North Pole magnetic DATA FIELD war casualties at Utoeya, Norway. European and OSLO governments deny the existence of Earth OS/JCL systems.
The Norwegian government could have avoided the Utoeya tragedy if they payed more intellectual attention to EARTH magnetic government structures and their Norwegian algebraic subset government. This lack of respect for EARTH diplomatic affairs is known as the Hierarchy Problem in physics and biophysics.
Previous research outlined the bio-physics problem of many human groups. These research articles were available long before the Utoeya tragedy; but Europeans don't concern themselves with the subtle aspects of EARTH LAB Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology life and EARTH LAB atomic mass communication signals sent to the human species.
Some of the INTERNET articles:
==> component of the Science Wars.
Keyword(s): blog-008
The NORTH POLE Magnetic Data Field WAR
12/14/09 16:50 , Categories: Welcome
The North Pole magnetic data field is most easily understood within the context of COMPUTER EARTH.
==> The NORTH POLE Magnetic Data Field WAR
03/26/11 22:07 , Categories: Uncategorized
Below is a excerpt of those articles, outlining the situation .....which needs some additional RD .... when funds become available. The Utoeya tragedy amd other tragedies do provide additional empirical data ...that will be useful to those scientists that work on the project.
This additional data comes from CITIZEN approved government experimental projects in CAD = Computer Aided Design...... and its adaptation to the human brain bio-computer systems. As a result of PROJECT ERRORS we have human CAD = CAD.avers. Thus computer science technology advances with the approval of CAD (death data processing) by society and newspaper editors.
Thus we have the BRAVE NEW WORLD situation without brave intellectual professorial leadership. Russell/ Whitehead in year 1910 in Principia Mathematica expressed concern about featherless bipeds; since 1960 the television social psychology war has trapped many thinkers into believing that they think of everthing. I learned my lesson the hard way; if you assume something .....then verify it with data ...and if necessary, update your assumptions.
The North Pole magnetic data field is most easily understood within the context of COMPUTER EARTH.
The COMPUTER EARTH government is known as Uncle SAM = Sequential Access Method that is used by the geology computer device UNIT = NORTH POLE Magnetic Tape (the NIXON tape computer science experiment). The magnetic field lines/ tape interact with the iron HEMOGLOBIN proteins in students and professors cortex computer. This provides COMPUTER EARTH data processing system with a hybrid cybernetic construct --> similar to Star Trek, Captain Picard and the BORG.
Theory and empirical data suggests that university students and professors are BORG like. The main components are:
1) Data processing device UNIT = TAPE of North Pole Magnetic field flow lines. This geological/physics structure of MOTHER NATURE needs a READ/ WRITE HEAD to perform I/O = Input/ Output of magnetic data fields. Thus
2) The interaction of the EARTH magnetic field with the ferrous oxide atoms of the brain/cortex HEME GROUP FE(II) ion would be the interaction mechanism. To optimize such interaction Charles Darwin natural selection would select students and PROFESSORS at the University of I/O Work Area ==> known to computer programmers as the University of Input/ Output Work Area = which is the biology brain experiment test = University of I O W A.
3) Thus the geography combination of the NORTH POLE magnetic Field and the willing experimental brain research subjects in IOWA leads to a complete picture. The device UNIT = NORTH POLE magnetic field lines (TAPE) uses the biological READ/ WRITE TAPE HEAD of an educated student. These BRAVE student specimens complete the BRAVE NEW WORLD experiment.
Thus Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL would find an OS earth address location ..... and with the North Pole Magnetic data field could construct a parameter list ..... a Charles Darwin natural selection parameter list. This would include BAL = Basic Assembler Language for computer earth.
EARTH Parameters:
(OS/JCL, North Pole, BAL)...and abbreviated we have
(OS, Nor , BAL) and find appropriate geography areas
(OSLO, NORWAY, Baltic region) ....Big NORWAY, Europe
(OSHKOSH, Norway, Baldwin) Little Norway + Wisconsin cities
Thus we see the supersymmetry geography-physics MAP with
the EARTH as a living cell with EARTH genetics
agent BL = Benjamin Lewin (and the BL equation).
Now, we look at the famous BLT symbolic sandwich and we see
Big (Norway) <-- supersymmtery --> Little (Norway) ....Tragedy regions
Europe ought consider OSLO as a symbolic figurehead of OS/JCL.
A universe communications BRIDGE is cam.BRIDGE university;
which does not communicate about the SCIENCE WARS. The British university can't handle the intellectual challenge; their Carl Jung collective unconsiouness is dominated with illusions of grandeur. The proper physics view of atomic English language WORD:
Grandeur = Grand + eur -->
Grand Unified Theory eu.rope .....rope for STRING theorists and
a single-threading task manager message for STRING theorists.
