An accurate analysis of molecular cell social biology expressions via human daily activities. Are you a Double-Helix secret Double-Agent?

The Wisconsin genetics war and the 23 chromosome hostage students in Marinette --> the living EARTH cell address 2339 S. 43rd helps explain Milwaukee society DNA 64 codon manipulation errors.

Permalink 12/18/13 14:56, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

After you read the post below, visit    
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred  POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within,  etc.   The Grand Unified Theory (GUT)  500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.




Boy Scout Sam Hengel of Marinette High School sacrificed his life in the DNA wars. His obvious SIGNAL is very important .....and has been deliberately ignored by citizens, state governments, federal governments, and universities.

Sam Hengel and his subliminal mind intercepted various CARL JUNG collective unconsciousness signals of the Wisconsin collective group. His subliminal mind HONOR CODE correctly interpreted the signals .... that there something very wrong ....... that major subconscious wars are going on.

Madison and Milwaukee are the two major social philosophy control centers for Wisconsin; their decisions and policies are at all levels of thought. Those thoughts are eventually communicated thru out the geography state of Wisconsin. Those thoughts are data input to the citizen brain computer and its various STATES of MIND. This process has been written about in literature. There are an abundance of books that explain various parts of the process. Add all the book ideas together and one has a rather good picture of what is happening.

The brave intellectual spirit of Sam Hengel stepped up and defended Nature and the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer from attack. His bravery .....and his tragedy.... sent an important cryptographic SIGNAL ....... that eventually was figured out by a serious thinker.

Citizens ought help understand the many facets of the social SCIENCE wars and the neuroscience secret language wars of society. Supersymmetry physics and string theory physics helps explain the inter-relationships between Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropology events. Thus using the tools provided by the University of Wisconsin, Madison and other universities around the world ....we can understand the LINK between the Byran Norberg event and the Sam Hengel tragic event. Milwaukee and Madison and others will not help research this process, they prefer to cover-up the obvious.

==> Byran Norberg

An introduction to genetic engineering, life sciences and the law - Google

2 more Milwaukee officers expected to sue Badger Guns - Dec 4, 2010 – Two Milwaukee police officers, wounded with a gun sold by Badger Guns, are ... Bryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch, who both have life-long disabilities... On June 9, 2009, Norberg and Kunisch were shot at close range by ..



An introduction to genetic engineering, life sciences and the law - Google Books possible number of 64 codons or DNA words. ... There are 64 words in all. ... In all human cells, there are a total of 46 (23 pairs) chromosomes in the nucleus.28 The ...






Nature's chromosome address 2339 with 43rd Street --> base 4 math exponent 3 = 64 codons of DNA.


Milwaukee genetic engineering ERRORS and the cover-up of university experiments are approved by the Milwaukee society and the Milwaukee school system. Then they blame ERRORS on others like Badger Guns. That's the city of Milwaukee modus operandi.
Milwaukee citizen brain genes have long-term disabilities .....they can't process symbolic data.

both have life-long disabilities ... On June 9, 2009, Norberg and Kunisch



==> Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom ...Nov 30, 2010 – Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom hostage, ...
A Wisconsin teen
who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at ...
who held 23 students
who held 23 students
who held 23 students
who held 23 students







bp --> base pair problem signal with Nature's data
- 23 hostage students (puppets of marionette theater)
- 2300 block of 43rd street
Boy Scout HERO in the genetic wars --> Sam Hengel
Badger Guns --> Badger Genetic units backup system







Cryptography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cryptography - Dec 16, 2011 – the study of transforming information in order to make it secure from unintended recipients or use.

A review of cryptography protocols, algorithms, and design.




Cryptography is an indispensable tool for protecting information in bio-computer chromosome/ brain systems. This course explains the inner workings of cryptographic primitives and

23 Chromosomes --> Base 2 math power 3 = 8 data bits ....
secrets of chromosome life ..picture below

Bio-computer -->cryptography protocols, algorithms, and design.




Thus Sam Hengel was protecting his biology system from the high volume of electromagnetic activity that attacks the human skull...on a daily basis. This comes from television broadcasts, radio broadcasts, cellular phones, satellite transmissions, etc. These wireless electromagnetic field waves . have reached a high level of density .... in space that individuals occupy on the surface of EARTH.

In the modern world, Darwinian evolution of symbolic life involves our human data processing system. We are symbolic machines. We are biological computers.

