspaper sports and restaurant menus are the modern intellectual food for thought.
Meanwhile we have the English language BRAIN WAR with human social science chicken intellectuals.
Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead discussed the "Featherless bipeds" problem in Principia Mathematica in year 1910.....over 100 years ago....and the university and institutional intellectual VOID continues....but is filled with many inventive,artificial stories.
Let's trace the symbolic brain WAR SIGNALS of the English language war...while the hypnotized guardians of language have their Mafia-style CODE of Silence.
The message components are: English, Library, Read with their physical representation via the tragedies:
- English department shooting at Virginia Tech University
- Library shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado
- Read Center shooting at Fort Hood Soldier Read/Readiness Center
Thus we see the components of the language war: English, Library, Read.....a Central Nervous System 370 symbolic brain computer message for those that care about the WORD of HONOR.
Hypnotized newspaper reporters and editors don't care about the brain/optical nerve symbolic war and its transformation to physical battles. They could care less about the integrity of the English language; and thus they could care less about helping me explain the SCIENCE WARS and the INTELLECTUAL WARS. Perhaps their are some exceptions. Who are they? Can you help English class 101?
The Beattles music group had a song called HELP ....a message from their British Liverpool collective subliminal mind. Even Beattles music fans don't care...well, perhaps they didn't understand the deeper, hidden levels of the molecular cell biology LIVER song. Now they do..and now they can show that they are responsible audio fans.
Dr. Watson explains the DNA origin of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and atomic English language evolution
DR.Watson in Afghanistan is mentioned in the Sherlock Holmes story the " Reigate Puzzle". Can this puzzle help year 2013 English language soldiers in Afghanistan ...the British soldiers and the American soldiers? Yes.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Adventure 6: “The Reigate Puzzle”
Three days later we were back in Baker Street together; but it was evident that my friend would be much the better for a change, and the thought of a week of spring time in the country was full of attractions to me also. My old friend, Colonel Hayter, who had come under my professional care in Afghanistan, had now taken a house near Reigate in Surrey, and had frequently asked me to come down to him upon a visit.
News for british army afghanistan 2013
International forces will provide advice to Afghan military until 2020
UK forces: operations in Afghanistan - Detailed guidance - GOV.UK
Images for british army afghanistan 2013
Physical army
Images for british army afghanistan 2013
Intellectual army of symbols and concepts
Operation Herrick 18 include elements
Operation Herrick 18 include elements of water moelcule atomic mass 18
Water signal ... algebra subset = Wat --> Watson military code for British
John H. Watson | |
Sherlock Holmes character | |
![]() Dr. Watson (left) and Sherlock Holmes, by Sidney Paget. |
First appearance | A Study in Scarlet |
Last appearance | "His Last Bow" |
Created by | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Information | |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Physician |
Title | Doctor |
Nationality |
By understanding the atomic English language and the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family - atomic social anthropology ..........serious Sherlock Holmes analysts may help upgrade the atomic bio-physics symbolic DATA STREAM of consciousness that our atomic brain symbolic computer uses to make decisions...including military decisions.
The atomic brain needs more accurate,multi-level models of reality; rather then the detailed surface veneer explanations printed in newspapers. Those details are a good starting point for modern day Sherlock Holmes symbolic sons and daughters....and these modern Sherlock Holmes students have a duty to carry on his tradition.....in figuring out the hidden details of a tragic EVENT and its significance. After 4 years of pondering over the nuclear anthropology component of the STANDARD Model physics Hierarchy Problem ...I would like to enlist serious thinkers into the process....that may want an interesting activity ...as a substitute for passive television,etc.
First, we must realize the origin of thought. Solid-state human individuals that stand on solid ground realize that they are composed of atoms; their brain is composed of atoms; therefore all thoughts must originate from the interior of the atom........that is true....unless you are ....(see the BLOG: Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth)
The periodic atomic government expresses itself in various formats.
Early formats...millions of years ago ....by the atomic design team of oxygen, nitrogen,etc. and their engineering thoughts ...were the botany cellulose plant FORMAT and the starting FORMAT for the Tree of Knowledge. Atomic designers working for the periodic table government ...then engineered dinosaurs ...and the process continued.
