UTOE = Unified Theory Of Everthing astrophysics battle at UTOE.ya - - - - - - - -> Galileo the DEFENDER (of Computer Earth land) at OE = Order Entry data location Oslo, Europe. European input data ERRORS to the Symbolic Universe.
BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth)
Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME. Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.
The BASE 16 project started in year 1600; the astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The BASE 16 ...400 year astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2011.
The Milky WAY galactic life of physics vector force FIELDS....
..........WAY.......social engineering directions...vector systems
.......NorWAY....... fails intellectual communication standards
..........WAY....... thus CAUSE and EFFECT examples for society
.....hoNOR code violations by NOR.way and their allies.
Their incomplete explanations of modern Galileo astronomy battles on EARTH LAB are unacceptable explanations in the year 2013 STANDARDS of the TREE of Knowledge.
The violations are of the Margaret Mead atomic mass communications LAWS.
Atomic human agents misrepresent their atomic social position in the Margaret Mead nuclear family hierarchy.
Utoeya and the University of Oslo(w)
CNO --> Children NOrway
This is known as the Hierarchy Problem in physics management circles...... especially the OS problem of the Office of Science and the OS tragedies .....such as OSLO, Omaha Shooting, Oklahoma Stillwater nuclear murder debate, etc. These issues could be clarified if EUROPE, NORWAY, and the American Office of Science hired unbiased, humble, independent thinkers to help explain the Hierarchy of Nature to subset human organizations.
Maslow's hierarchy of physics needs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A Theory of Human Motivation".
Maslow subsequently ...
However, many humans take great joy in misrepresenting the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ...social anthropology laws. That joy has existed for thousands of years; ancient civilizations had the same problem. Many ancient social groups had disrespect for accurate knowledge ... as demonstrated by the problems of the Library of Alexandria, Egypt.
News of the Norway tragedy provides empirical data for the astrophysics EVENT Horizon ....in this applied astrophysics event on EARTH LAB.....with
EVENT Horizon
Event Ho
Event Ho.NOR --> error signal
.........NORWAY and European ERROR songs and dances.
University professors are afraid of losing government funds; thus their subliminal mind is programmed to SHUT-UP and remain SILENT about the SCIENCE WAR tragedies. Television programs are proud of their brain manipulation abilities in BRAVE NEW WORLD with Aldous Huxley.
The Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL major BAL geography regions are Bali, Baltimore, Balkans, and the Baltic Sea. BAL = Basic Assembler Language is Nature's computer earth language......its been around for thousands of years...... long before university copper wire computer systems. Copper wire computers appeared around year 1950 and became very popular by 1980.
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL) for the BALTIC processing region? - Definition from WhatIs ...
==> The news empirical data for astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) analysis.
Tribute to Those Killed at Norway's Utoeya Island Tragedy -
Wall www.facebook.com...Norways-Utoeya.
Tribute to Those Killed at Norway's Utoeya Island Tragedy - site
Tribute to Those Killed at .....way's U.......Island Tragedy ..
Tribute to .................Milky Way Sun (system) Island.....
thus the message: Sun = Solar System. The Galileo 400 year war zone on the Solar system island (Planet Earth).
North Pole and Milky Way attack code --> spells NOR + WAY
Computer Architecture: Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design
Norways-Norwegian PM: Utoeya shooting a "national disaster" news
World Cached
Jul 23, 2011 – OSLO, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg on Saturday said Friday's shooting incident in Utoeya, a small island ...
BBC News - Unanswered questions in Norway tragedy
Jul 26, 2011 – Unanswered questions in Norway tragedy.
By Jorn Madslien BBC News. People lay flowers at Tyrifjorden Lake next to Utoeya island on 25 ...
Thus we look at the SETI message data set from Norway.
Who are the SETI humanoid brain bio-computer species with brain symbol machine processors ?
SETI Institute
Undergraduate Research at the SETI Institute in Astrobiology
Big Picture Science
Team SETI - Carl Sagan Center - Earth Speaks
Search for extraterrestrial intelligence - Wikipedia
Jump to Probe SETI and SETA experiments:
The possibility of using interstellar messenger probes in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence was first ...
Radio experiments - Optical experiments - Probe SETI and SETA experiments
SETI@home SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by ...
SETI at Berkeley | The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence at UC ... millions of at home ...
In late 1959 and early 1960, the modern SETI era began when Frank Drake conducted the first such SETI search ...