Also, data for the Margaret Mead atomic human Hierarchy Problem ... a factor in the SCIENCE WAR battle casualties....... the war as suggested in L.RON Hubbard's book "Battlefield Earth".
Ox = Oxygen atomic computer Base 16 LUNG processor is not recognized by British thinkers.
Thus we have university electromagnetic --> EM = life forms --> who will not diplomatically recognize atomic table governmental messages.
What are the tragedies of the NORTH POLE war with OSLO, NORWAY's oversight management role in world computer science bio-CAD affairs?
==> OS/JCL = OSLO, Norway, Baltic .....shooting at Utoeya, Norway.
==> OS/JCL = OSHKOSH Wisconsin ....manufacturing trucks for Base 16 hexadecimal war in earth data processing region HEX'AF' = 175 = AF.ghanistan ...with the battle.FIELD --> Data FIELDS.
==> OS/JCL = OSHKOSH, Wisconsin
and Little NOR.way .......
...........NOR.berg shot in the Milwaukee police magnetic field war
...........NOR.thern Illinois University shootings by a POLE agent
Norway and the world governments and world newpapers will not help research this Earth Lab SIGNAL phenomena and the additional processing SIGNALS awaiting correlation analysis.
Engineers have written many college textbooks on SIGNAL Processing and Feedback Control Systems
.....with many concepts useful for social science analysis of Nature's societal architectural project plan.
In addition we have the historical data of the NORTH POLE magnetic field government and its involvement in the 2 war SIGNALS sent to those with a functional symbolic brain.
The 1950 war with NORTH Korea.
The 1968 war with NORTH Vietnam with President N (Nixon) and his Watergate magnetic field tape SIGNAL regarding the Nixon magnetic TAPE recordings in the cell (cellar/ basement)...a reference to molecualr cell biology and the Hemoglobin iron protein interaction with the North Pole magnetic field flow lines. The Washington Post newspaper ought print the lastest updates in SCIENCE WAR research in EARTH LAB politics.
It is strongly believed ..that additional analysis of those events ...with a new VIEW....will give scientists a better understanding of WORLD social enghineering systems and Nature's policies, limits and balance laws. John Locke and other philosopher's began the idea of the SOCIAL CONTRACT ...... our generation must update that concept. Some events can be correlated with the new explanations of how humans interact with NATURE .....such as the iron hemoglobin protein LINK with the magnetic thought field.
Gravity thought fields are another type structure that ought be understood.... such as the Jake Gerard Base 16 hexadecimal gravity murder in the Milwaukee SCIENCE WAR zone.
Norway and the European countries have many secrets. What is secret?
Basic high school physics, math, chemistry books provide the basis for political science.
Modern Margaret Mead atomic social anthroplogy and atomic political science and atomic social psychology ....... it's all there in the textbooks. It's a puzzle......and interesting puzzle.
The North Pole magnetic field has communication expectations from Norwegian, British, and Danish universities. Thus we have the atomic human ....AN = Atomic Number of proton messages in atomic human with name: AN = ANDERS Behring B. and his atomic anthropology message.
Published accounts of his message ....suggest that it is identical to the European physics department RD into the bio-physics topic: Many-Body Problem.
The North Pole magnetic field communication problems in iron Hemoglobin protein people is NO secret. Thus Norway, Europe, and Milwaukee ought pay attention to policeman Norberg (as agent UWM = Universe WARRIOR Magnetic ) and the probable pending trial against with UWM (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee secret society of gravity /magnetic Human manipulation life formats).
The Star Trek book Voyager series .....paperback book "Ghost of a Chance" by Garland and McGraw clearly outlines the EARTH LAB situation in Wisconsin with Captain Janeway .....symbolic of Janesville Wisconsin and the GM = General Motors automotive IRON assembly line experiments in interaction with GM --> gravity/magnetic fields and iron atomic mass Hemoglobin protein languages within the bio-physics UAW laboratory ...labor UNION.
Page 62 " It is possible that interference from the planet's extreme magnetic field flucations is preventing the signal from getting through," Tuvok suggested.
Page 66 " A warning against what? . . . .. . . The planet's chaotic magnetic fields must be affecting your sensors, the same affecting your sensors, the same as ours. A mission to the surface was the logical step".
The previous sentence ......"a mission to surface"....translated is probably a Carl Jung subconciousness collective output message. Thus the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer MISSION is to take the subliminal mind thoughts AND bring them to the surface of conciousness ......for analysis and if necessary fix the brain computer program BUG.