Then came monkeys ....etc.... and finally humans that like to monkey around with symbols and tricks ....... the conversion of the atomic English language word:
Monkey becomes the word stem (see STEM cell research tricks).
Mon + Key --> Money and Keyesian economics of 1932...with
Mon --> Monday the start of the atomic data bus ..business week
Hence, the TRUE NATURE of the 1925 MONKEY TRIAL with Tennesee school teacher John T. Scopes.... involved the Roaring Twenties ($20 Dollar Bill rackets) and then the 1932 recommended fix proposed by the Keyesian economic model. The elite Feed --> Feederal Reserve Bank and their money feed university friends ... do not discuss biased monetary history stories.
Thus the outline that you must consider
.....as you ponder the deeper levels of 1935 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
.... Carl Jung's collective unconciosness experiments with the 1950 Joseph Stalin farm collectives
......of Pavlov's recent stimulus amd repsonse experiment of the U.S.government with the economic psychology THRILL of the TRILLION dollar money stimulus for the BEDROOM mortgage housing industry.....has produced a ZERO intellectual RESPONSE. Of the television show ..DEEP SPACE NINE...with character DAX who is TRILL...is the symbolism for the TRILLION dollar manipulations with atomic brain computer subroutine name: Dax = Data axons...that trace the information flow of monetary decisions by the TRILL people and their
(human brain cell WA11--> WA11 Street insider trading ..inside the brain and the manipulation problems by the CITIZEN collective mind)
This proper philosophical perspective was expressed around year 1600 by the atomic English department of William Shakespeare:
..................... "The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
In modern concepts: "The WORLD is an atomic stage and we are the symbolic processing layers"
We will look at the modern stage performances of the Margaret Mead nuclear family - atomic social anthropology performances VIA the atomic structure of DNA. Thus the levels of our Sartre existence:
1st --> the atomic level and its intellect. At some point in evolution, the atomic intellect was curious...and said to itself... I wonder if I can design and engineer a molecule.
2nd --> the first basic molecules came into existence....and being good molecular students ..molecules learned how to think ...from their atomic parents. These basic molecules started thinking.....can we design and build a complex molecule....and so they did.
step k of this process .....can an atom have math and calculus thoughts.
Thus atom K = 19 electrons of potassium began to.... th--> hin..thin...
thinK ..of the next thought.....
thinK + 1.
step k+1 ...the origin of the law of mathematical induction and evolution. Thus an atomic biochemistry component: advanced mathematics
step n ..step o ...step p (the atomic alphabet letters n, o, p ) had a conference (millions of years ago in your primordial atomic family history) and
--> capital letter N said ..I represent the Nitrogen atom 14 for the periodic atomic table government
--> capital letter O said...I will symbolize element Oxygen 16
--> capital letter P pondered.....P = Project Plan.....what can Nitrogen and Oxygen do ....oh
they can build an atomic computer processor .....using COMPUTER EARTH system 370 concepts ....thus letters N, O, P became the 1st Nitrogen Oygen Processor and was named LU = Logical Unit = Lung base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer.
...thus the process of atomic thought and its evolution. We have an rough outline of the conceptual evolution of atomic formats...and now we shall look at a specfic outline:
Dr. Watson explains the DNA government from aproximate time period from 1872 (Herbert Spencer..Principles of Biology) thru 1910...and the consequences continue to today.
As mentioned, as the primary level of expression, we have the periodic atomic table government and its formats. One such FORMAT are atomic bio-physics humans that may have an active abstract brain symbolic processor....a cortex computer that tries to do accurate data processing.
Such humans are composed of DNA, thus Nature's intellect can use these EARTH LAB experimental humans as lab specimens for symbolic and social engineering experiments. Thus Nature and atoms are the directors at various existential levels AND 2-legged humanoid students and professors are the Lewis Carroll guinea-pigs (see the BLOGs that explain that).
Now lets go time period around year 1890...and position our point of view at the DNA government level and its projects of expression. The physical evolution of DNA has been mostly completed, thus the symbolic evolution of the DNA English social language becomes important (for Nature's message processing experiments ... with the Ox = Oxford University humanoid LUNG ox = oxygen atomic computer Base 16 hexadecimal awareness systems of year 1890).
Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin are advisors to the DNA government of Nature...and its DNA applications to subset human ..symbolic lab specimens. Darwin natural selection...suggested to DNA that it select a educated human ..whose name might suggest that he/she is a messenger for DNA and its symbolic life. The law of math life and algebraic subets.....was used by the DNA decision process in the symbolic selection of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle .....as writer, author, messenger for the atomic English language and its molecular English language social science expressions. What was the algebraic subset rule of selection used by DNA?
Dr. Watson - 1893
Dr. Watson - 1953 appears at Cambridge with DNA
DNA --> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters + Base 4 letters.
DNA --> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c + A c i d
subset.. D...o ..y...................Le ................
thus Doy.Le --> DNA Subset
...........Lead messenger .....with Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson
Thus the internal social/intellectual thoughts of DNA's symbolic nature inside the biological body of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle....is converted VIA the Doyle transformation process to external messages printed on cellulose paper. Hence DR.WATSON and Sherlock Holmes are really DNA symbolic life fomats ...that VIA the DNA selected messenger DOYLE ...had their ideas printed as the SHerlock Holmes signals to Queen Victoria.....of the Victorian time period of the periodic atomic table. Other atomic govermnent humanoid messengers were:
--> Russia with Mendeleev and the atomic table
--> Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead..year 1910 Principia Mathematicia
--> and many others in math, physics, genetics,etc.
The list goes on....a demonstration of our subset relationship with NATURE'S vast intellect.
If Doyle had had a lazy brain and lazy will power . . . then he would not have been a candidate for Darwinian symbolic selection as a DNA social science ...DNA mystery messenger.
We have the approximate time period from 1872, 1884 , 1900, thru 1916 as the atomic government started its atomic mass...mass communications with science books, math books, and DNA mystery books.
Thus we come to the next stage of the DNA symbolic life ....a description of the symbolic evolution of the DNA intellect.
The year 1890 thru 1900 had:
DNA --> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters of the hexadecimal molecular computer of
DNA --> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c with
subset D...o ..y...............Le ................
the external proper noun label (Doyle) of physical entity Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ...while his internal government is composed of the :
DeoxyribonucLeic 16 data processing symbols.
Repeating the concept:
--> his internal government has the complete DNA algebra of 16/16ths = 1
of the DNA word: DeoxyribonucLeic while
--> his external identifier is the subset word Doyle which is 5/16 of DeoxyribonucLeic.
Thus we have the Missing LINK ...missing message problem of the anthropology family.
The book: Contact by Carl Sagan addresses this communication issue under the auspices of radio astronomy.
Doyle is 5/16 of DeoxyribonucLeic leaving a remainder of 11/16 ....11 is the mathematical integer attribute of FermiLAB bio-physics SKU11 problem..the Standard Model Hierarchy Problem.
The Fer m i _ _ LAB--> missing gestalt completion letters
........m i _ _ --> is 1/2 of the atomic word: mind
........m i _ d --> 3/4 of mind = component blood plas.MID
........m i n d --> Nature's completion of atomic mind
FermiLab theorists thought they solved the math number 11 ...SKU11 problem using the Spanish Language agent from Peru to use spanned numeric data records to bridge over the EVEN intger atomic mathematical-physics data space.
Thus Office of Science selection of odd integer agent:
Pier ODD.One = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, SKU11.
Thus the ODD integer agent is 1/2 of math life as clearly stated by their proper noun EARTH LAB EARTH LAB identifier:
Fermi?? as in
The male scientists feel their subliminal MIND allegiance to the
female math GODDESS of ODD integers provides them with such supreme intellectual powers
that they can IGNORE modern Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology evolution ...social laws of NATURE...consequently the Hierarchy Problem of human representatuive for symbolic life and its role in Sartre existential dimensions on EARTH. Thus the illusion of FermiLAB theorists that their director of ODD integer space, their alliance with the bedroom GODDESS, their silnece about the Margaret Mead nuclear family...social anthropology project ERRORS.
