Dr.Watson's secret cryptic messages explain modern wars.

Dr.Watson explains the Penn State chemistry department experimental trial of Avogadro's number with Jerry Sandusky and the Sherlock Holmes undercover agent for the Red-Headed League.

Permalink 12/10/13 13:13, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

Herb Zinser's Science Reports -  year  2013 

The Adventure of the Red-Headed League .

The modern Sherlock Holmes mystery with red-headed Mike McQueary, Jerry Sandusky, Penn State University, and Cambridge University social chemistry.

"The Adventure of the Red-Headed League" is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It first appeared in The Strand in August 1891.

In this story, Watson takes on a new position, doing clerical work. He found this exciting job through an ad which specified red-headed men only need apply.


The (modern) Adventure of the Red-Headed (Football) League

mike football 2

Plot summary -

Adaptations -  Penn State University 

Sandusky trial: Former assistant coach Mike McQueary testifies

Mike McQueary - football recruiting
Mike McQueary was an assistant football coach at Pennsylvania State University until late in the 2011 football season. Wikipedia

Born: 1975, State College
Education: Pennsylvania State University
Position: Quarterback

The United States parallel to the Sherlock Holmes story is described below.
What has happened.....according to super-symmetry physics, parallel processing mirrors,  and theoretical analysis of the atomic English language ..... is that the original story written in year 1891 was been converted to REALITY in year 1991 at Penn State.

In year 1891 ..it was a fictional story ..that could have happened ..back them. That story was read by the British magazine audience ..... and subsequently read by Americans.
The original story ...... over a time period of 100 years...went from a fictional structure in the human stream of consciousness (STATES of MIND) to emerge in American society as a non-fictional structure in 1991 at Penn State University.

Let's repeat those concepts and the language process control system involved.

In year 1891 ....we have proper nouns/concepts printed in the STRAND magazine.
Keywords -->

- word LOCK is a subset of word sherLOCK
- word LOCK ...the story involved a planned bank theft of the safe/LOCK
- Pen --> writing instrument used by Sir Arther Conan Doyle
- Red Headed --> a man with red hair ..in the fictional story

...now  something happens in NATURE's systems ...and then emerges in 1991.

What happened? That requires further study ..and the blog readers can provide that investigative role. They can form some coordinated group to help with the research and the flowchart models that will help explain these things.

At this point.......we see the empirical data situation in year 1991.
Let's compare .....
year 1891 ------> 100 years ---------> 1991

- ink pen of Doyle ---> thin ink --> think pen ---> Penn State
- sherLOCK ---------------> Locker room problem
- story RED-Headed --------> witness Mike McQueary
- League ------------------> football sports leaguage

We are reminded ...of Willian Shakespeare statement
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the players"...............

in modern words/example
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the football players at PENN STATE"


Let's look at the Penn State situation from another  view   ...... advanced chemistry experiments on EARTH LAB.



  1. Penn State Scandal Timeline: Key Dates In The Jerry Sandusky Sex ... 

    Nov 9, 2011 – 1969 – Jerry Sandusky starts his coaching career at Penn State ... 1998 – Victim 6 is taken into thelocker rooms and showers when he is 11 years old. .... incidents of .





'The Sandusky 8' describe seduction, molestation and betrayal - CNN 

Jun 17, 2012 – Eight young men testified they were molested by Jerry Sandusky as .... waterbed and soaped them up in Penn State's locker room showers.

Guilty verdicts in Jerry Sandusky molestation trial 
Guilty verdicts in Jerry Sandusky mole    station



  1. Penn State Department of Chemistry 

    Programs in the core areas of chemistry: organic, inorganic, analytical, biological, and physical and graduate research in the interdisciplinary areas of: life ...

Mole (unit) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mole is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to express amounts of a chemical substance, defined as the amount of any substance that contains as many ...

Definition and related concepts - ‎History - ‎The mole as a unit 


Guilty verdicts in Jerry Sandusky mole trial



Jun 22, 2012 – Jerry Sandusky led out of courthouse ... Sandusky molested him in the locker-room showers and in hotels while trying to ensure ...

Avogadro's number is one of the fundamental constants of chemistry. It permits calculation of the amount of pure substance(mole),
the basis of stoichiometric    relationships.

the basis of stoichiometric relation   hips.

