Herb Zinser's analysis of the United States science wars in the various dimensions of existence and their battlefields. The mathematical-physics component of HUMAN daily life reveals the astonishing secret world war of the intellectual HONOR CODE.
« The silent Dane intellectual battle list --> introduction to the Dane County, Wisconsin awareness TEST siteAtomic anthropology secrets of Enrico Fermi and FermiLAB. CLUES to the Margaret Mead nuclear family - atomic SOCIAL SCIENCE WAR . What is your secret life? »

Advanced Polish science research - introduction to the secret mathematical-physics subconscious MIND of Chicago Polish society

Permalink 12/04/13 20:05, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
The Polish in Europe and Chicago reveal secrets of iron hemoglobin protein social life. The Polish role in the Godzin project , the Iron Man project, and complex math POLES and their life. The Chicago Northern Alliance publishing WAR status report.




Year 2013 provides us with a new view of the European and American institutions....as algebraic subsets of the EARTH government with Nature's intellect. Humans and their social structures live on the surface of EARTH Lab .....within the atomic/astrophysics continuum. For practical purposes we have:

atomic level <-- human intermediate --> Solar System level

Together, these various conceptual entities give us a practical view of our daily lives within the continuum. Economic activities, political science, crime, etc. can be understood as subset activities within the CONTINUUM frame of reference. Russell and Whitehead outlined this process in year 1910 with their explanation of sets/subsets and classes. Thus Principia Mathematica provided a symbolic architecture for Nature's intellect ...and 100 years later...the math social engineering analysis reports are becoming available.

The Polish of Chicago play a role in this process. Various projects require their attention; such as:

- the GodZin project with
......TenZin Gyatson of Tibet and
......TenZin of WISCONSIN with the Zinjanthropus Boise skull.

This is an archeology skull update project....involving Boise Cascade Office Products and their Polish heritage computer personnel in 1990 to 1995.

What was this secret Polish bio-computer system network project?

- The North Pole magnetic field bio-physics WAR at Northern Illinois University

- the bio-computer test data bus --> Bus.y Bee restaurant of Damen Avenue/ North Avenue/ Milwaukee Avenue in 1984 and the nearby FLAT IRON Building and supersymmetry physics parallel to the IRON shipyards of Poland.

- The FLAT IRON WAR and the FLAT IRON  building extension to the iron Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the iron World Trade Center.

 The FLAT IRON building created on September 11, 2001 in Manhattan for the Manhattan Project ERROR signal regarding  the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family communication system PROBLEMS of universities and their college graduates.



The Chicago Polish math, physics, engineering, and science professionals and their friends could make a major contribution to understanding the SCIENCE WARS .......which will provide an updated view of world politics and world economics.



Poles in Chicago

Zeros and poles

From the fundamental theorem of algebra the numerator has M roots (corresponding to zeros of H) and the denominator has N roots (corresponding to poles). Rewriting the transfer function in terms of poles and zeros

H(z) = \frac{(1 - q_1 z^{-1})(1 - q_2 z^{-1})\cdots(1 - q_M z^{-1}) } { (1 - p_1 z^{-1})(1 - p_2 z^{-1})\cdots(1 - p_N z^{-1})}


where qk is the k-th zero and pk is the k-th pole.


Poles in Chicago

Understanding Pole/Zero Plots on the Z-Plane - Connexions


cnx.org › Content
Sep 29, 2011 - It is quite difficult to qualitatively analyze the Laplace transform and Z-transform, since mappings of their magnitude and phase or real part and ...

Poles and Zeros of z-Transforms -

Dec 29, 2012 - Uploaded by Barry Van Veen
Definition of poles and zeros for z-transforms that are a ratio of polynomials in z. Examples.


Find The Poles And Zeros Of The   Impedance    Seen ... - Chegg

Answer to Find the poles and zeros of the impedance seen looking into the terminals a,b of the circuits show in Fig. P9.8...

Poles in Chicago

Poles in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to The Polish presence in Chicago today[edit]. A Polish store along Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago. Chicago bills itself as the largest ...
The Gateway Theatre in Jefferson Park is the seat of the Copernicus Foundation. The theater's Baroque spire is a replica of the Royal Castle in Warsaw

North Side of Chicago

Lincoln Park

Lincoln Square

  • U Przemienienia – The area around Transfiguration

Avondale 'Chicago's Polish Village:

Irving Park

Portage Park

Jefferson Park

  • Konstancowo – The area around St. Constance

Norwood Park

  • Teklowo – The area around St. Thecla

Belmont Cragin

  • Jakubowo – The area around St. James
  • U Biskupa (Stanislawowo) – The area around St.Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr


Humboldt Park Franciszkowo – The area around St. Francis of Assisi



Thus we see some symbol and geography CLUES about the  Chicago Polish  and their unsolved puzzle.




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CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA

E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com

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