Site Maps to C.P.Snow and Alan Sokal SCIENCE WAR theory and applications - SCIENCE WAR battle analysis » |
News .....November 2015 .. the electron circuit city of electricity war in the parallel city of Paris, France
RD-blog-number-6743 by Herb Zinser reviews several situations …. including the Emile Zola DEATH ….. the revenge in Paris in November 2015.
Paris Prosecutor: 129 Dead, 352 Injured in ISIS Terrorist …–death-toll-129–dead-ISIS-attack
1 day ago – One American was killed in the Paris terrorist attacks that left at least 129 dead and 352 wounded on Friday night, French officials announced …
Death of Emile Zola | History Today
The French writer died on September 29th, 1902. The most famous French writer of his day died at 62 in curious circumstances. Emile Zola and his wife Alexandrine returned to their house in the rue de Bruxelles in Paris on September 28th from a spell in the country.
The French writer died on September 29th, 1902.
………………………………. on September 29th, 1902.
…………………………………one September 29th, 1902.
……………………………….. 1 man September 29th, 1902.
…………………………………1 29 –> 129 dead in year 2015
The French writer died on September 29th,
The French writer died on September 29th ….. atomic number 29 of copper
Copper … and field effects of the EARTH daily rotation on its axis …… with the EARTH iron core and the EARTH geography surface with Phelps Dodge open-pit copper mines ..that rotate 360 degrees every 24 hours like an EARTH … Nikola Tesla electric motor..
1950’s Bisbee Lowell Arizona Phelps Dodge Lavender Open Pit Copper …
m.ebay.com400 × 259Search by image
Lowell Thomas ……. Nature’s communications agent for the Lowell Copper mine and the copper atom
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lowell Jackson Thomas (April 6, 1892 – August 29, 1981) was an American writer, broadcaster, and traveler, best known as the man who made Lawrence of …
Thus we have the city of Paris …. Parallel existences on EARTH
……………………… city
the city of electricity …and the secret cover-up by Paris ARROGANT life forms and their publishers the OMIT reality information from newspapers and magazines …. in order to create SOCIAL problems caused by mis-information and incomplete information.
day died at 62 in curious circumstances.
day died at 62 in curious circumstances.
day died at 62 in curious circumstances on September 29
Copper atomic mass … starting at 1 to 63 with atomic number 29 ..
relativity gives the equivalent ..
Copper atomic mass … starting at 0 to 62 (age 62) with atomic number 29 ..
starting at 0 to 62
starting at 0 to 62 ….. is used in COMPUTER EARTH Basic Assembler Language instructions that use displacement addressing from zero.
day died at 62 in curious circumstances.
day died at 62 in cu = copper atomic symbol
day died at 62 in curious circumstances.
day died at 62 in cu = copper circumstances
day died at 62 in cu = copper circ
day died at 62 in cu = copper circle .. field effect
Thus the electric field symbol B and the attack at Rue B –> Rue Bichat
College Physics: Reasoning and Relationships
Ampère’s law relates the magnetic field along this path to the electric current enclosed … and let Bi be the component of the magnetic field parallel to these steps.
let Bi be the component
let Bi be the component
let Bi be the component …. expressed in Paris …Rue Bi = Bichet
Magnetic fields of currents – HyperPhysics
The magnetic field lines around a long wire which carries an electric current form concentric circles around the wire. The direction of the magnetic field is …
Electric current – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The SI unit for measuring an electric current is the ampere, which is the flow of … They also create magnetic fields, which are used in motors, inductors and …
Thus the city of electricity VERSUS the EARTH geography ….
problem city of Paris ..and the bull-stories and schemes of their citizens
Bataclan –> code word LINK to –> Batavia clan at FermiLAB in Illinois.
Above ….