We have brain electron circuits ...that are being attacked by wireless EM waves from the sky.
This disrupts the Central Nervous System processing .... causing crime, illness, emotional problems, etc.

This is approved by the FCC their arrogant ERROR attack upon the internal biochemistry system of Nature and its DNA FCC = DNA EM agent Francis C. Crick. Milwaukee is very proud of their electromagnetic tricks and schemes that are broadcast to the audience. The television programs ...are designed to program the human brain computer ...of the audience.

A subset word of audience ...
audience ......
...die --> the brain death factor of passive activity.

In addition, the PBS TV network is promoting the
word: Create ...which can have nasty consequences

Create = cr + eate --> brain input command

Cr = cranium eaters --> thus the word attack upon brain bio-computer memory cells ...consequently a factor in Alzheimer's memory being eaten by symbolic word diseases. Thus we have the Margaret Mead atomic brain war with PBS arrogant nonsense violations of nuclear family laws and atomic English language. We are symbolic computers .... and words VIA television / movies/ print can we used to attack the eye/ optical nerve/ and symbolic optical bio-computer.

The superior intellectual elite of the Milwaukee business and educational community think that the human Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer needs their elite version of brain computer nonsense instructions. Thus we have a genetic and DNA war in Milwaukee. Byran Norberg was a casualty of the world-wide genetic SCIENCE WARS. The universities can explain that.

The Milwaukee Police ought question Milwaukee television, radio, and newspapers industry for their misuse of mass communications ----> that is atomic mass communications systems and Hertzian wave systems that they use to program the human atomic brain computer.

The Hollywood genetic movies by GENE Hackman .....and thus we get
Milwaukee Police get hacked by bullets AND
Sam Hegel gets hacked. Thus we have the secrets of modern message processing systems of society ....that ought be understood. The BIG PICTURE and the puppets of string theory physics--> Wisconsin..
Humans are biological computers.....have been for thousands of years. Now, we are biological symbolic processors. We receive input data into our eyes and ears ..... and other sources of data ..touch, smell, etc. The brain computer has to look at this input data ..... make decisons, etc.

Now some wireless EM wave hits the skull and penetrates into the brain electron citcuits ...just so some idiot can talk babber on a cellular phone.
Today, we have really have a battle of Central Nervous Systems using data streams comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, some pictures/graphics, etc. Thus the increase in university and high school shootings in the last ten years; because the school systems are on such an ego trip ...they refuse to look at the ERRORS that independent researchers notice.






What are the 23 chromsome...biochemistry WAR secrets of Marinette?







DNA nucleotide zip code with 43 --> 4 exponent 3 = 64 codons.
DNA Milwukee nucleotide street 43rd --> 43 research & development
..with DNA math base 4 power 3 --> 64 = double word bio-computer war

Nucleic Acids to Amino Acids: DNA Specifies Protein |
by A Smith - 2008 - Related articles
How can the four bases that make up DNA specify the 20 amino acids that ... It was also known that there are only four nucleotides in mRNA: adenine (A), ... However, a triplet code produces 64 (43 = 64) possible combinations, or codons. Thus ...

The Information in DNA Determines Cellular Function via
The three-letter nature of codons means that the four nucleotides found in mRNA — A, U, G, and C — can produce a total of 64 different combinations. Of these ...













Piercing the corporate veil - Wikipedia,
Jump to Criminal lawý: In English criminal law there have been cases in which the courts ... received by a company have been regarded as having been 'obtained' by ... A court can" pierce" the carapace of the corporate entity and look at ...
Basis for limited liability - Germany - United Kingdom - United States

Piercing ---> the skull and brain of BOY SCOUT experimental sample SAM Hengel..

Piercing ---> the Milwukee policeman Norberg and encourage the hypnotized BRAVE NEW WORLD Milwaukee detectives to work with serious American citizens who care about REALITY explanations of nasty situations .... instead of pointing fingers at Badger Guns. Let's look at the Milwaukee secret society system ...that is the cause of Nature's anger ...which then triggers a chain of events.

William Shakespeare stated around year 1600 that "The WORLD is a stage and we are the actors". .

