Understanding the physics gravity battlefield of the Science Wars

Galileo Galilei ---> GG VS GG <--- Gabby Giffords. The NASA war of JAN 8 with Stephen Hawking and the theory of the Gabby Giffords BIG BANG and B Holes at astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab - Arizona).

Permalink 12/14/13 22:14, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

After you read the post below, visit    
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred  POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within,  etc.   The Grand Unified Theory (GUT)  500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.



Stephen Hawking Biography | Discoveries, Books & Quotes | Space ...

His work on black holes and the big bang are topics of popular books. ... of Famous Astronomers and great scientists from many fields who have worked in astronomy.] ... British cosmologist Stephen William Hawking was born in England on
Jan. 8, 1942, 300 years 

to the day after the death of the astronomer Galileo Galilei.



293 × 362 - Galileo Galilei. Scientist; alleged heretic; died in



on  Jan. 8, 1942,    300 years  extended  .....  to the day after the attempted death of Gal = Gabby Giffords

Congresswoman  Shot   Jan 8 2011: Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tuscon ...

Jan 8, 2011 – Congresswoman Shot Jan 8 2011Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tuscon..
Jan 8,  1942 -  in Oxford, England. ... site is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science.
Jan 8,  1642  - under house arrest. Galileo died

Thus we have the modern version of  galactic social laws on EARTH in year 2011 .... with the super-symmetry EVENT societal  physics parallels between year 1642 and year 2011

 Jan 8,  1642  - under house arrest. Galileo died
Jan 8................. house .............Ga
Jan 8,  2011 -  ............Congress / house ..... EVENT parallel agent Ga almost  died

The United States House of Representatives · House.gov

Home page of the United States House of Representatives. ... States House of 

The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States
consisting of two houses: the lower house known as the House of Representatives and the upper house known as the Senate. Congress meets in the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Both representatives and senators are chosen through direct election. Congress has a total of 535 voting members: 435 members in the House of Representatives and 100 members in the Senate.


consisting of two houses
consisting of two houses
consisting of two houses
consisting of two houses -----> the National Aeronautics Space Administration refuses to discuss  GRAND  UNIFIED THEORY  of the
double-helix existential space on EARTH world ...  as first described by Galileo.

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems: Ptolemaic and ...


Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, published in Florence in 1632, was the most proximate cause of his being brought to trial before ... 

The NASA and Federal government  Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems  equals ZERO.   The nothing dialogue.  The one-way dialogue of  intellectual arrogance.

The consequences on S = System date of  S = Sept11, 2001  ......
Nature sent a message VIA Nature's programmable human bio-computers    
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World TRADE CENTER Systems.  

Thus we see a few  pieces to understanding  events in  EARTH WAR zone.
Let's look at more possible  clues.


AS = AStronomy  Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords ....AstroPhysics  Politics


Jan 8, 2011 – Representative Gabrielle Giffords is in critical condition this evening (January 8, 2011) after being shot in the head during "Congress in Your ...
Jan 8, 1642  – Representative Galileo is in critical condition this evening  = even integer math life  
  1. God Created The Integers: The Mathematical ... - Amazon.com

    Dense with numbers, formulae, and ideas, God Created the Integers is quite challenging, but Hawking rewards curious readers with a look at how mathematics ...

    God Created the Integers presents history's extraordinary moments in math, culled

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_GalileiCached - Similar
Jump to Death‎: Galileo continued to receive visitors until 1642, when, after suffering fever and heart palpitations, he died on 8 January 1642, aged 77 ---> signal to year 1776.

  1. United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of ... 

    On July 4, 1776, the United States Congress approved the Declaration of ... more than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, and as a ...


Thus we see the G = universal  gravitation constant  ...that is the gravity component of G = Governemnt that NASA , the Office of Science, and universities refuse to discuss.


