The Physics Standard Model and the EARTH LAB atomic anthropology WAR messages - Status Report of December 2012 .... code STAN ... ignored by Stanford. » |
The Physics Standard Model and the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology WAR - Status Report of November 2012
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Standard Model Physics-Intellectual War - Cause and effect
Elementary Particle Physics Battle report - EUROPE
Parallel processing events in astrophysics galactic LOCAL test REGION: EARTH LAB with atomic brain expressions. Messages for the few that care to think and understand atomic parallel social science message FORMATS.
Cause/Origin of Supposed Theoretical Error --> PETRA (Positron Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator) at DESY, Hamburg, Europe. At the EUROPEAN site --> electron-positron collisions in which hadrons emerge in the final state are an important class of reaction studied in the MARGARET MEAD nuclear family social anthropology class. The physics anthropology errors ( CAUSE ) --> EFFECT.
DESY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TASSO was one of several experiments (CELLO, JADE, Mark-J, PLUTO) which ran on the electron - positron collider PETRA at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. The PETRA collider was approximately 1 km in circumference and effectively surrounded the DESY laboratory.
Part of the rationale for PETRA was to search for new quarks, particularly the expected "top" quark. Earlier discoveries of the J/Psi ("charm" quark) and Upsilon ("bottom" quark) suggested that a sixth "top" quark should be close. The PETRA collider
Effect (Einstein's theory of special relatives and special effects in the Theater of Intellectual WAR --> Brain proton,neutron,electron social expressions).The special effect of DESY PETRA -->DP = General D.PETRA (U.S.ARMY IRAQ). Thus General D. Petraus of the Margaret Mead Military is fighting the modern atomic brain anthropology WAR in the geographic region of the ancient BABYLON civilization.
Babylon --> an ancient atomic bio-physics humanoid city ....... a social and economic expression of the periodic atomic table of elements
Founded: 1867 BC

The PLATO and TASSO detection of electron-positron annihilation events in Hamburg, Europe provide the empirical data foundation for analysis of the parallel MARGARET MEAD anthropology war of the particle physics nuclear family. This is observable with GENERAL PETRA representatives which are U.S.ARMY soldiers fighting the mathematical physics war --> the Baghdad, Iraq war colliders (electron-positron social force collisions).
Above, we see EARTH LAB and the Margarte Mead atomic nuclear family ..... message processing regions with PROPER NOUNs
Turkey --> Theory Uranium 235 isotopes(t) key
Syria --> Sy ---> Symmetry-physics , parallels, and mirrors of atomic humanoids of society
Iran --> I + ran --> Independent random variable ERRORs in mathematical-physics social science and social economic applications
The positron -annihilation event in physics maps to
the positron-annihilation event parallel in the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family conflict zone --> U.S.ARMY in IRAQ --> the CRADLE of CIVILIZATION and symbolic THOUGHT.
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