Thus ....looking at the big picture .... Norberg, Kunish, Burton , Badger Guns ...are all players in some process that ought be understood .....and ultimately, that ought be the goal of investigators .....and that includes all the secrets tricks that universities and business use to manipulate the general public for their sales/ marketing/ advertising projects. Nature's gene and chromosome system does NOT give a damn about Milwukeee politics or Milwaukee money or Milwaukee theolgy or the Milwaukee university intellectual double-cross .... thus the living EARTH cell has Milwaukee and other cities under a microscope.

Thus we have a biology communications war ...with many facets. It needs to be understood.
Maybe, someday, cities will face REALITY and help understand how EARTH LAB works and affects our daily LIFE or DEATH.













The reader may just glance at the concepts below be aware that they exist.
Please be aware that bio-computer systems have existed for centuries. The ancient Roman empire was really built by bio-computers using the human processor.

From the internet -->
Public-key cryptography refers to a cryptographic system requiring two separate keys, one to lock or encrypt the plaintext, and one to unlock or decrypt the cyphertext. Neither key will do both functions. One of these keys is published or public and the other is kept private. If the lock/encryption key is the one published then the system enables private communication from the public to the unlocking key's owner. If the unlock/decryption key is the one published then the system serves as a signature verifier of documents locked by the owner of the private key.




This cryptographic approach uses asymmetric key algorithms such as RSA, hence the more general name of "asymmetric key cryptography". Some of these algorithms have the public key/private key property; that is, neither key is derivable from knowledge of the other; not all asymmetric key algorithms do. ........ etc. See a book for more details.









Thus we Nature's Darwinian selection of special agent Sam Hengel....
address 2139 Pierce Avenue.......MISSION
penetrate--> Pierce the Corporate Veil ...message

supersymmtery physics/ mirrors/ parallel processing
gives ...a bi-directional LINK with





Nature's Darwinian selection of special agent Norberg/Kunish ....
address 2139 Pierce Avenue.......MISSION
address 2339 S. 43rd Street......MISSION

penetrate--> Pierce the Corporate Veil ...message
penetrate--> Pierce the Corpuscle biology-govt...message

Margaret Mead atomic anthropology address:
2339 S. 43rd -->
23 atomic mass of Na= Sodium component of Salt treaty
39 atomic mass of K = Potassium thought process = thin.K

The FCC electromagnetic field wars and North Pole pole magnetic field wars are well known components of the SCIENCE WARS. Of particular interest, is the Milwaukee Police attempt to help understand these complex issues and their role in Milwaukee social engineering projects and business projects.

The Milwaukee Police are on the front lines of those nasty street events that happen and provide empirical data that is printed in newspapers. Such data provides researchers with clues .....tragic clues that help explain the societal architecture of Milwaukee ...which includes their English language incomplete, biased and distorted explanations of "How Milwaukee works?"

Milwauke 23 chromosome headquarters and the DNA 64 codon headquarters of the living EARTH Cell is a Computer Earth geography address 2339 S 43rd Street ..known as Badger Genetic Units ....or also known on EARTH LAB geography surface as Badger Guns.

Under the guidance of Milwaukee intellectual secret societies ..... Milwaukee encouraged lawsuits against the 23 chromosomes and DNA 64 codons. Thus a consequence of the shooting of Norberg in year 2009 is the Milwaukee biology lawsuit against Nature and it's the 23 chromosomes and 64 codons at location 2339 S. 43 Street.

The we have the 23 student hostages and the death of Sam Hengel ...a cosnsequence of Milwaukee intellectual song-and-dance nonsense. The depth of ponderous brain activity is lacking in Milwuakee and Madison.

Milwaukee citizens and universities are very proud of their CAUSE and EFFECT demo ....and the accidental murder of Sam Hengel. This is part of the Milwaukee citizen collective MIND and their M-theory physics atomic anthroplogy project-->


Milwaukee arrogance and bragging brain errors

Milwukee Journal Sentinel covers up the details to protect the CARL JUNG citizen/community COLLECTIVE unconsiousnsess schemes/ secret rackets.
Their explanations are incomplete, they OMIT many important details.
The reference book that helps explains Darwinian electromagnetic selection of Sam Hengel is:

Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics
by Fawwaz T. Ulaby
The 2004 Media Edition

Other books provide similiar information.
Such books may be bought at a college bookstores or ordered from your local book store.
Such books are useful for bio-physics crimes.
In Milwaukee and Madison ..the colleges and universities can explain everything .....they have the resources. In Milwaukee we have the University of Wisconsin, MSOE = Milwaukee School of Engineering, Marquette university, and other schools. In addition we have several corporations that have experts in electromagnetc forces and magnetic field forces --> major components of
Milwaukee social forces.