Gravity highway ...Route 66 and the Gravity English alphabet letters A to Z  ......
in the geography STATE  of AZ (Arizona)  ..... but missing from the STATE of MIND  (AZ in the brain symbolic processor with Einstein's   data processing DATA FIELDs  of  field theory interface applications).
Thus we see the NASA  signal   equation    .....   of existence of life on EARTH.   Does NASA recognize anything?
Does the University of Arizona recognize anything?
Thus the  GRAVITY equation symbols above maps to physical biology structures in appropriate physical geography  regions.   Thus the living GRAVITY equation ---> 
Arizona G = Gabby  Route 66   10 toes  - SKU11    Nm =New Mexico   mk = mark  kelly
Thus the TOES of agent G  ..are covered by TOE theory --> Theory of Everything System ...which includes social sciences and political science activities in the gravity and magnetic fields on PLANET Earth.


Mark Edward Kelly
Official NASA photo of Kelly
NASA Astronaut
Nationality American
Status Retired[1]
Born February 21, 1964 (age 48)
Orange, New Jersey
Other occupation Test Pilot
Thus we see the NASA test  on bio-physics gravity coupling    with  Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics entities  .....as  predicted by FermiLAB , the IRON LADY  (Margaret Thatcher)  and the   IRON MAN.
Above we have the Fe = Ferrous oxide agent symbolized by a fe = female CONGRESS woman  AND
the Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic calender agent of Fe = February 1964.
Thus we see NASA's selection of year  1964 agents...  to help answer the  big QUESTION -->
  1. The $64,000 Question - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
    The $64,000 Quest

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_$64,000_QuestionCached - Similar
    On September 10, 1950, Take It or Leave It changed its title to The $64 Question. ... The first question was worth one dollar, and the value doubled for each ... To capitalize on the initial television success, the show was also simulcast for two ...
  2. What is the history behind the phrase "64 thousand dollars ... 

    answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060827112827AAcfNx8Cached - Similar
    10 answers - Aug 27, 2006
    A game show in the 50's called "The 64 Thousand Dollar Question" ... it originated on radio then moved to TV) called the 64000 dollar question.

    The $64,000 Question - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
    The $64,000 Quest

    1. IBM PartnerWorld - Large page (64K) sample code 

      "This large page sample code example contains two pieces of sample code to show how using large (64K) pages can improve code performance under certain ...

    2. Fermilab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
      en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FermilabCached - Similar
      Location, Winfield Township, DuPage County / Batavia Township, Kane County, ...As of January 1, 2007, Fermilab is operated by the Fermi Research Alliance, ...
DuPage County, Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPage_County,_IllinoisCached - Similar
DuPage County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. .... Fermilab, which has the world's second-highest-energy particle accelerator in the world, is in ...
Willowbrook - Addison Township,DuPage ... - Milton Township - Naperville
DuPage County 

pm74523: page count usage error encountered when running ... - IBM

Jan 25, 2013 – Page Count Usage error encountered when running map using 8.2 plus the fix for APAR PM66701.

Thus we see  U.S.NAVY Captain for NASA  ......help explain the GPA = Grade Point Average  for the EARTH geography region of humanoids  in DuPAGE ...... the gravity computer page  abbreviated as the gpa = gravity page.    
As with any book  ..... the gravity book with gravity pages ....starts with PAGE ONE  ....that is VIA humanoid gravity structures  ......such as FermiLAB  agent for P One = Page One =  Pier Oddone near geography DuPAGE County.
Oh....the ODDONE --> ODD   one = 1 , 3, 5 ......
Okay how do we get from  page 1 to page 3  without page 2.
That is accomplished by going to VSAM space  ..... CA = California  CA = Control Area at CA =  CALTECH  and getting  agent     Kip S. Thorne  .......  and  then  rearrange his brain  bio-computer proper noun name   to  VSAM features  -->    S . KIP THORNE  ...thus allowing   VSAM  KSDS Skip Sequential Processing  of the FermiLAB  ODD  integrer space  1,  3 , 5  , 7,  9, SKU11.

Astrophysics EARTH data space/time  with Thorne ---> Skip-sequential processing - IBM

Mar 6, 2013 – When possible, CICS uses VSAM "skip-sequential" processing to speed browsing. Skip-sequential processing applies only to forward browsing 

To the DuPAGE  ......GPA --> Gravity Page system  with page 2  ...allows acess to even intgers.
To accomplish this we need the STEVEN  CHU  feature...... ST + EVEN --> Start EVEN integer address space  ...2,4,6,8 , 10 .
Thus the Department of Energy (ST. even CHU) and the OS/JCL =OFFICE of Science  JCL = JOB Control Langauge for humanoid bio-c0mputers with Fe = Ferrous  oxide Hemoglobin  proteins at FermiLAB  ... ..together form a math integer continuum ......as predicted by Stephen Hawking.