Star Trek Ferengi (Fer + engi –> FermiLAB engineering)
The homeworld of the Ferengi species is Ferenginar. The Ferengi have a culture which is based entirely upon commerce. They follow a code of conduct known …
They follow a code of conduct known
They follow a code of conduct known
They follow a bio-computer code of thinking conduct known ….
Super….. conduct (BRAIN) activity – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Superconductivity is a phenomenon of exactly zero electrical resistance and expulsion of magnetic fields occurring in certain materials when cooled below a characteristic critical temperature. It was discovered by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes on April 8, 1911 in Leiden.
What ISIS Really Wants – The Atlantic
The Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), follows a distinctive variety of Islam whose beliefs about the path to the Day of …
What ISIS Really Wants
What ISIS Really Wants
What I…… Really Wants ..
What are amps (I) , watts, volts and ohms? – HowStuffWorks
The three most basic units in electricity are voltage (V), current (I, ) and resistance (r). Voltage is measured in volts, current is measured in amps …
Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electricity and it is measured in OHMS.
The Ohm is defined as that resistance when, with a current of I amp flowing, there is pd. of I Volt across the resistance. A simple electric circuit, where current is represented by the letter i. The relationship between the voltage (V), resistance (R), and current (I) is V=IR; this is known as Ohm’s Law.
What ISIS Really Wants
What I … SIS equation in existential physics
Resistance (BRAIN resistance to Paris and their incomplete explanations of Utoya shooting, the Liege Belgium attack, the Boston Marathon bombing, etc)
Subconscious MIND resistance TOOLS …… the literature and philosophy books … SYMBOLS. THOUGHTS< and CONCEPTS of Voltaire and Rousseu … is the opposition to the flow of BRAIN BS electronic circuits and it is measured in OHMS –> O M –> Open Mouth talkers and cell phone trivia blabber.
Voltaire ….. symbolic agent for V = Volts
– Philosopher, Historian, Writer –
Author Voltaire wrote the satirical novella Candide and, despite controversy during his lifetime, is widely considered one of France’s greatest Enlightenment writers. … Born on November 21, 1694, in Paris, France, Voltaire was exiled to Tulle in 1715. … Widely considered one of …
Jean-Jacques Rousseau …… R = Resistance to nonsense and arrogance of the French ..
and their thinking ERRORS
in the context of the modern SCIENCE WARS
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to French Revolution – The revolutionaries were also inspired by Rousseau to introduce Deism as the new official civil religion of France:.
Ohm’s law – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia’s_law
where I (Indivi.dual and duality principle of DeBroglie) is the current through the conductor in units of amperes,
V is the Voltaire potential … in units of volts,
and R is the Rousseau resistance of the conductor in units of ohms.
More specifically, Ohm’s law states that the R in this relation is constant, …. all of the currents andvoltages can be expressed with the same s parameter as the input to …
Thus Paris ….. bragging about their SECRET world-wide BRAIN programming murder systems and schemes …such as
Junior Seau – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Seau committed suicide with a gunshot wound to the chest in 2012 at the age of 43. Later studies by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
concluded that Seau DID not study
.and the INTELLECTUAL wars ….
What Junior (Rous)Seau’s life and death mean to this generation of lazy BRAIN … music and BIG mouth people …
Aug 5, 2015 – Junior Seau’s death complicated his legacy, especially for a generation too young to have seen his prime.
Ask a high school senior about Rousseau and his ideas … that enable people in year 2015 to have opportunities available … and they shit all over Rousseau and the history of other eye/ optical nerve/ SYMBOL PROCESSOR thinkers …
Hemoglobin and the Heme Group
This oxygen transport is accomplished by the heme group (a component of the hemoglobin protein), which is a metal complex with iron as the central metal atom …
Hemoglobin and the Paris
THOUGHT Heme Group accuracy problems ….
that write THeme (s) in newspapers and magazines
… that are treason to the human blood SYMBOL LIFE output message system and its desire for integrity and concept accuracy …. in the context of the modern Theory of Everything of existential physics …. gestalt view of tragic signaling events and their message content about the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature …. as outlined by John Locke and others..