What is a uniform vector field? - Math Help Forum › ForumUniversity Math Help ForumCalculus
Mar 21, 2011 - I cannot find the meaning of the uniform vector field. ... 3) The curl of the vector fields are zero in all location implies no circling, all pointing in ...




2.7 Visualization of Fields and the Divergence and Curl









LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?

The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."

Thus the suppression of the Sam Hengel situation by the University of Wisconsin ...and their cover-up of the brain chromosome programming ERRORS that resulted in the accidental murder of SAM Hengel. Wisconsin ought fix their educational systems and their business systems to prevent these brain computer programming BUGS ..... approved by the Wisconsin state assembly and their bio-computer assembler language/cortex COBOL programmers.

This we review some history of Wisconsin DNA war:

a) 1970 Sterling Hall and the 4 DNA nucleotides bombing VIA 4 DAN humaoid agents that used fertilizer nitrogeous bases to expresss the message in DNA fORMAT.

b) General Motor factory closed in Janesville ....
...Gene Motor fact ...errors of too many bull-stories

c) DNA nucleotides T,A,G of the pen.TAG.on are not recognized by the Wisconsin (biochemistry life formats) National Guard.

e) UW Badger football game --> used to manipulate thought gametes of law enforcement officers that wear a police badge. Thus Madison using the sport games. ...send signals to the subliminal MIND ganetes of more repsoible people. A very slick, subtle manipulation trick used by the University of Wisconsin for their intellectual amusement. For course, other universities have the same superiority complex over society.....and over Nature's laws ..especially the Social Contract as outlined by John Locke -->consequently, the university violations of the SOCIAL CONTRACT lead to the Lockerbie Scotland plane bombing. It's a big world, and citizens and universities ought realize that they are subsets living on EARTH LAB as guests of Nature.

Maybe some people will like to help think about these puzzles.
Some CLUES are mentioned above... provide a partial outline.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


DNA social science military expressions with David Petraeus

Permalink 12/13/13 01:58, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


DNA military expressions using humanoid warriors.

Year 2004 to 2009 - Admiral William Fallon chief of central command and General David Petraus through television news and newspaper classified information sections have given us the suggested hierarchy of various governments on COMPUTER EARTH. The advanced U.S. ARM Y-algebra chromosome uses the U.S. ARM, ELBOW, BRAIN, an ink PEN with word TAG, and English language SYMBOLIC WORD of HONOR to express classified secrets regarding the PEN.TAG.ON. Year 2009 symbolic life is very advanced; Norbert Wiener in 1948 suggested artificial intelligence governments that have societal awareness at a higher level than the usual 2-legged educated person.

The pen.T.A.G.on itself represents 3 DNA nucleotides:
Adenine, and
the T.A.G component of advanced DNA military strategy that is ignored.





The suggested hierarchy of Nature is:

Level 1 - The Symbolic Origin of the Universe
..........the Universal Mind/ God/ related concepts

Level 2 - Argonne atomic oxygen base 16 computer
Level 3 - the Galileo hexadecimal system from YEAR 16.16

Level 4 - tree of knowledge/ Botany photon awareness

Level K-1 - artificial intelligence/cybernetics

Level K --> thinK --> central nervous system 370

Level K+1

Level N --> Admiral William Fallon chief of central command of the cortex COMMAND level COBOL computer language social engineering programs and military programs to fix social science computer BUGS.

General DP = Data Processing agent for social genetics with
General DP = David Petraeus warrior for COMPUTER EARTH Gene/ Gamete/ DNA nucleotide application SYSTEMS


human TRA locus on chromosome 14 - IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Apr 25, 2001 – Locus and genes. The human TRA locus is located on chromosome 14 [1-3], on the long arm at band 14q11.2. The TRD locus is embedded in ...

human TRA locus --> focus on  gene TRA --> gene General    peTRAeus  

David Petraeus
Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
David Howell Petraeus AO is a retired American military officer and public official.
He served as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from September 6, 2011, until his   rearrangement  on  November 9, 2012  ....... because

TRA (T cell Receptor Alpha)
V-J-rearrangements in the TRA locus therefore result in  ..... the   peTRAeus  human specimen DEMO




Since the penTAGon represents T,A,G   DNA nucleotides;

the Fallujah conflict expresses DNA errors and the Y2K biological cortex computer clock omission from year 2000.