There was Jerry Sandusky standing naked in the showers behind a boy, slowly moving his (bio-molecule expression hips, Mike McQueary testified. He said he had no doubt he was witnessing anal sex.
Avogadro's number is one of the fundamental constants of chemistry.
Avogadro's number is one of the fundamental constants of chemistry.
Avogadro's number is one of the    .......mental constants of chemistry.
It also makes possible determination of how much heavier a simple molecule of one gas is than that of another, as a result the relative molecular weights of gases can be ascertained by comparing the weights of equal volumes.
Thus  we see a unique PENN State  experiment  in social chemistry.
Let's look at the locker toom experiment ...the parallels to ...say a chemsitry LAB study of Avogadro's number.
1) instead of a chemistry LAB container.......consider the locker room SHOWER stall as a container.
2) in the chemistry LAB container are molecules ....in the SHOWER stall container are  water drops ..from the shower nozzle that simulate individual molecular particles.        Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions  ..... is  a helpful  concept here..
3) the  pair of humans in the SHOWER stall  ( Jerry Sandusky and the student)   have genetics with  23 chromosome pairs .....
........thus ........the test  human pair ...providing   the   23 chromosome exponent for the equation.
(Avogadro's number) is 6.022 X 1023

Thus we see Nature.....and some new type of  social engineering  SIGNALING format ...that we ought try to undertsand.
We have a few  pieces to an interesting puzzle .......  despite the emotional hardship it has caused.
A deeper message exists ....... perhaps  from the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness  or the atomic/astrophysics continuum or.....?



800 × 400 - Avogadro - Urto efficace - di Teresa Celestino - Chimica

NA  ---->  North Anerica 23 chromosome pairs  .......... messages waiting 

Avogadro's constant is a scaling factor between macroscopic and microscopic (atomic scale) observations of nature. As such, it provides the relation between other physical constants and properties. For example, it establishes a relationship between the gas constant R and theBoltzmann constant kB,     

Eight young men testified they were molested by Jerry ....... empirical data  fits the equation below.

Eight ... a  reminder of Nature's messenger Timothy McVeigh(t) and  oxygen atomic mass code 16 and atomic number 8 .....  giving  Nature's  signal of 168 dead in O= Oxygen quantum state  of Oklahoma.

Eight young men testified they were molested by Jerry ....... empirical data  fits the equation below.

R = k_{\rm B} N_{\rm A} = 8.314\,472(15)\ {\rm J\,mol^{-1}\,K^{-1}}\,

number 8  and  symbol J  --> Jerry is the symbol agent ......  the S.I. Hayakawa theory of  the living language symbols and their actualiztion ...... that .......... becomes real life  with  Penn State social chemsitry.

Eight young men testified they were  mole by J  ..... by chemistry  equations

R = k_{\rm B} N_{\rm A} = 8.314\,472(15)\ {\rm J\,mol^{-1}\,K^{-1}}\,
Above, mol exponent  -1 ... perhapssome new of existence  ...expressedas a level of social behavior...the -1 level.

Dr.Watson in the optical nerve language MILITARY meets the FCC and the light bulb optics WAR.

Permalink 12/10/13 18:24, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Dr.Watson has been re-activated to military duty in the Angstrom amplitude mountains of the Afghanistan elctromagnetic spectrum.

The Sherlock Holmes story " Reigate Puzzle" mentions DR.Watson in Afghanistan.

What is the modern day DR.WATSON and the British Military in Afghanistan? In modern communications theory of molecular cell social biology we have the DNA Afghanistan WAR messages for Watson and Crick.

Using United States SCIENCE WAR agency terminology we have the parallel:

external electromagnetic field evolution
--> FCC = Federal Communications Commission ....
..............the double-helix internal message system is:

DNA FCC = Francis C. Crick and DNA wireless Cricket broadband system.

Why is electromagnetic DNA --> EM DNA a problem?

Nature is constantly evolving and occcasionally mutations occur with errors: either physical mutations which have obvious physical visibility or the hidden symbolic thought mutations inside the human brain. In year 2011, the evolution of brain electron thought circuits with EM humans --> EM = EM.ployees and EM.bassy diplomats....have aquired this hidden EM feature of the subliminal mind. The conscious mind is oblivious to this process; but an objective science student realizes that this EM feature would explain many types of thinking and opinions as demonstrated on television talk shows and radio talk shows. Nature's warning message to civilization's comatose intellectuals. Thus the few remaining independent thinkers that read and understand the signifinance of this BLOG message ...many wish to send an e-mail to a university science department.


The super-symmetry bio-optical physics  light bulb used by the citizen government  for optical military attacks on the human eye/optical nerve/ brain SYMBOL MACHINE.

