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Dr.Watson explains DNA subset messenger Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Part 2 of DNA symbolic evolution
DR.Watson with Sherlock Holmes provides mental exercises that become useful in our daily life and our intellectual life. The "Reigate Puzzle" mentions Dr.Watson in Afghanistan with Colonel Hayter.
Harper's Weekly - Jun 17, 1893 --
Sherlock Holmes "The Reigate Puzzle"
IT WAS some time before the health of my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes recovered from the strain caused by his immense exertions in the spring of ’87. The whole question of the Netherland-Sumatra Company and of the colossal schemes of Baron Maupertuis are too recent in the minds of the public, and are too intimately concerned with politics and finance to be fitting subjects for this series of sketches. They led, however, in an indirect fashion to a singular and complex problem which gave my friend an opportunity of demonstrating the value of a fresh weapon among the many with which he waged his lifelong battle against crime.On referring to my notes I see that it was upon the fourteenth of April that I received a telegram from Lyons which informed me that Holmes was lying ill in the Hotel Dulong. Within twenty-four hours I was in his sick-room and was relieved to find that there was nothing formidable in his symptoms. Even his iron constitution, ..........
My old friend, Colonel Hayter, who had come under my professional care in Afghanistan, had now taken a house near Reigate in Surrey and had frequently asked me to come down to him upon a visit. On the last occasion he had remarked that if my friend would only come with me he would be glad to extend his hospitality to him also. A little diplomacy was needed, but when Holmes understood that the establishment was a bachelor one, and
This PUZZLE of English language syntax translates:
- Colonel ...Hayter ....language evolved into messages:
- Colonel --> Colon + elements of style ..year 1918 book by William Struck Jr of Cornell
- Hayter --> Hay + ter ---> Hayakawa 1949 book " Language in Thought and Action" and "Symbols,Status and Personality" AND ter = tiers ...levels of abstraction.
Language in Thought and Action by S.I. Hayakawa - Reviews ...
Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition: S.I. Hayakawa, Alan ...
Thus we see how the language of an early generation (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)...influences subsequent generations of author/messengers.
The Blog: Dr.Watson explains the DNA orgin of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and atomic English language evolution ....and is a prerequiste to this DNA language continuation. But you may continue...for now.
The background frame of reference covers the period of 1872 thru today.
In 1872 Herbert Spencer in Principles of Biology (see the Story of Philosophy by Will Durant) suggests:
"Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations".
Will Durant comments with "The completeness of life depends on the completeness of this correspondence."
15 years later, in 1887, the mathematical logic LIFE FORM begins its completeness theorem .....the completeness of this (logic life)... correspondece starts as the written correspndence via characters...symbolic life forms of Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson.
Thus Sherlock Holmes and DR.Watson are applied mathematical logic expressions the COMPLETENESS THEOREM of math life starts its influential journey from 1887 to year 2010 and the appearance of Governor Doyle of the State of MIND ...Wisconsin.
Orginally the brain concept of Wisconsin was only as a physical geography state in the United States; but now we have have multiple perceptions of a STATE......all can be valid to the self-educated individual. We have Quantum States; Markov Transition States; Decision Theory ...States of Nature, etc. All these are different possible elements of your brain symbolic geography maps.
The primary state is the original EARTH geography concept of state ..that is why it is important to learn geography STATES in elementary grammer establish a FRAME of Reference between symbols and external reality ...for the optical nerve and its education about symbolic life and relationships.
And later, maybe..elementary school geography STATES extend to
quantum STATES in elementary physics.
Thus Herbert Spencer in 1872 gives us a biological awareness description like the "TALE of 2 Cities" per single human individual:
- the physical internal government of a human body and its associated symbolic identified by phrases: Heart to Heart conversations....from the bottom of my Heart...
- external reality of Nature with physics and mathematical models,etc and external social engineering institutions and governments
Thus the theory of 1872 becomes an application in 1887...
with the PRINCIPLE human example of BIOLOGY ... Sir Arther Conan Doyle and his subliminaL MIND DNA messengers with proper noun labels: Sherlock Holmes and DR. Watson; and a few years later Sherlock Holmes started string theory physics with the 1st STRAND of deductive/induction logic news MAGAZINE.
Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin are advisors to the DNA government of Nature...and its DNA applications to subset human ..symbolic EARTH lab specimens. Darwin natural selection...suggested to the DNA governmental level that it select a educated human ..whose name might suggest that he/she is a messenger for DNA and its symbolic life. The law of math life and algebraic subets.....was used by the DNA decision process in the symbolic selection of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. What was the algebraic subset rule of selection used by DNA?
What are the 4 DNA nucleotides - WikiAnswers
Cytosine .
DNA --> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters + Base 4 letters.
DNA --> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c + A c i d
subset D... o ..y....................Le ................
thus Doy.Le --> DNA Subset
...........Lead messenger .....with Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson
Thus the internal social/intellectual thoughts of DNA's symbol machine nature inside the biological body of Sir Arthur Conan converted VIA the Doyle transformation process external messages printed on cellulose paper. Hence the DR.WATSON and Sherlock Holmes are really DNA symbolic life fomats ...that VIA the DNA selected messenger DOYLE ...had their DNA signals printed.
Thus we come to the next stage of DNA symbolic character Dr.Watson's description of evolution.