This oxygen transport is accomplished by the heme group (a component of the hemoglobin protein), which is a metal complex with iron as the central metal atom …
the Theme groups that work at Paris papers and Paris universities ..inventing new way to BS ….. and out do Hollywood script writers in creative writing 101.
Assassination of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free ...
President Kennedy with his wife, Jacqueline, and Texas Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie, in the .... Main article: Timeline of the John F. Kennedy assassination. President ...... Jump up ^ "November 22, 1963: Death of the President".
November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F ...
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas. By the fall of 1963, President John F. Kennedy and his political advisers were preparing for the next presidential campaign.
1963: Death of the President
1963: Death of the President
.....63: Death of the copper atomic mass 63 ..
President who went to Camp David
1963: The Kennedys at Camp David -
Mar 27, 2013 - A recently released series of rare photos show President John F. Kennedy and his family enjoying a weekend at Camp David, 50 years ago this ...
November 22, 1963: Death of the President
November 22, 1963: Death of the President
November 22o ...63: Death of
the city of electricity President
What's the difference between 110 volt US and 220 volt France ...
Jan 18, 2007 - Similar Questions: difference 110 volt 220 Europe Asia Pro Con ... advice and use the 60 Hz frequency together with a voltage of 220-240 V.
Electrical Plug/Outlet and Voltage Information for France ...
Electrical sockets (outlets) in France usually supply electricity at between 220
Images for paris france electricity
voltage 220 on November 22
Let’s look at another blog post that covers more.
RD-blog-number-6727 by Herb Zinser reviews the murder of Haroon Khan of Milwaukee and the murder Travis Zoellick of Watertown, Wisconsin in the EM (electromagnetic field) interaction with MET (metabolism) war zone ........
the EARTH geography surface location of EM + MET --> EMMET Township.
The event ....
Family says body found near Watertown is UWM student
Oct 5, 2008 - Police investigate death of Haroon Khan, 31, as a homicide. Oct. 5 ... Mitsubishi in a mini storage building in the township of Emmet, Nehls said.
Two other young people are jailed in the killing of 31-year-old University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman Haroon Khan, who was reported missing last Wednesday night.
Tammi L. LaFave is accused of helping kidnap Haroon Khan, whose body was found in a shallow grave.
A criminal complaint filed Tuesday says she and 20-year-old Travis Zoellick met with Khan on the pretense of buying his car. Zoellick told LaFave he planned to kill Khan and steal the car.
LaFave told police she didn't want to participate but was afraid Zoellick would break up with her.
Zoellick killed himself as police came to his home to investigate
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE languages and EARTH LANGUAGEs of Highway 26 of Watertown help us understand the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie the tragic signaling event.
English alphabet,
new highway 26 bypass (above),
old highway 26 from year 1956,
and the Watertown Public Library
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters (each having an uppercase and a lowercase form) – the same letters that are found in ...
Thus we have Nature's agent code --> proper noun
--> Travis Zoellick --> algebra subset letter groups
--> Tra + vis + Zoe --> trap vision (eye optics) Z order entry
Thus we have human bio-physics bio-optics agent Z (Zoellick)
and his good friend Za (Zaborek) ....... code letter Za implies
- alphabet sequence ..... starting at A thru Z and the direction of letters ..... ..a,b,c,d,e, and the inverse sequence of alphabet letters ...backwards ......z.y.x............ down to c,b,a.
- this bi-directional perception of the alphabet is important for the human mind ....
and the subconscious needs awareness of this possibility ........ that point to ancient language tricks
A typical question asked by your sub-conscious MIND ......
Why do Jews read from right to left? | Yahoo Answers
Science Curiosity: Why is arabic written right to left?
Are all arabs left handed? No? ... Well then, why did the Jews write Hebrew right to left? ... Well, there is yet another theory to why Hebrew is written is right to left.