SETI, Extraterrestrial Life Search,
Outer Space | Aliens, Intelligent.....THUS signal to
O.........S --> OSLO and Europe.......their intellectual analytical nonsense is ALIEN to simple logic laws and ALIEN to the standards of accuracy used in serious research. Many books indirectly address this problem of newspapers ..... and their omission of the deeper mathematical-physics explanations of events. Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology is also a source of such explanatory data.
....provides the latest news articles about the search for extraterrestrial life in the universe. Learn about SETI, Fermi's Paradox, listen to Space.com's
SETI Institute: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence – scientific ...• Arecibo Observatory – Site of the world's largest single-dish radio telescope ...• Wikipedia:
Drake Equation – Developed by Dr. Frank Drake in the 1960's as an ...
Apr 27, 2011 – Budget cuts force the Allen Telescope Array, which scans space for extraterrestrial life, into hibernation mode while SETI searches for other ...
SETI silences alien-seeking telescope array | Technically Incorrect ... news.cnet.com/8301-
Apr 26, 2011 – Because of a lack of funds, the SETI Institute decides to take offline its 42 telescopes that have been on the lookout for alien life. Read this blog ...
Below, the Milky WAY signal identifier for the SETI and Hawking (year 1942)
Thus with the SETI search for life ... we look into our own backyard...astrophysics LOCAL REGION known as the Solar System EARTH LAB. Perhaps, the SETI people are really BRAIN thought aliens .....using a decoy strategy to confuse down-to-earth people like myself. Reverse psychology is an interesting trick. The SETI lack of communication about serious astronomy matters on EARTH LAB does arouse suspicion.....as to their TRUE NATURE. William Shakespeare, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lewis Carroll and many other authors already expressed similiar theories about human life - brain symbolic FORMAT varieties.
Milky WAY galactic astrophysics data clues revealed by
the norWAY event at Tyrifjorden Lake next to Utoeya island
Ty + U = Theory of the Universe
Utoe = Universal Theory of Everything (GUT + TOE)
GUT = Grand Unified Theory with atomic social anthropology
TOE = Theory of Everthing with Bal.TIC region TICK /TOCK clock
TOE = Time Order Entry of Bal.TIC region Y2K clock with
Tyrifjorden Lake next ......
T + yr if FJ ord ....Lake next ...COMPUTER EARTH system 370
T + yr = Time year
if = math logic
FJ ord --> FJ special orders issued by PURCHRECV .....an IBM OS/JCL CICS Cobol application PGM = OE1956P near
Lake --> Lake Street, I task processing (Itasca Illinois USA)
Thus we see a mathematical-physics mapping between the various multi-dimensional facets of Sartre existentialism.
In this case COMPUTER EARTH system 370 of Nature somehow
the year 1992 Itasca, Illinois, USA copper wire computer application PGM = OE19156P at Boise Cascade Office Products system 370 OS/JCL CICS main-frame to Computer Earth main-frame America
the human CICS COBOL programmer (and his brain symbolic computer bio-copy of PGM = OE19156P)
and then
uses that explicit,known software ORDER ENTRY process as a model for Earth DATA PROCESSING.
Thus we see Nature extrapolate the intial software application in Itasca .....
to an EARTH LAB geography land application with Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory.
Thus O(slo), E(urope) Tyr(ifjorden) Lake becomes
--> OE Tyr(permutation Try)
with the F and J special purchase orders (the copper wire software program OE19156P written by a human).
Thus Nature and its succesful try to use that program for Earth SYSTEMS.
OE = Order Entry --> OE =Oslo, Europe.
Thus the Darwinian selection from the symbol universe
of PGM = OE19156P with the mathematical-geological numeric
signal 56P ....56 Physics element of the atomic mass 56 of the ferrous oxide element of the EARTH's iron core .....atomic computer core processing well known to college geology and geography students.
Ferrous oxide atomic mass 55.85 is rounded to 56 for the general public ... atomic mass communications
signal 56P ....also LINKS via String theory to Russell/Whitehead year 1910 book:
Principia Mathematica to *56
(Cambridge Mathematical Library)
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell: Books.
Principia Mathematica to *56. ...
by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and
NOw we look at the Earth Lab atomic/astrophysics continuum which contains within it various bio-physics symbolic computers. We view the EARTH Lab continuum as:
atomic <--- intermediate atomic bio-expressors --> astrophysics
Thus these intermediates....in the MIDDLE .... are of interest in SETI research.