Thus the Darwinian evolution from the year 1953 Cavendish Labs DNA model ...to the year 2010 DNA electromagnetic mutations of television, radio, cellular phones, etc. The INTELLECTUAL WAR of the HIDDEN human subliminal mind.....is being fought VIA the Francis C. Crick DNA extension --> DNA Crick.et(ethics) broadband wireless INTERNET services. Thus the BRAVE NEW WORLD new world electron battle FORMAT:

copper wire PERSONAL COMPUTER electrons and their thoughts VS
biological ..PERSON...COMPUTER brain electron thoughts

Thus we have NATURE's announcement of a new dimension of electron warfare--> the new
VIRGIN Technology used in the shooting battle..the subtle, indirect message of the Virginia TECH University tragedy..... the brain electron design English language tragic message....with university CAD = Computer Aided Design of student CAD = CADAVERS.

Nature has human agents...to speak on behalf of Nature's intellect. Margaret Thatcher, the IRON LADY, is a ferrous oxide atomic agent for the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology...atomic government of the periodic table of elements of physics particle social expressions. The SCIENCE WAR needs intellectual warriors....that understand the basic symbolism and parallels of this BLOG. If so, we need some sort of alliance ..to effectively challenge those humans under the hypnotic trance whose potential existence was predicted by books: BRAVE NEW WORLD and 1984. Year 1984 was over 26 years ago.....hypnosis and thought distortion have had 26 ferrous oxide PROTON atomic years to evolve. Now I predict.... we may have a new version of BRAVE NEW WORLD....brave thinkers with clear, accurate understandings of basic social engineering processes and their feedback error systems.
Anyone out there? Any suggestions on how to have a unified group of SCIENCE WAR intellectual warrriors?

Brain radio neurotransmitter secret humanoid agents: DNA FCC = DNA Francis C. Cricket type scientists ....have yet to communicate to a analyst of NATURE: HERBERT MAX ZINSER.......Nature's symbolic son for Maxwell equations, Hertzian waves, and the bio-physics project plan........... Max Plan of Max Planck.

Update your symbolic brain life. The symbolic proper nouns: Sherlock Holmes and DR.Watson are symbol humans living in your optical nerve, brain memory, and your bio-optical computer SYMBOL MACHINE processor. They need news about their 100 year investigation into the subliminal mind of society and societies secret languages. Their hidden research now comes to light. Your blood/barrier barrier .....barrier to knowledge awaits the SIGNAL to wake up. Be intellectually BRAVE and become the next generation of: the Brave New World of accurate thinkers.

The Beattles of LIVER molecular cell biology came from LIVERPOOL, England and sent a science message to the world ...VIA song "Help". Why am I the only guy helping? The SCIENCE WARS need active brain warriors. The "HELP" song involved British scientists at the University of Liverpool....so while we are late....lets get started in year 2011 to solve the usage of brain hypnosis as a military weapon.

Now, in year 2011 we have the current optical nerve .... brain war zone with light bulbs.
Thus we see the modern photon light bulb-war ..... the electromagnetic helix wars with Washington, DC and their approval of optical nerve manipulation plots. Notice that the geometry of the new light bulbs is helix shaped ..... the Double-helix and the Double-cross ... treason in the intellectual optic wars. Thus the optic war battlefield and Virginia TECH English class 101 for eyes/retina/iris/pupils ..... a study in the CAUSE and EFFECT of VIRGIN TECH technology optical schemes and the very incomplete explanation about the TRUE, deeper nature of the tragic shooting.

Sherlock Holmes, Professor Nick Manton of Cambridge University, and Mike McQueary of the Red Headed League explain Penn State and the SKYrmions war ZONE.

Permalink 12/10/13 18:30, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

Sherlock Holmes, Professor Nick Manton of Cambridge University,  Mike McQueary of the  Red Headed League explain the Penn State  and the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue  astronomy SKYrmions  war ZONE for control of EARTH base 16 space/time.


The Adventure of the Red-Headed League .

The modern Sherlock Holmes mystery with red-headed Mike McQueary, Jerry Sandusky, Penn State University, and Cambridge University astrophysics.

"The Adventure of the Red-Headed League" is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It first appeared in The Strand in August 1891.

In this   (evolution of Watson) story, Watson takes on a new position, doing clerical work. 

He found this exciting job through an ad

which specified red-headed men only need apply.


mike football 2

Plot summary -


Sandusky trial: Former assistant coach Mike McQueary testifies

Mike McQueary - football recruiting
Mike McQueary was an assistant football coach at Pennsylvania State University until late in the 2011 football season. Wikipedia

Born: 1975, State College
Education: Pennsylvania State University
Position: Quarterback

The United States parallel to the Sherlock Holmes story is described below.
What has happened.....according to superymmetry physics and theoretical analysis of the atomic English language ..... is that the original story written in year 1891 was been converted to REALITY in year 1991 at Penn State.