God Created The Integers: The Mathematical ... - Amazon.com

Dense with numbers, formulae, and ideas, God Created the Integers is quite challenging, but Hawking rewards curious readers with a look at how mathematics ..

God Created The Integers: The Mathematical ... - Amazon.com

God Integers: The Mathematical ... - Amazon.com

Why is the symbol for integers the letter Z

wiki.answers.com › ... › School SubjectsMath and ArithmeticAlgebra
http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.01/stephanie3.html. More information on ... Why represented the integers by the symbol Z? It's short for Zahlen ...


God Z integers: The Mathematical ....  named after  the German  and  POLISH math-life project 
GodZin............  thus we  have  several major projects .....

and the Hawking GODZIN signal to Poland  AND  the Chicago-Polish community.


The NASA TENZIN Gyatso proejct of Tibet gravity fields

Gyatso --> GY + at + tso  --> Gravity atlas Time sharing option .

Thus the year 1964 .....U.S.NAVY   .........
......................................U SNA --> Universe system 370 Systems Network Architecture   and its relationship to the subset humanoid institution known as the Pentagon and its various groups.

Thus NASA ought enlarge its GESTALT  view of the sysmbolic world .....ideas ...the structure of NATURE

NA ---> NATURE and how it works and thinks 
NA ---->NASA ....a subset that ought acknowledge the existence of the larger set of existence.

Jan 08,   1642  - under house arrest. GG = Galileo Galilei  died
Jan 08 , 2011 -  under EARTH  field theory  arrest GG  = Gabby Giffords almost  died at the 
grocery store .....
gro = gravity row  .....the gravity matrix ...linear algebra field that humanoids live WITHIN.



How much would the original IBM PC with 64K motherboard

How much would the original IBM PC with 64K motherboard

How much would the original IBM Person Computer 
with 64K mother board of education human bio-computer





Thus a few pieces to an interesting puzzle ...the NASA mystery.      The silence  .........

Analysis of Milwaukee GRAVITY WAR casualties and the Norbert Wiener cybernetics undercover police agent --> Norberg

Permalink 12/14/13 21:58, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The EARTH LAB...Earth Atlas battle in Milwaukee at S. 16th Street at Atlas (data bus) BUS Sales party and the shooting death of Jake Gerard.....known in astrophysics gravity life humanoid format as
Jake G --> Gravity
Jake G = universal gravitational constant city laws of Nature
.....G ... un .....the shooting gun is a tool used in the gravity WAR on EARTH.

Universities are familiar with gravity and its interaction with the atomic mass inside the human brain. Thus ..over the centuries ..this interaction mechanism ...between brain mass and the gravity field...has according to Darwin's theory of gravity evolution ...allowed gravity waves to pick up brain mass THOUGHTS. After a few hundred years of this process...the gravity waves have acquired their own gravity THOUGHT abilities...their own gravity LIFE.

Thus the current view of the situation in 2 steps is:

1st --> today ...we consider them as 2 independent life/thought formats:
Gravity thought waves with symbolic life and grammer --> humans with possible thoughts. Thoughts are considered math, physics, biochemisty....nonsense is not considered a serious, abstract significant thought...unless you are an undercover agent for Nature's investigative project into nonsense and tricks.

2nd --> then given their separate identities....we realize that gravity does flow into our bodies and brain ...and the interaction process will continue.....BUT...under what parameters. Thus a smart HUMAN brain that works in harmony with Nature's intellect and within Nature's laws ....probably will have a good relationship...a good THOUGHT marriage with gravity life.
But this basically works with older and wiser people.....over 46 ....over 56 (atomic weight of Hemoglobin iron), over 66 (gravity number 6.6 etc...)