Continuing with the Highway 26 alphabet with Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE agent code ,,,,code Zaborek ..... .
JUNEAU, Wis. (AP) — A Dodge County jury has acquitted a 20-year-old man accused of helping a friend who killed a college student for his car.
The jury deliberated two hours before finding Zachary S. Zaborek of Watertown not guilty Friday.
Police say Zaborek admitted knowing his friend killed the student, but remained silent out of loyalty.
acquitted a 20-year-old man
acquitted a 20-year-old man
acquitted a 20-year-old man --> implies 20/20 optical vision
Zachary S. Zaborek
Zachary S. Zaborek
Zac ..... Z alternating cycles ..... of the electromagnetic field of LIGHT and its human agent with proper noun ..... Zachary ..... famous CODE name
]Registration Form - Zachary Community Schools
Language most often spoken by student. Language first ... Home Telephone (225). Secondary ... Has this student ever attended school in Zachary. If yes, where ...
Zachary Levi singing Telephone by Lady Gaga - YouTube
Zachary Levi singing Telephone by Lady Gag
Zachary Plainsman-News - US Newspaper List
Click here to read the Zachary Plainsman-News newspaper from Zachary, Louisiana, website, address, phone number, Editor and Contact Information, translate and thousands more online ... Translate the site to a selected language -.
Zachary Zaborek remained silent out of loyalty (to Travis Zoellick --> Trap vision Z order entry ) .
In addition, both Zachaery Zaborek and Travis Zoellick lived in Watertown ..........
their high school teachers,
the Watertown Astronomy Club, and
the Watertown City clerk (agent for James Clerk Maxwell) are all familiar with
the Solar System SUNLIGHT code of the em waves that shine in daylight ..... onto the EARTH geography surface region above ........ highways Y, A, T and code YAT..
Thus we have an example of the Isaac Asimov FOUNDATION (book series) about the existence of REALITY and associated equations that may be involved in out daily lives.
Thus we have from the Watertown regions VIA the optic PROCESSOR of Travis Z.
..... SUN (daytime sunlight for agriculture farmers) +
Country roads with identifier codes (YAT) --> giving the code ..information string -->
Sun Yat-sen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sun Yat-sen | Chinese leader |
May 22, 2015 - Sun Yat-sen, Chinese (Pinyin) Sun Yixian or (Wade-Giles .... In 1904 he was able to establish several revolutionary cells in Europe, and in ...
SUN YAT -----> electromagnetic field SYMBOL and THOUGHT life of photons .... in the city within the velocity of sunlight.
Velocity is c = 186,000 .... --> code --> 18 60 00 --> pointer 18--> water molecule mass at Watertown, Wisconsin and
Watertown, Massachusetts with tsaRNAev. in light/optical/eye ... velocity ---> a photon city of nouns, concepts, words, languages, etc ..that interacts with the human being .... thus the interaction mechanism between the SUN em fields and the human eye/optical nerve ..... information processor.
Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen was thus a interface device ..... of various existential physics and bio-physics expression FORMATS of Nature and the Solar System .....
a convergence human being ....
that connected
to some extent (year 1904 technology and knowledge limitations of those days) ..... the various partially understood messages of
Sunlight photon thoughts,
the earth /soil farmers language of China in Asia,
and various social philosophy ideas of that time period.
Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-send and modern version MAKES it appearance with
SUN --> SUN Prairie Wisconsin
YAT --> Watertown country roads near the communications HUB of HUBBLE astronomy at HUBBLETON, Wisconsin
Astronomy magazine in Waukasha Wisconsin
Finding the missing universe in your own back-yard of Wisconsin.
In addition, we have Zabork code --> Za --> Z-axis
World war Z comes to Watertown, Wisconsin.
Now, we look at Emile Zola .... --> code --> EM Z ....... thus he was an interface device that connected the existing EM fields of thought ..... that became enhanced with his additional eye/optical perceptions of society and social structure.