In year 1891 ..it was a fictional story ..that could have happened ..back them. That story was read by the British magazine audience ..... and subsequently read by Americans.
The original story ...... over a time period of 100 years...went from a fictional structure in the human stream of consciousness (STATES of MIND) to emerge in American society as a non-fictional structure in 1991 at Penn State University.


The Sherlock Holmes adaptation .....EVENT description...empirical DATA.

Jerry Sandusky trial: Star witness Mike McQueary takes stand ...

by Michael Muskal
Jun 13, 2012 – Mike McQueary, a former assistant coach at Penn State, described seeing Jerry Sandusky in the shower with a boy. Next on the stand: Alleged ...

Mike McQueary takes the stand - ESPN

mike 3 football

WEDNESDAY 14 July @ 7pm: "The Red-Headed League" a Sherlock Holmes Mystery

In this story, Watson takes on a new position, doing clerical work. He found this exciting job through an ad which specified red-headed men only need apply. Out of the blue, the office is closed, and a sign posted "Red-Headed League is dissolved, as of today". Mighty suspicious, eh? Find out more 



Let's look at the situation  ..from another angle .....astronomy and astrophysics  applications on EARTH LAB.

Why this approach?  
We see a pattern of astronomy signals.....that suggest that there is battle for control of EARTH.

Let's look at the SKY & Telescope magazine signals.

  1. Sky & Telescope

    www.skyandtelescope.com/Cached - Similar
    Sky & Telescope covers the latest in night-sky events, astronomy news, astrophotography, and how-to observing tips, plus video... Sky & Telescope Magazine ...



Sky & Telescope


Jerry Sandusky trial:   Star witness Mike McQueary takes stand ...


  1. Penn State Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics

    www.astro.psu.edu/Cached - Similar
    Part of the Eberly College of Science with major programs in space-based, ground-based, and theoretical astrophysics. Includes details of study programs, ...



Search This Site, Search Other Penn State Astro Sites, Search ...

Sandusky trial   : Star witness Mike McQueary takes stand ...


Jerry last name...as the  algebra union of  2 words ....gives .. 
Sand..union..sky     .... trial   :  Star witness

Thus we see the EARTH continuum message ...... from Sand beaches (silicon) to astronomy  SKY.


sky trial   : Star witness ....... the subliminal mind of  astronomy/ astrophysics professors



And ... we have a history of  ignored  astronomy messages for  Earthlings and the SETI Institute.


Ken Starr .... says he's sorry about Clinton/Lewin.sky case | Politics Blog ...

Feb 16, 2010 – Ken Starr says he's sorry about Clinton/Lewinsky case ... Starr, who has been dean of California's Pepperdine Law School, leavened the ...


Thus we see ....VIA  supersysmmetry physics/mechanics concepts
....  the repeat of the President Clinton ..... clinical trial  and its  message processing  EVENT parameters.

--> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,  Lewin.SKY,  Ken STARR  
--> Pennsylvania State Universe test,  Jerry  SAND.U.SKY, Star witness

Santa Monica Boulevard - - ->  Santa Monica  information highway
---> with harmonic   waves  of  monica Lewin (Genetics of Benjamin Lewin sky and telescope journals)




Thus we have 2 signals  ---> 2 EVENTS ....that involve the SKY ...bringing  to mind New York City SKY ..sky scrapers  ...such as the  WORLD TRADE  Center buildings ....site of the plane geometry  astronomy battle  on Sept 11,2001 
over the TWO TOWERS  .....that is   Galileo's book ..." 2 Chief World Systems".





In other words ...... the living IRON building  ...above ......in the English language world of symbolism and parallels could be thought of as a  .....


  1. The Red-Headed League Study Guide - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ...

    As he attempts to restore a social order threatened by criminals like those in "The Red-Headed League," Sherlock Holmes embodies the values of intelligence ...



Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ... Physicist and author Michio Kaku has remarked that 
M-theory may present us ...
Background - Status -
See also - References --> Sept 11, 2001 battlefield of 11 dimensions.



  1. Brian Greene: A Physicist Explains 'The Hidden Reality' Of Parallel ...

    www.npr.org › News › Science › Space
    Jan 24, 2011 – It is possible that there are many other universes that exist parallel to our universe. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant ...




  1. Parallel universe (fiction) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_universe_(fiction)Cached - Similar
    A parallel universe or alternative reality is a hypothetical self-contained separate reality coexisting with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes is called ...




mike football 2


Greene: A Physicist Explains 'The Hidden Reality' Of Parallel ...

 Green : A Physicist Explains 'The Hidden Reality' Of Parallel ...