Using the CALTECH....CAL.culus intermediate value theorem provided by
TOM M. Apostol ......... we see a
......MAP ..............What is the MAP that
TOM M. Apostol provided in the college calculus textbook ?
..........Apost --> Astrophysics Post office at CALTECH .....
thus providing a background signal about possible SETI life forms within the CALTECH geography area.
Thus the SETI search within Computer Earth data space known as VSAM CA = Control Area = California. The California continuum SEARCH for life formats ....is perhaps in living VSAM KSDS form. Since California is a Sartre existential DS = Data Set on EARTH LAB ......theory suggestsd we look for a KS identifier ......
thus KS + DS --> KSDS --> Key Sequenced Data Set astrobiological life form ......who is a KEY pLayer in galactic LOCAL REGION affairs.
What do we see:
atomic <--- intermediate (middle) expressors --> astrophysics
astrobiology blood-plasMID .......
Then the SETI quest would ask --> Does a mathematical-physics bio-physics entity exist with continuum symbol life flowing thru his blood ... so to speak .....
an intermeduiate value theorem of continuum bio-math functions.
The book " Black Holes and Time Warps" provides more SETI clues about interesting life forms. The book CLUE is about the Earth mathematical-physics logarithmic geography surface area known as Logan, Utah...... like an island in the vast areas of the Utah. The book confirms that a MAX BORN mathematical-physics life format originated in year 1940.
Thus we use supersymmetry geo-physics to identify SIGNALS.
We have data useful for SETI research into extraterrestial intelligence that may live on EARTH LAB. Earth Lab is an algebraic subset of the Milky Way Universe.
How would NAURE help us identify such possible partial SETI intelligence?
Ww look at the SYMBOL MACHINE of the UNIVERSE ....whose existence is denied by SETI.
Keyword(s): blog-019
The SYMBOLIC ORIGIN of the Universe
12/04/09 15:25 , Categories: Welcome
--> The mathematical creation of physical existence has a few components; one is the GALILEO Hexadecimal Base 16 construct.
--> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:
Vowel A = American geographic location
Vowel E = E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL) data BUS
Vowel I = Input data stream
Vowel O = Output data pipeline
Vowel U = other sides of the multi-facted UNIVERSAL MIND
Thus analysis of the SYMBOLIC UNIVERSE fills in the SETI missing Link.
Galileo stated in year 1632 " Two Chief World Systems" and SETI only looks a 1/2 of the universe.
Milky Way Universe --> sequence of alphabet symbol subset:
.........W.y.Univers....and a possible astrophysics code
.........Wy ....Univers.....
Thus we study a possible candidate for the process of
Darwinian selection of EARTH astrophysics agents ....
Kip S. Thorne - Wikipedia, Jump to Biography:
Thorne was born in Logan, Utah,
the son of Utah State University professors D. Wynne Thorne and Alison C. Thorne, a soil chemist ...
==> thus we see the astrophysics code keywords:
-Wynne ....university
-Log U --> Logarithms, Universe in Logan, Utah.
-intials KS Thorne for VSAM KSDS undercover agent
That was year 1940 astrobiology with math bioLOGy --> Log Y agent ..... Space Time origination coordinates ( logarithms of LOGAN Utah, 1940).
Now lets look at a new Milky Way signal .....supersymmetry data messages waiting analysis.......
Tyrifjorden Lake next to Utoeya island .....
Thorne......Logan next...Utah......land giving
Thor the Viking astrophysics V = Vector space messenger
Viking = V + interface + (Ki) + thin.King
giving ....................Kip S. Thorne ...who is part of the
Universe Theory of Everything.
This gives just access to
CALTECH religious mass and vespers.
Vespers = Ve + spe + ers =
Vector space errors.......via V = Viking Vector analysis
which Tom M. Apostol and others cover in math books.
In summary, we see the SCIENCE WARS and the various factors ...create an interesting puzzle.....that sometimes results in tragedy. In this case the tradegy is a FEEDBACK SIGNAL that responsible citizens ought try to understand. Simplified, incomplete explanations are unacceptable to Nature's intellect VIA the BIG EAR of Earth at OSU (Ohio State University ..... a parallel to OSlo University).
This preliminary outline needs the enhancement of theorists and verification by experimentalists.
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