Thus his observations .... and his thoughts .... and he amplified and clarified these perceptions and wrote them on cellulose paper with black ink symbols convey information to other humans with eyes/optical nerves and brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR ..... that were interested in REALITY and its various structures and mechanisms.
Émile Zola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All The World's A Stage by William Shakespeare - Famous ...
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts ...
All The World's a SYMBOL MACHINE expression Stage
All The World's a SYMBOL MACHINE expression Stage
SOME of The World is a SYMBOL MACHINE expression Stage
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.
Émile Zola
Émile Zola
Émile Zola
Ém..... Zo -->
Emmet Zoellick ......
em field World War Z ..... warrior Zoellick
Thus proper noun symbol words ---> Brad Pitt --> get transformed into EARTH geography surface and human ACTIONS and COMMANDs .... physical REALITY.
World War Z --> application --> Highway 26 ... 26 English alphabet letters .... a thru Z
World War Z --> Darwin symbol selection of a person with name Z --> Zoellick
Instructions .... Brad Pitt --> susbet code Bra + d
--> Brain dead ..... (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Instructions .... Brad Pitt -->
subset code Bra Pit --> Brain pit
--> take human body/brain and bury in a pit /shallow grave
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Sep 7, 2009 - Prosecutors say she contributed to Khan's death by taking part in the kidnapping. ... helping kidnap Haroon Khan, whose body was found in a shallow grave. ... Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, ..
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say
Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and ... The next day authorities discovered Khan's body in a shallow grave ..the Brad Pitt grave.
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mit
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mit
Haroon Khan drove a silver 20 +06 --> 26 --> alphabet WAR .... 26 letters VERSUS Wisconsin Highway 26 bull-shitters
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mit
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mit
Haroon Khan drove a silver 20 +06 --> the 26 Mitochondria brain cell alphabet WAR --> with Highway 26 Watertown, Wisconsin and Watertown, Massachusetts with nearby MIT and Harvard university arrogant ERRORS
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,
Har ........ 2006 Mit ...... Evolution ..... SYMBOL MACHINE wars
Harvard 20 + 06 = 26 MIT university ..... INTELLECTUAL ERRORS of assumption ... and ATTITUDES of superiority over
Nature's social engineering and brain engineering systems.
Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces
In obtaining a coupling constant for the strong interaction, say in comparison to the ... Using the electromagnetic coupling constant of 1/137 then leads to a ...
The Mysterious World of Fundamental Particles: Cosmic ...
Coupling and Coupling Constants The coupling constant for the electromagnetic interaction is αe = e2/4π = 1/137 and specifies the strength of the interaction ...
thus EM coupling + METABOLISM--> EM + MET ---> EMMET message processing region ...... WAR
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Émile Zola (1840-1902), French author of many works influential in the naturalism literary school including his series of twenty novels written between 1871 and ...
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network ..Watertown Public Library
Emile Zola - The Literature Network .. Emile's Pizza
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Z ---> Nature's advanced communications systems Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Em ... Zo --> EMMET township Zoellick ..... Z order entry
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Em ... Z --> Zaborek --> Za --> Z axis wars
Control-Z - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Control + Z is not a printable character but a code for control purposes; ... as ^Z . It is generated by holding down the Ctrl key while pressing the Z key on a ...
Undo, redo, or repeat an action - Office Support
Click Undo Button image on the Quick Access Toolbar. Keyboard shortcut Press CTRL+Z
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Em ... Z --> Zaborek --> Za --> Z axis war message
--> Oconomowoc with Mark D. Totzke --> subset code --> Z key
Above map, Highway Z and the Z-axis murder codes.
The EVENT information database
--> high school class in algebra and plane geometry mentions the X,Y,Z axis of EARTHLY space and existence. For example ...a room in a physical house a 3-dimensional
and has length, width, height OR the equivalent math language x,y,z.