Green : A Physicist Explains 'The Hidden Reality' Of Parallel ....Red.

 Green :                                     'The Hidden Reality'   ....Read.



  1. Sherlock Holmes - The Red-Headed League: Sir Arthur Conan ...

    A mysterious society of red-headed gentleman known as the "Red-Headed League". Who established this society and why isSherlock Holmes so intrigued?

 Below, the Red-Headed League of MAN --> MANhattan and the deeper levels of  modern Sherlock Holmes communications theory 



Thus we have .....

SKY & Telecope   political  astronomy signals waiting analysis .

SKY  ....subset word of Jerry Sandusky
SKY ....subset word of Monica Lewinsky
SKY ....Manhattan SKY scraper got scraped on  SEPT11, 2001  ... in the 11-dimensions of string theory


Let's look at this signal.....a message for someone at the communications BRIDGE university known as Cambridge, England.

On sept 11 in  Isaac Newton gravity field  interaction with   iron  ... Newton --> New York City ...
a skyscraper was NICKED  ...damaged ...destroyed (key  word Nick)

the geography region was Manhattan with  tons  of iron metal sky scrappers( key words in sentence: Man ton sky)

Thus ...do we have  a possible signal  from NATURE .....to ? ?

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


Professor Nick   Man.ton





Nick Manton's research interests cover broad areas of theoretical and mathematical physics, in particular, classical and quantum field theory applied to particle and nuclear physics. The majority of his work has been on topological solitons in field theory, which include vortices, monopoles, instantons and


A Manhattan iron/steel sky scrapper  has office rooms ....sky rooms --> Sky Rm + ionsphere above it --> Sky Rm ions.



A major recent interest has been to develop Skyrme's idea from the 1960s that atomic nuclei can be modelled as solitons in a nonlinear field theory of pions. These solitons are called Skyrmions, and they have very interesting polyhedral shapes. Improvements in computational power as well as mathematical insight has made it possible to construct and quantize Skyrmions as large as those needed to model Carbon-12 and Oxygen-16. The spins and energies of nuclear ground states and excited states are described quite well by Skyrmions.


Thus we see ..that  cam.BRIDGE  provides interesting CLUES to many events that occur on EARTH LAB.

Oxygen-16 ---> implies President O living at  Base 16 hexadecimal address ... 1600 Pennsylvannia Avenue. 
This makes sense.  Prefessor Manton ...has identified himself as a bio-computer  structure  whose symbolic brain processor has the forehead  ... external label:  BALD  = Basic Assembler Language version D   ........ hence, his natural affinity for Base 16 information structures.

Ground states ....another view ....Pennsylvania is an EARTH  LAB geography ground state. 

In the copper atomic world ......an ink  pEN + sylvania light bulb (brand name)  + some Voltaire voltage + some French resistence from  World  WAR 2 + some money currency/current flow .....could create a  symbolic and /or physical copper (city of  elctri.CITY)   ground state.. ...with the label:   Pennsylvania --> ink PEN + Sylvania Light bulb for reading/seeing.



Thus his relationship to astronomy WAR  at Cambridge univeristy ...with Galileo project  " The Recapture of Planet Earth".




BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth)

Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME. Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.

The BASE 16 project started in year 1600; the astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The BASE 16 ...400 year astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2012. Examples:

--> Virginia TECH university .....astronomy SHOOTING STAR .....
the computer earth HEX/curse demo of APRIL 16...a demonstration for the English language editors and writers of astronomy and astrophysics science articles, textbooks, magazines, newspapers.. ...and also English speaking television science shows. Their articles are incomplete.....only explain 1/2 of the EARTH LAB universe ..as stated by Galileo in year 1632 with the book:
2 Chief World Systems--> an astronomy message repeated with
2 Chief World Trade Center TOWERS ....the base 2 binary Earth LAB system 370 tragic event of Sept 11, 2001.



We see year 1600 and year 1616 signals ..SKY signals  to  1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with symbolism  ....SKy with  LewinSKY  and Ken STARr.


Thus we have a message for the Queen of England and her subjects ....... math and astronomy professors.

Mike McQueary --> Mc + Que + ary --> Mc Queue array .....messages waiting.

Queen Elizabeth --> Que + en + El  + bet  implies Queue  en  +  Elements of sets  +  Probability/bet.


Thus...Cambridge University ought properly represent the symbolic knowledge  ...as the  QUEEN is a living symbol .....of the SOCIAL CONTRACT of England   with Nature's Tree of Knowledge   via John Locke.
Penn State and Cambridge have an intellectual problem...that proper communications could solve.


We see an interesting puzzle of Nature that ought be understood.

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