The year 1887 thru 1900 had:
DNA --> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters of the hexadecimal molecular computer of
DNA --> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c with
subset D...o ..y...............Le ................
theexternal proper noun label (Doyle) of physical entity Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ....... while
his internal government is composed of the : DeoxyribonucLeic ...with 16 data processing symbols.
Thus his internal government has the complete DNA hex algebra of 16/16ths --> 1 IBM system 370 hexadecimal biological computer unit operating at human body tempertaure of 37.0 degrees C.
The DNA word (DeoxyribonucLeic) represents a complete goverment of awareness .....while his external identifier is the subset word Doyle which is 5/16 of DeoxyribonucLeic....representing 5/16 of awareness. Thus we have the Missing LINK problem of the atomic bio-physics anthropology family at Fermi_ _LAB.
Doyle is 5/16 of DeoxyribonucLeic leaving a remainder of 11/16 ....11 is the mathematical integer attribute of FermiLAB bio-physics SKU11 problem..the Hierarchy Problem.
This is the 11/16 of the DNA intellect....the Missing Link that will complete the DR.Watson, Sherlock Holmes equation of DeoxyribonucLeic. The Base 16 equation was:
5/16 (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) + 11/16 = 1 complete DNA intellectual unit
THe answer lies in Zino particle physics human representative which is tied to the number 11 of Nature's ZINJAN Sku11 project.
Lets establish a reference point here.
In summary, we have Nature's messenger Herbert Spencer (who is composed of atomic DNA and symbolic DNA) explain his theory in 1872 (really a DNA authored theory VIA the alert humanoid messenger named SPENCER).
Then Nature's DNA governmental level .......given the 1872 theory...decided to implement some communications experiments...hence the Darwinian symbolic subset math selection of Doyle...and also the Darwinian selection of names: Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes.
Why not names like: Dr.Smith and Sherlock Jones?
Let's see how Base 16 hexadecimnal DNA word: DeoxyribonucLeic......undergoes evolution with DR.Watson from year 1887/ 1900/ 1903 ........ +50 years to approximately year 1950 and 1953.
Dr.Watson year 1903 with hex DNA subset Doyle
...............+ 50 years of evolution giving
Mr.Watson year 1953.
Gee whiz...that name sounds so familiar. Whar happened around 1953?
Perhaps Mr.Watson is a double-helix name...thus Nature's government have have the WATSON double agents? What is their format from Nature's view?
Now analysis of year 1887 thru 1903 suggested 2 major themes:
- 1st the existemce of the DNA subliminal mind word: DeoxyribonucLeic
- 2nd the existence of DeoxyribonucLeic with 16 symbols
Thus in 1953 we have the emergence of Nature's intellect with 2 subset humans:
- the discovery by Watson at Cavendish Labs...of DNA and ...and himself an example of DNA long-term project plans and destiny VIA Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- the discovery by Watson on IBM of Base 16 hexadecimal data processing sytems. Thus IBM Watson is an example of a DNA government long-term project agent.
Nature's systems display ...
the Double-Helix WATSON intellectual expression.
The evolution of DR.Watson with Sherlock Holmes
The evolution of DR.Watson with Sherlock Holmes
In year 2011..organizations deny their debit to the DNA intllectual structure of Nature...which is regarded as a stupid biochemistry structure without thought. Groups claim full credit for the accomplishments of their labs. It's a big intellectual mistake to disrespect Nature and insult the periodic atomic table government...hence, the SCIENCE WARS universities and companies suffer defeat after the symbolic brain cell battle zone.
It's vary obvious to an unbiased reader of the newspaper tragedy reports --> a research scientist with freshman college textbooks for reference ......that an incomplete explanation is given by universities....about their tragedies. For course, Lewis Carroll around year 1865 and Bertrand Russell in year 1910 ...and H.G.Wells, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley already dicussed these problems. Fortunately, the school system taught some of their book messages.
Modern example:
- The Cole Hall shooting in the oceanography class....and news reports OMIT the reference to the George Well war over 1984 and Oceania...and the biased propaganda of parts of the education system...a system that is approved by citizen thoughts.
- The Virginia Tech university shooting of April 16......a biological computer job .... the Base 16 execution scheduled by the DNA cortex computer....using brain COBOL English language computer instructions......with Mr.Cho just a hypnotized pawn in the university SCIENCE WARS.
Why April 14..or April 15? Nature's Base 16 DNA likes the precise April 16th message for the university social science and philosphy/theology departments. Their manipulation of DNA symbolic language resulted in errors in their CAD system = Computer Aided Design.....the error resulting in student CAD --> CAD.avers going to Base 16 Hex'AF' = 175 level of the Af.TERLIFE dimensions of Galileo Base 16 COMPUTER EARTH system 370 of Sartre exitentialism.
Thus the April 16 ...Base 16 bio-computer batch job execution FORMAT ( a batch of students executed).
Thus we have advanced engineering human computer science ..and tragic events.
What else is new?
Pay attention please.
Sherlock Holmes fans are put on notice. Either wake up.....or continue to play nonsense games.
Sherlock Holmes expects alot from you...words are words.....we need accomplishments and need to bring out the more complete explanation. Nature is testing all of us...... I am trying...but I'm just 1 guy. Give me break! Any leadership out there?
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