Modern atomic social science and atomic constitution battles of the periodic atomic table governmental FOUNDATION of the United States.

Archives for: November 2013

The Schrodinger wave equation of energy eigenstates En --> VERSUS --> the Department of Energy. Virginia TECH student casualties of SCIENCE WARS.

Permalink 11/22/13 17:49, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Rd-blog-362 The periodic atomic table government has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT is the atomic,bio-physics structure known as humanoid ... with a possible abstract symbolic brain. The human is composed of atoms. Humans have thoughts. T… more »

The energy states of the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology war. The Schrodinger wave equation evolution into the Death Equation. Modern murder technology studies.

Permalink 11/21/13 11:29, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

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