--> Highway Z in Oconomowoc
---> humanoid proper noun --> TOTZke --> TOT(als) + Z + Key
--> ax murder .....
Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Z and word ax -->information concept pointers to a possible .....
Z-axis wars
Z and word ax -->information concept pointers to a possible ..... COMPUTER EARTH war with Oconomowoc ...
base 16 Hexadecimal Highway 16 ...........
and the CNTRL key Z computer codes
In addition ....
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - Watertown Public Library
MODERN secret codes of Wisconsin and Massachusetts
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emil Z -----> Emil's Pizza .......
Emil Z .......................Pi + z + za ......
Émile Zola | Biography, Books and Facts - Famous Authors
Émile Zola Biography - Émile Zola was born in Paris, France on 2nd April 1840, the son of François Zola, an engineer and his wife Emilie Aubert. He grew up in ...
Paris, France on 2nd April 18
Paris, France on 2nd April 18
Paris, France on 2nd April 18
Paris, France on 2nd April 18 --> code
--> 2 ap +ril + 18 --> H2O map riddle water molecule mass 18
Paris, France on 2nd April 18
Paris, France on 2nd April 18
Paris --> Parallel information systems WITH expression site / agent
Emil Pizza in Watertown on the carbon 12 continuum .... information highway ..... known as 12th Street..
Emil's Pizza, Inc - Real Good Pizza
Watertown, Wisconsin, into a thriving operation producing one of the most sought after, high quality pizzas in the state of Wisconsin!
1020 S 12th St, Watertown, WI 53094 |
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emile Zola - The Literature Network
Emil Z -----> Emil's Pizza .......
Emil Z .......................P + i + z + za ......
P i --> Par + is --> Parallel informations systems ...... Paris in the SYMBOL WORLD and Earth Language world
Z -and Za --> Z and the Z-axis
Emil Z .......................P + i + z + za ......
Emile Zola .....Parallel z za
EM Z Parallel Zoellick and Zaborek
Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car ...
Oct 8, 2008 - But Haroon Khan's pleas were in vain and he was brutally stabbed near ... Zoellick had told Zaborek of his plans to steal a car and kill the ...
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car
Oct 8, 2008 - According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car. ... Zoellick whom police say knew about the murder, Zachary Zaborek, ...
Thus the empirical database of Haroon Khan murder ...... is Nature's message about a parallel universes WAR.
Brian Greene: A Physicist Explains 'The Hidden Reality' Of ...
Jan 24, 2011 - A Physicist Explains Why Parallel Universes May Exist. ... So if the universe is infinitely large, it is also home to infinite parallel universes. ... Greene, the author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos, tackles the existence of multiple universes in his latest book ...
The Hidden Reality of Watertown: EARTHLY Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws ...
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. ... The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the
History of Emmet , Haroon Khan, Zoellick, ......Dodge County, Wisconsin
EMMET. The position is taken, however founded it may be, that the first settlement made in Dodge county was in the town of Emmet. ... This is thought to have been the first frame house in the township and stood stanch and firm for generations ...
NOVA | The Elegant Universe - PBS
Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made out of strings. ... from bestselling author-physicist Brian Greene, when NOVA presents the nuts, bolts, ...
History of Emmet Street PARALELL
and the murder of Hannah Graham
.....Dodge County, Wisconsin
.........................................sin wave graph that she DREW in her last hours before DEATH
EMMET the CLOWN . The position is taken, however founded it may be, that the first settlement made in Dodge county Dodge responsible communications about reality situations involving NATURE's expression systems ....... was in the town of Emmet _ Eletcromagnetic photon waves + Metabolism ..........
This is thought to have been the first IBM system 37.0 human main frame bio-computer with a SYMBOL HOUSE ..... in the optical nerve / brain township ..................
and stood stanch and firm for generations ...