Thus some of the pieces of the puzzle to the Hierarchy problem involve:
even integers...2..4..6..8..10..carbon 12 atomic clock hours of organic life fomats like Y2K humans .....and the astrophysiocs galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) with Earth Lab even integer data space of sample space of EVENTS ....the EVENT HoRIZON as outlined by Hawking, Gibbons, and other undercover agents of the Milky Way military analysis team.
Now while Pier Oddone is very qualified for his job; Nature is not fooled by the Office of Science secret SPANISH trick .....of spanned data records...
or the electron orb.ITAL trick of atomic life
.....................ITAL.IAN language trick. I doubt that Pier was told the details of the Darwinian atomic selection process and the Washington,DC secrets of biased Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology policy.....in direct violation of the Margaret Mead SALT TREATY between humans and the 11 protons of Salt/sodium of the periodic atomic table government.
Nor is Nature impressed by the
economic ORBITAL theory of
............ITALY and Italian brain electron smarts amd the BS economic racketts in Kenosha Wisconsin and the Chrysler Engine factory. Fiat scientists ought explain the
Chrysler SYMBOLIC ENGINE news about BRAVE NEW WORLD...and the ALDO murder over the ALDO Huxley book. Thus we have the atomic brain structure.......components partially explained by the good gentlemen Pier ODDONE...
and his subliminal mind research into
the brain elctron orb.ITAL ...ITALIAM component and the SPAN...Allen Green.SPAN and money and SPAN.ish language inside the atom. The human is compose of atoms, therefore human thoughts must originate from inside the atom,
therefore SOCIAL languages are really symbolic SOCIAL expresions on the ATOM;
parallel are the TECHINICAL languages with their atomic expressions ...such as a nuclear power plant used to generate electricity. The university BULL-stories and secrets about the secret atomic languges are inappropraite in year 2011....and the accrediation is in question ...of majors universities and their SECRET social science mnaipulation schemes...actually well-known thru many books like: Brave New World, 1984, Battlefield Earth, Future Shock,etc.
Continuing....we have word FERMI which is 5 symbols ..
representing 5/16 of the 16 symbols of
Deoxyribonucliec theory agents in Batavia ...and Nature has
.....ribon.....a part of a ribbon of string theory...applied to
atomic social scicne stories...STRING ME ALONG with BS...a subject
covered by Rudolf Carnap in Foundations of Logic and Matheamtics...
Rules of the Semantical System B-S (Bull Shirt equation minus r = ?????)
AND section
On the construction of a Language System...
System Z (thus the atomic number of 26 protons of ferrous oxide of the iron Hemeoglobin proteins and the new version of the atomic English langauge of 26 proton alphabet letters used by humans at FermiLAB...thast continue to use out-of-date, discontinued Hemoglobin ..ironic message processing systems). I think they may have been hypnotized...as I was probably....and perhaps I have emerged from the BRAVE NEW WORLD coma.....and Nature decided I ought help explain the situation. But I could use some help also.....since this is such a complicated atomic social psychology task.....of applied bio-physics Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology.
The symbolic Fermi 5/16 leaves a remainder of 11/16 ...per number 11 of SKU11.
Thus the 11/16 of the DNA intellect....the Missing Link that will complete the DR.Watson, Sherlock Holmes equation of DeoxyribonucLeic. That hexadecimal DNA Base 16 equation was:
5/16 (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) + 11/16 = 1 complete DNA intellectual unit
The answer lies in Zino particle which is tied to the number 11 of Nature's ZINJAN Sku11 project and involves many factors.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | |
![]() Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Born | Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle 22 May 1859 Edinburgh, Scotland |
Died | 7 July 1930 (aged 71) Crowborough, East Sussex, England |
Occupation | Novelist, short story writer, poet, physician |
Nationality | Scottish |
Citizenship | British |
100 years after Sir Arther Conan Doyle
... his symbolic son Governor Doyle of Wisconsin
44th Governor of Wisconsin | |
In office January 6, 2003 – January 3, 2011 |
Lieutenant | Barbara Lawton |
Preceded by | Scott McCallum |
Succeeded by | Scott Walker |
Thus .. these factors and Wisconsin citizens that can display ZIN knowledge... can explain the puzzle of the Reigate Puzzle.