Thus we see the component of the gravity field....gravity field WAR....and how the gravity life can take control of the human brain atomic mass...and implant thoughts ...murder thoughts.
The the human being doing the murder is just a vehicle for the gravity THOUGHT data field.
Universities are familiar with gravity fields,etc ...ask them for the details of their secret worlds. But you can figure it out for yourself...spend 10 hours a week for several weeks...and think it thru. The gravity WORD clues about Wisconsin gravity Death and Murder are calculated to be:

G = universal gravitational constant
G ..un...... grav +itational cons --> expanded message -->


Thus its like a golf game ..a golf invitational...a chance to get a hole in one.

In Jake Gerard's golf game of life ...
......he got a (bullet) hole in one shot
......he got a hole in one (graveyard)







As a final point we look at the math life HUMAN interaction properties of the gravity constant..and its message about human life on the surface of EARTH.

G = 6.6 x 10 ( exponent -11).... see a physics book about Gravity Constant




Thus we are interested in number 6.6 and its symbolism......

we have Left 6 .... decimal point...Right 6

Thus we see our gravity interaction LIFE cycle:

1) ALIVE ..we are 6 feet tall (average) - vertical Vector life
2) DEAD ...we are 6 feet under
...........(project undertaking of Horizontal Vectors life)

Thus we see that gravity LIFE inside the human body/brain has unique features.
--> ALIVE we are vertical.

We STAND about 16 hours a day (the S. 16th Street signal of the EARTH government for the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee geology/physics/computer departments --> the earth ATLAS battlefield at ATLAS BUS Sales.

--> Alive we are vertical body ...and death is an mathematical rotation of 90 degrees
--> Dead we are horizontal body ....thus the math phase change with the orthogonal rotation.



Now the Milwaukee School of Engineering is familiar with mechanical engineering vectors and
rotation of metal iron bodies ....machining parts on machine tools....metal parts have to rotate ....orthogonal or orthonormal....angles.

In Nature's EARTH LAB....MSOE knowledge can be adapted to human BODY ...social engineering.
Thus we see the Jake G. --> Gravity constant
with the JAKE = Ja + ke --> key BODY

Thus we have the
GRAVITY human process control system

1) Jake G. ... ALIVE vertical -->
2) his orthogonal rotation --> mathematical/gravity angle change
3) Jake G. ...DEAD is the horizontal QUANTUM mathematical-physics state.

Thus Jake G = universal grave invitational wish.CON.sin....shows how Nature can adapt human objects and their destiny .....to give Milwaukee scientists a DEMO in year 2008.
Thus we have the gravity VIEW of human time phases ..with the
year 2008 A.D gravity transition SIGNAL:
A = Alive vertical transition
D = Dead horizontal in coffin....NOW his coffin equation (co + ff + in --> input to the gravity COMPUTER EARTH)

if Jake Gerard had GRAVITY Life insurance protection or
if Jake Gerard had a mathematical-physics accidental death protection insurance policy...then his odds of living would improve...... almost a guarantee of Fermi-Dirac statistical research on EVENTS.

In theory this is because the Hemoglobin iron proteins of Fer = ferrous oxide atomic LIFE are doing TOP - SECRET research at Fer= Fermlib with the
Fermi-Dirac statistics Dirac -->
Fermi-Dirac statistics Direc --> director of probability ...William Feller agent ODDONE....the ODDS = 1.

The BIG TEN Universities ought be closed until they recognize the existence of TEN.Sor space/time life AND until such time they recognize the existence of the EARTH ATLAS event.....their intellectual song and dance is like basketball dribble. The Milwaukee police detectives ought ask the universities for an explanation about the CARL JUNG university collective ...collective unconscious code of silence.

Of course, Milwaukee detectives, West Allis detectives, Waukesha detectives, Oconomowoc detectives, Rice Lake Detectives....the list goes on .........could form a SCIENCE WAR research club to help explain...in more detail ..the deeper levels of some criminal EVENTs and wars and accidents. I could use some help in explaining these things.....since they take weeks of pondering ......to arrive at a clear picture of the levels involved.

As William Shakespeare wrote:
......" the world is a stage and we are the players"

today " the world is a atomic stage and we are symbolic (P + Layers)Processing Layers".