The remaining intellectual, psychological war components are more complex. Those who are familiar with the symbolism/message warning of the books BRAVE NEW WORLD, 1984, FUTURE SHOCK can't be surprised at the situation of year 2004. These are complex puzzles; that require a slow,careful, thoughtful analysis by those who are willinging to study various levels of Nature's social structures.



The DNA Time Split problem

Permalink 12/13/13 01:48, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Physics theory of earth time is a modern TIME PARADOX.
1) your teacher said ---> Twenty - Four hour day = 24
2) ZINJAN + ZINO says --> 20 - 4 = 16 hours a day


Ask yourself " Why does April Fool's Day exist?".

Are you a TWO-TIME loser?

Are you a    WHY TWO-K  TIME loser?

Are you a   Y2K   TIME loser?

Did you pass the TIME awareness test? SORRY.
Your brain is out of synch with year 2011 BRAIN BIOLOGICAL CLOCK STANDARDS. Pay attention to the intellectual LAWS of the TIME MACHINE, Computer Earth.




1) your Virginia TECH English teacher said read GEORGE ORWELL 1984.


2) ZINO particle physics says read George Orwell's 1984 atomic bio-physics TIME COMPUTER  manual:

year 1984 + oxygen atomic Base 16 Hexadecimal = year 2000
requirements for your Lung/Brain data processor.


Have you failed to upgrade your Y2K brain computer clock?
The Y2K biological clock upgrade requires personnal intellectual effort; Y2k failure is a common intellectual omission in year 2013.



Real time --> 20- 4 = Base 16 hours --> Base 16 hexadecimal hours used by the cortex computer COBOL language processor for the 16 hours you are awake.
Base 16 is used for data processing awareness accuracy.

Thus the April 16 brain dead SIGNAL from Nature with the Virginia TECH university Base 16 HEX/curse signaling tragedy

Your failure was the upgrade of your cortex computer Y 2K --> 2K data stream of consciousness --> the communications pipeline needed by your hexadecimal central nervous system 370. This cortex VOID will eventually affect your myoglobin protein oxygen Base 16 memory data storage. This is related to Alzheimer's cortex computer memory failure or cortex computer BAL subroutines that become cortex canni.BAL subroutine ==>
a mutation of BAL = Basic(K)    AssemBLUR            Lag age.

Modern Anthropology Head Hunters -->
eat  brain --> Alzheimer's cortex memory.

Professors can increase their probability to allow the brain computer Margaret Mead cortex canniBAL subroutines to eat their memory --> thus providing gradu.ATE students and their professors with the intellectual experience of intellectual decay as demonstrated by Alzheimer's --> known as "FOOD for thought" which in a mathematical physics professor brain would be " FOOD for FOREHEAD math/physics ideas/thoughts".

The  bio-computer canniBAL instruction is the famous  CHIN =  Compare Halfword instruction for the college graduate brain SYMBOL MACHINE.





Pay attention to the evolution of BRAVE NEW WORLD, 1984, and FUTURE SHOCK. Their authors tried to warn us.

The Time Machine - Computer Earth and brain computer biological clock failure

Permalink 12/13/13 01:37, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The TIME MACHINE -Computer Earth   By zinjan

H.G.Wells wrote the following clues:

» Year 1895 - The TIME MACHINE
» Year 1897 - The Invisible Man
» Year 1898 - The WAR of the Worlds


George Orwell wrote the TIME COMPUTER manual: 1984

Year 1984 + Base 16 Hexadecimal Years = Year 2000



Y2K also involved your brain biological computer. Did you upgrade your brain in YEAR 2000? Your Y2K failure components:

» Y-algebraic chromosome biological LIFESPAN clock
» 2K data stream pipeline needed by the new millenlium Central Nervous System 370 cortex data processor. Respect MOTHER NATURE social policy limits and MOTHER NATURE’s intellectual evolution will help you out-think the component of DEATH TIME? It is an intellectual chess game as outlined in the movie ” The Seventh Seal”.

Mother Nature’s biological double-helix clock TIME PARADOX:

» School teacher says: Twenty – four hours a day = 24 decimal
» The TIME MACHINE says: 20 minus 4 = 16 hours hexadecimal.






Thus we see the double-helix TIME equations  of the 20 standard  amino acids  .... with 2 time answers.