Below, Emmet Street murder region (Virginia)
parallel to
Emmet Township murder region (Wisconsin)
Below, we have a astrophysics model from their point of view ...about their worlds of study and reasearch.
The model can adapted to practical usage .....
the 2 events .. 1st EMMENT murder ----> years later ---> ..the 2nd EMMET murder ............ an information space .....
on the left is Watertown .......
EMMET township murder of Haroon Khan and the EARTH shallow grave ......................... the some information process ......
a murder subroutine that takes a few years to travel ........ finds the next EMMET ..... consequently the subroutine feels a HOME on proper noun ..... Emmet Street ..
gets activated and carries out the subroutine murder instruction VIA
a human bio-computer.
Below ...
left Watertown (Haroon Khan) ........................ years later Hannah Graham
The University of Wisconsin electromagnetic coupling constant ....
the Solomon and Sun Prairie experiment
Rd-blog-number 6724 by Herb Zinser reviews the data stream arrival photon soldiers ..... Nature's optical EM / photon MILITARY life forms in the United States of North America.
The electromagnetic(EM) field ..... EM behavior ... social science PROTOCOL rules for EM life forms ......... such as EM = EMbassy officials and EM = EMployees that are government clerks in the James CLERK Maxwell information system used for the administration of society
...those EM protocol rules were first outlined by EM agent Emily Post and her POST OFFICE communication codes .. rule that were published in book form ...
Emily Post's Etiquette, 18 -
For nearly a century, one name has been trusted above all others when it comes to proper decorum: Emily Post. In this completely updated 18th Edition of the ...
we have C = Carbon molecule cities named Chicago ..
Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is little consensus on the precise beginning of the Age of Enlightenment; the beginning of the 18th century (1701) or the middle of the 17th century (1650) are often used as epochs.
Émile Zola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Émile Édouard Charles Antoine Zola (/ˈzoʊlə/; French: [ zɔ.la]; 2 April 1840 – 29 September 1902) was a French novelist, playwright, journalist, the most ...
the EM field vector and the Z-axis of vertical standing human life.
Shining Path - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Communist Party of Peru (Spanish: Partido Comunista del Perú), more commonly known as the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso), is a Maoist guerrilla insurgent organization in Peru.
Seung-Hui Cho ....... ...... algebra subset code
S...un Hydrogen CHO .... thus the Darwin selection of his proper noun
for Nature's military communications MESSAGE value ..... that is newspaper attention getting headlines about the SUNLIGHT em THOUGHT forms and the photosynthesis equation battle at the university.
The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech shooting. .... Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, and teachers pointed to ...
2 different locations and 2 times .....
coordinates (Location 1 Time period 1) ...
Peru ...... 1980 thru 1990
coordinates (Location 2 Time period 2)
The next DEMO ...... of more commonly known as
the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso) .. the path of Hannah Graham
Shining Path | Peruvian revolutionary organization ...
Jun 2, 2014 - Shining Path, Spanish Sendero Luminoso, Peruvian revolutionary organization that endorsed Maoism and employed guerrilla tactics and ...
Shining Path | Peruvian revolutionary
Shining Path | Peruvian evolution
Shining Path | ......u vi --> University of Virginia evolution
Murder of Hannah Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went ...
Shining Path - The New York Times
Members of Shining Path, group of Maoist guerrillas, who terrorized Peru from the early 1980s to 2000, are trying to move into politics; attempt is forcing a ...
Shining Path.... the pathology and forensic science problems of the EM field with FCC approval of television broadcasting optical/velocity ERRORS
and the
Department of Energy logic ERRORS in their explanations about pollution/etc .....
and the attack upon incandescent light bulbs ... as a problem.
Aug 27, 2009 - The two main Peruvian rebel groups, both leftist, are the Maoist group Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso) and the Cuban-inspired Tupac Amaru ...