In addition, on television we have the old COWBOY and Western movies...with the
6 shooter...
the 6 GUN ...translated into gravity language
the 6 Gravity Unit and all the shoot-outs...were really physics battles in the gravity field field dimension...which were carried out by human vehicles ..under gravity thought control.

Thus we have the modern city of Milwaukee and its universities...who are very silent about the SCIENCE WARS. They ought at least...give the hard-working detectives of the Milwaukee Police department ....an outline of some of the components of the SCIENCE WARS/some of the known CAUSE and EFFECT relationships of this new type of understanding of crime, etc.
Perhaps someone cares about the advanced systems view of EVENTS and tragedies.





Also see the the BLOg with INTERNET keywords:

The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory battle with 2 Milwaukee police officers --> North Pole magnetic field undercover agent Norberg wounded AND Gravity undercover agent: Graham K. wounded

--> Norbert Wiener wrote a book about cybernetics and artificial intelligence around 1950.
He introduced concepts.....with a VIEW of explaining "HOW Things Work". Thus in last 60 years...the increase in available knowledge in math and beginning college science textbooks ....enables anyone with a high-school education....determination to learn....with a few books ....can really discover the secrets of STREET LIFE and human behavior and also the tricks broadacst VIA television and movies.

Since Norbert Wiener....is theory and heavy-duty knowledege......Nature needs some human STREET smart agents ...and their subliminal mind...to be Nature's undercover agents. Thus the Darwinian selection process with the Milwaukee police department CHESS GAME of LIFE .......the selection of with symbolic chess player.....the human ROOK for Norbert W --> Byran Norber..tag --> Norberg.

Milwuakee has some real amazing puzzles to solve.
We have Bryan...and (Norbert Wiener cybernetic agent) Norberg  ...  and then the cybernetic EVENT
identifier BYRAN = BY + Ran = Bicycle ran. Thus we have a convergence of unusal components to create this high math correlation. Thus we have Nature's deep ...hidden SIGNAL...a challenge to be figure out.

Norbert Weiner cybernetics undercover agent Norberg wounded
AND Gravity undercover agent: Graham K. wounded




The Milwuakeee police are real slick about this process....their massive undercover projects in the Milwaukee SCIENCE WAR zone.

Other agents -->
the Bot.TOM BAR.yon physics experiment in WEST Allis with
Mayor.....TOM BAR ......involved in self-defense
and the MAYOR at the Bottom (lying on the ground) as the attacker ANTH --> Anthropology ANTHONY Peters. Thus the BOTTOM Mayor Baryon physics social conflict message.

The University ignores my inquiry for their assistance in understanding this process.
Maybe, someone SIMPLE like me ..... who is curious about what happens......and is curious about university social science secrets.... will help me understand Milwaukee region events.

And we have West Allis social psychology undercover POLICE CHIEF ..Jung????? ....for Carl Jung and his books on SYMBOLS and MAN, etc.

What a puzzle ....and we have only the surface pieces of the puzzle.

All these gentIemen are indivi.DUAL ........what is their DUAL life? Their alter-ego has so much empircal data to be for researched.  After all, they live on EARTH and are also...secret agents for Nature.

Gravity anthropology battlefield - introduction

Permalink 12/14/13 21:50, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

Herb Zinser's  Science War reports

Humans live on planet Earth.  We live within the Earth's gravity field and the Earth's magnetic field;  the  iron atoms and iron proteins within our bodies interact with these fields.  The interaction is both physical and symbolic. Consequently, over centuries of time ...the gravity  and magnetic fields have also become thought fields . . . . . . with a relationship with humans.


For example.


The magnetic thought fields  used  human messenger  vehicles to send the  well-known super-symmetry SIGNAL

Spider-Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spider-Man is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. In the comics Spider-Man is often ...



Now,   these gravity and magnetic thought fields have become independent life forms and are taking over the various human governments on EARTH.     That process is slow and very subtle;   but, careful study of  news reports and  books suggests the process exists and continues ......   a new type of Darwinian evolution.


The Social Science War reports provide clues for you to think about.