  • Biochemistry:Twenty Amino Acids

    There are twenty amino acids required for human life to exist. ... are the biggies to our species and defined as the standard amino acids. ... 20 Amino Acids.
  • The Amino Acids
    The standard amino acids are therefore classified on the basis of these R groups. Amino acids with ... strongly hydrophilic. The 20 Standard Amino Acids ...

    Bio-math Time equations  that influence the length of   lifetime  

Twenty amio acids   + 4 DNA nucleotides = 24 hours per day
Twenty amino acids  - 4 DNA nucleotides = 16 hours per day


 To LINK these 2 bio-math time zones within you need to know some nasic  BASE 2  exponents and Base 16 hex.

Thus 24 --> Base 2 exponent 4  --> LINK to Base 16 oxygen atomic computer in your body  


 Thus we see the elements of your BIO-TIME MACHINE.
 What are the details?


 Do you have an  amino acid   BIO-TIME MACHINE inside of your body?




The HEX/curse of computer programming CAD = Computer Aided Design of student CAD =Cadavers. Thus the Base 16 shooting on April 16 at Virginia TECH university. Modern computerized death accident/murder systems using person bio-computers. Do you understand COMPUTER EARTH social engineering systems?

Why the double-helix TIME PARADOX in college graduates?
Do you have a DNA TIME SPLIT brain-computer VOID?
Are you a TWO-TIME loser?
You are a –> Y TWO K –> two time loser?

Have you fixed your DUAL existence as an.....indivi.DUAL?
What is your DUAL binary existence?
Know thy-self says the thyroid gland!

The Sartre existential message was the play "NO EXIT" ...which is a concept familiar to COMPUTER Programmmers.. ..BAL bio-computer program Entry points and Exits.

Chicago Physics - The Missing Mind Problem

Permalink 12/13/13 00:38, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Chicago Physics -The Missing Mind Problem
By zinjan

The Chicago area and Northern Illinois area are involved in several subtle brain experiments. College students and professors are particpants of a COMPUTER EARTH puzzle. What are the components of this cortex bio-computer science mystery puzzle?

» The CHI = Compare Halfword Instruction is used in Chicago human cortex bio-computers. It represents the starting point of brain evolution . Thousands of years ago, the HALFWORD instruction comprised the structure of advanced symbolic data processors used in social engineering. MOTHER NATURE then embarked upon a complex intellectual development project known as the ZINJAN skull project (Zinjanthropus archeology with Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology).



Notice, the CH instruction spells CHIN ---> eating memory inside the human  bio-computer brain ...the Alzheimer's process



» The Fullword brain processing experiments are at FULLWORD Computer Earth computer address Fullerton Avenue, Chicago. The biological DP experimental specimens are at DePaul University. Have their thought processing abilities evolved to full-word instruction mode ?

» Dobleword processing brain experiments were well-publicized with the book about DOUBLE-SPEAK. The cortex COBOL computer language full-word is 32. Double-word = 32 + 32 = 64 . The COMPUTER EARTH double-word road map test is Illinois State Highway 64 = North Aveune west from Chicago. Failure to handle double-word tasks is an intellectual double-cross.

» The Chicago area is an extension of the Dublin Irish experiment. Project DuBlin = Double-Blind statistical social science experiments of the central nervous system GROUP awareness computer.

» The next area of MIND research is at FermiLAB with university professors and the biological BATCH computer JOB (using the brain computer). Universities consider an indivi.DUAL –> as a DUAL/binary mental computer structure. The education process is to upgrade the –> Batch Electron Orbitals (inside your skull). Upon graduation the individual recives a       BACHELOR     degree acknowledging his particpation in the BATCH ELECTRON ORBITAL experiment. A more advanced test is at BAT research center in BATAVIA –> a professorial BATCH brain subconscious computer experiment is in progress. Specfically we have the MIND experiment; with 4 symbolic alphabetic components?



What does this tell us about M-theory physics at the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology family–> FermiLAB.
M-Theory physics MIND Mess/Messages about steps of atomic brain evolution:

1.1/4 of MIND = M –> M-theory starting point of MIND
2.2/4 of MIND = MI –> Fer M I _ _ LAB –> fill in the blanks
3.3/4 of MIND = MID –> as in blood plasMID intellectual awareness of societal structure and thought

4.4/4 of MIND = MIND –> a fully functioning personality with fullword Universal Mind concepts.

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