The human symbolic brain defect or symbolic data processing BUG is well-known. The molecular cell biology SIGNAL was by Scrooge (a language double-helix screw messenger)......thus his brain biochemistry status code announcement HUM.bug.
Today this would be called a COBOL cortex computer program language BUG. These bio-software ERRORS can result in crime or other problems.
Thus we have Norway NORTH POLE secrets and Little Norway, Wisconsin secrets of Heme group Fe(ii) ion with social biochemistry. What does magnetic field tell us about the SECRET of Wisconsin political science tell us?
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Now biophysics theory predicts we have an Earth government North Pole magnetic-sensor undercover agent:
Wisconsin Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner
page 209 provides clues on the EARTH goverment of Nature.
" The Televek seem interested only in acquiring this plan(et's) defensive system, which primarily consists of that underground power source we have been monitering."
The theory suggests that a power source is the UW geology department professorial brain cells
and their IRON ferrous oxide thought LINK via the messenger ferry BAT system to BAT.avia, Illinois and its fer = ferrous oxide atomic human RD center.
Here Dante's Infer(no) is used to logically in.FER --> FER.miLAB's atomic origin of thoughts in their Margaret Mead nuclear family ...which includes the atomic brain cell nucleus and its atomic behaviorial anthropology expressions.
Completing the "Lord of Rings" thought we have.....above mentioned thought ...underground poer source ..which may be the geological EARTH's iron core and it's 26 iron proton 26 atomic English alphabet ...which interacts at the EARTH core (see Systems and Signal textbooks) ROC = Region of Convergence for iron and its magnetic properties, the North Pole magnetic field Hemoglobin ironic thought data, and gravity thoughts that interact with the human brain atomic mass.
A puzzle ....... these interactions are only possible if your brain has significant math, physics, or chemistry thoughts. Thus Nature's intellectual TEST...... if an older, educated adult fails to understand these possible concepts ...then your brain is filled with useless information. Study the high school algebra quadratic equation ..... a good source of symbolic brain development.
Norway and Europe are educated.
Why Utoeya? What's happening?
Please tell me about the magnetic field HUMAN secret relationship to:
- Santa Claus flying reindeer
Santa Claus's reindeer are a team of flying reindeer traditionally held to pull the sleigh of Santa Claus and help him deliver Christmas gifts. The commonly cited ...
List of reindeer - Origins - Additional reindeer - See also
- Arabic Flyng Carpet
- etc.
Returning to page 209.
" The Televek seem interested only in acquiring .........."
as in proper noun agent: Anders Beh.RING
....vik --> Vectors (i,j) social engineering directions to Utoeya.
Why can't Europe communicate about serious matters.
Sports, movies, restaurants apparently are priority intellectual matters.
Carl Jung already expained how the collective unconsciouness works.
Others have outlined the secrets of ADVANCED human neurotransmitter communication systems (equivalent to brain radio as suggested by music group RADIO HEAD).
No feedback yet
Additional Posts
- The BALTIC region biological database WAR at UTOEYA, Norway. The IMS bio-database command: logical DELETE of child data record results in physical DELETE of child records
- The Australian computer science PROBLEM and the intellectual war - introduction
- India bio-computer SCIENCE WAR with COMPUTER EARTH system 370. Indian universities live in a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness dream world --> the bio-computer mind of India.
- The Baltimore BAL = Basic Assembler Language SOS signal ignored by BALTIC region countries. OSLO and Europe ignore the Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL help request.
- GM assembly line - Astrophysics COMPUTER EARTH assembly program errors. GM --> Gravity and Magnetic field components of life.
- Norway and the Computer Earth BAL programmers of the BAL(tic) Region. The European CAD = Computer Aided Design of Rwanda, AF(RICA) human CAD.avers.
- North Pole magnetic DATA FIELD war casualties at Utoeya, Norway. European and OSLO governments deny the existence of Earth OS/JCL systems.
- The earth iron core processor of COMPUTER EARTH and its subroutine DRIVER I-35W communications bridge message from St.Paul (DIRAC) to 1800 E. Paul DIRAC Drive, FSU, Tallahasee
- City/ State computer TIME projects
- TIME WAR: Virginia TECH University Base 16 HEX April 16
- TIME WAR: Manhattan project physics battle SEPT 11, 2001 OVER the secret Manhattan computer system
- The final bio-computer battle of Great Britain with brain warrior Margaret Thatcher
- Computer Earth system 370 and the university/school communications data bus ERROR ...the bio-computer RAM Science Wars. Do you have RAM vehicle insurance? Do you have RAM life insurance?