Shining Path | Peruvian revolutionary
Shining Path | Peruvian evolution
Shining Path Per u --> Periodic atomic table u = uranium and the evolution of the electromagnetic coupling constant
Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces
In obtaining a coupling constant for the strong interaction, say in comparison to the ... Using the electromagnetic coupling constant of 1/137 then leads to a ...
The Mysterious World of Fundamental Particles: Cosmic ...
Coupling and Coupling Constants The coupling constant for the electromagnetic interaction is αe = e2/4π = 1/137 and specifies the strength of the interaction ...
Shining Path
Shining Path
Shining Path
Inti | Inca Sun god |
Inti, also called Apu-punchau, in Inca religion, the sun god; he was believed to be the ancestor of the Incas. Inti was at the head of the state cult, and his worship ...
Religion, Children of the Sun - The Inca Empire
Children of the Sun. The Inca worshipped many gods and goddesses. They believed every mountain peak was either the home of a god or an actual god. All the
Sunlight arrived on EARTH and interacted with solid atoms.
Now, let's return to EMMET township by Watertown, Wisconsin ..........
and the SYMBOL MACHINE equation ..........
EMMET township by Watertown, Wisconsin ....
in other words ............
EM MET ship ... Water town .....sin
--- > expanded concepts -->
EM field + metabolism ideas + energy ship of photons
.... by water town molecule + quantum equation sine waves
Thus the Haroon Khan EVOLUTION message .....
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say
Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, ...
Missing UW-Milwaukee student may have been killed
Oct 5, 2008 - Khan, 31, was reported missing in Milwaukee on Wednesday. ... and the Town of Emmett just north of Watertown, identifying three suspects. ... "The family and friends of Haroon Khan mourn his very tragic death," it said.
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and ...
Wisconsin Sikh temple
Wisconsin Sikh temple
............sin Si + kh ...em .. mp
...........sin wave KHZ (Bio) electromagnetic map
500 kHz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an international calling and distress frequency for Morse code
distress frequency for Morse code
distress frequency for Morse code
distress frequency for Detective Morse ................
Inspector Morse (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Inspector Morse is a British detective drama television series based on a series of novels by Colin Dexter. It starred John Thaw as ... Morse was played by John Thaw, and the faithful Detective Sergeant Lewis by Kevin Whately. .... BBC News.
List of ..spectrum Morse code photons and languages
List of Inspector Morse American episodes
-- Emmet Street, Virginia ..... Hannah Graham
-- Township of Emmet, Wisconsin ...Khan + Zoellick --> KH Z ...... call letters
Find Radio Stations and Human Radio stations by Call Letters -
Find a Radio Station by Call Sign: Enter the call letters of the station that you are trying to find. You may use a question mark (?) in the call letters as a wildcard.
Category:Lists of radio stations by frequency and
BRAIN bio-radio freak frequency
- Wikipedia, the ...
Lists of radio stations in the United States (by call sign). AM radio stations by call sign (starting with KA–KF) · AM radio stations by call sign ... 9 kHz spacing.
Why Some Radio Station Call Letters Begin With W or K
Beginning in 1912, every country approved of and received designated letters to begin radio station call letters with. In the United States, the letters "W" and "K" ...
Call Letters Begin With W or K
Call Letters Begin With W or K
Call Letters Begin With WorK , effort and thinking clearly about Nature's systems,
Sunlight EM field,
and synthetic EM fields that came into commercial use with electricity and copper wire radios in the 1920's.
Thus .... in year 2015 .... we look back at some tragic signaling events in the last ten years ... and few of them have some common denominators and CODEs ...played out by human beings.
All the world's a stage - Shakespeare Quotes -
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,
... in other words ....
All the world's a FCC EM stage - Shakespeare Quotes -
Jaques: All the world's a human bio-electromagnetic stage,
And all the men and women merely players (processing layers in the Hierarchy Problem of physics EM - EMployees) ;
They have their exits and their entrances to the EM offices in EM = EMbassy buildings,
And one man in his time plays many parts,