Gravity Murder report from the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin --> Science War casualty --> Jake Gerard

Permalink 12/07/13 19:49, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

Herb Zinser's Science War reports - gravity


Earth ATLAS  message processing address:
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Physics Building
1900 East Kenwood Boulevard
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211

At the Center for Gravitation and Cosmology, we push the frontiers of astrophysics through the novel use of observation


Earth Atlas battle in Milwaukee
at S. 16th Street at Atlas (data bus) BUS Sales party and the shooting death of Jake Gerard.....known in astrophysics gravity life humanoid format as
Jake G --> Gravity
Jake G = universal gravitational constant city laws of Nature
.....G ... un .....the shooting gun is a tool used in

the gravity WAR on EARTH.






Universities are familiar with gravity and its interaction with the atomic mass inside the human brain. Thus ..over the centuries ..this interaction mechanism ...between brain mass and the gravity field...has according to Darwin's theory of gravity evolution ...allowed gravity waves to pick up brain mass THOUGHTS. After a few hundred years of this process...the gravity waves have acquired their own gravity THOUGHT abilities...their own gravity LIFE.

Thus the current view of the situation in 2 steps is:

1st --> today ...we consider them as 2 independent life/thought formats:
Gravity thought waves with symbolic life and grammer --> humans with possible thoughts. Thoughts are considered math, physics, biochemisty....nonsense is not considered a serious, abstract significant thought...unless you are an undercover agent for Nature's investigative project into nonsense and tricks.

2nd --> then given their separate identities....we realize that gravity does flow into our bodies and brain ...and the interaction process will continue.....BUT...under what parameters. Thus a smart HUMAN brain that works in harmony with Nature's intellect and within Nature's laws ....probably will have a good relationship...a good THOUGHT marriage with gravity life.
But this basically works with older and wiser people.....over 46 ....over 56 (atomic weight of Hemoglobin iron), over 66 (gravity number 6.6 etc...)

Thus we see the component of the gravity field....gravity field WAR....and how the gravity life can take control of the human brain atomic mass...and implant thoughts ...murder thoughts.
The the human being doing the murder is just a vehicle for the gravity THOUGHT data field.
Universities are familiar with gravity fields,etc ...ask them for the details of their secret worlds. But you can figure it out for yourself...spend 10 hours a week for several weeks...and think it thru. The gravity WORD clues about Wisconsin gravity Death and Murder are calculated to be:


G = universal gravitational constant
G ..un...... grav +itational cons --> expanded message -->





Thus its like a golf game ..a golf invitational...a chance to get a hole in one.

In Jake Gerard's golf game of life ...
......he got a (bullet) hole in one shot
......he got a hole in one (graveyard)











As a final point we look at the math life HUMAN interaction properties of the gravity constant..and its message about human life on the surface of EARTH.

G = 6.6 x 10 ( exponent -11).... see a physics book about Gravity Constants and geo-physics gravity highway --> Route 66




Center for Gravitation
and Cosmology - About Us

Relativity group at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Includes information on staff, events, collaborations and publications.
Research interests include ..






Thus we are interested in number 6.6 and its symbolism......

we have Left 6 .... decimal point...Right 6

Thus we see our gravity interaction LIFE cycle:

1) ALIVE ..we are 6 feet tall (average) - vertical Vector life
2) DEAD ...we are 6 feet under
...........(project undertaking of Horizontal Vectors life)

In addition, on television we have the old COWBOY and Western movies...with the
6 shooter...
the 6 GUN ...translated into gravity language
the 6 Gravity Unit and all the shoot-outs...were really physics battles in the gravity field field dimension...which were carried out by human vehicles ..under gravity thought control.

Thus we have the modern city of Milwaukee and its universities...who are very silent about the SCIENCE WARS. They ought at least...give the hard-working detectives of the Milwaukee Police department ....an outline of some of the components of the SCIENCE WARS/some of the known CAUSE and EFFECT relationships of this new type of understanding of crime, etc.
Perhaps someone cares about the advanced societal systems view of EVENTS and tragedies.

Also see the the BLOg with INTERNET keywords:

The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory battle with 2 Milwaukee police officers --> North Pole magnetic field undercover agent Norberg wounded AND Gravity undercover agent: Graham K. wounded

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