How electrons, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, magnetic fields, math equations, chemistry formulas express themselves VIA human agents in modern political science and world affairs.

The modern EARTH government - - -> the chemistry equation army... How oxalic acid (the cleaning agent) - - -> cleaned the Virginia Tech student body and Fort Hood soldier READ center. Advanced molecule warfare methods for DARPA R &D

Permalink 12/17/13 19:37, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of EARTH LAB events as atomic/molecular data events. In particular, physical chemisty --> social chemsitry and military chemistry expressions VIA human actions.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.

The human is composed of atoms, math equations and nouns.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms and symbols are the origin of thought.



Thus ...let's look at chemistry and its expressions VIA humanoid agents. If Nature wanted to set an example, what would be a good example?

Well, let's look at atomic EARTH and Nature's chemistry department and see how it designed humanoid institutions .....institutions that ought properly represent the periodic atomic table ....  that is the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family expressions ---> atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, and atomic human brain actions.




First, let's look at a theoretical chemistry military structure ...that exists at a molecular level AND to bring its molecular thought/ideas to a more visible level ..... uses humans actors/players on the EARTH stage.

This would enable an alert math /science amateur to see what is happening. The visible events are described and printed in newspapers ..say some tragedy. The surface veneer data is accurate (date, time, place, police data gathered or accident circumstances or crime scene). Given that empirical database .....we look at the deeper levels of existence .....for more primordial causes ..... that eventually surfaced to a level of conscious expression for all to see.

Let's start our path ..with looking at the American Chemsitry Society and the modern military chemistry institutions. Keep in mind, we have 2 major formats of existence.

a) the physical existence of atoms, molecules, forces seen in a high school chemistry or physics lab

b) The symbolic existence of those structures. Thus the nouns, adjectives, chemistry formula, physics equations start their symbolic existence inside a students brain .... particularly his eye/retina and the optical nerve .....and the brain optical computer system.




Let's outline a example of how chemistry molecules express themselves VIA human stage actors.

William Shakespeare modern terms

" The WORLD is a stage and we are the social chemistry molecule players ".

Let's look at a sophisicated theater performance by the joint efforts of the Virginia TECH English department, chemistry department, and biochemsitry departments ...... part of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its social anthropology expressions VIA humanoids ...whose brains are are easily programmed by the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsiousness used by the university student collective group.

Thus we have an atomic theater script ....a list of atomic brain commands/equations ..that can be found in any college chemistry book. Those commands do one thing in the physical chemisitry lab with glass beakers and Bunsen burners; those commands can do something different in the social chemistry lab of the campus and the human optical nerve/symbolic life.





Chapter 11: Organic Chemistry science.
2) Organic compounds almost always contain one or more C-H bonds. 3) Organic compounds are almost always molecules






all species of life have descended from a common ancestor (the periodic atomic table)




Calculate Diprotic Acid Species Concentrations
Calculate Diprotic Acid Species Concentrations Chemistry discussion. ... All the relationships described involve at least 2 unknowns and ...

Chapter 17 - A) What are the concentrations of all species in a 0.10 M of acetic acid (CH3 COOH)? ... 1) We will examine the stepwise ionization of oxalic acid, a diprotic acid ...




The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded 25 others[1] before committing suicide

Oxalic Acid - an Incredibly Versatile Cleaning Agent for Your Home
Jun 25, 2009 – Oxalic Acid – an Incredibly Versatile Cleaning Agent for Your Home ... When in its concentrated and pure form, oxalic acid is a toxic and dangerous substance that needs to be handled with extreme care (most products are
Is your present home a university dormitory or off-campus houning OR an ARMY base?
Do you think/concentrate?
Are you ethically pure?
Are you a member of the concentrated species?



The new Darwin major species and Virginia TECH bio-chemistry English language performances --> the modern Shakespearean theater of war with the EARTH stage and the theater props and actors outlined below:


Velow --> Molecule penta --> Pentagon version of Nature in the year 1992 / 2000 molecule evolution thought phase with PCl --> President Clinton



--> biochemistry Major species H = Hasan
--> gate base with Robert Gates and ARMY Base Fort H (Fort Lab HOOD)
--> molecule CHO played by humanoid CHO  ...... NBC news --> Nitrogenous Bio-Chemsitry WAR news broadcasts





Thus Darwinian evolution enters a new phase .... a new dimension of expression and new methods and formats of expression.



Above, Darwin symbolic military equation and its transfromation in to physical format with humanoid expressors.

--> K (a) H --> Killeen army Hasan

--> CHO --> CHemistry Organic
....with Mr.CHO battle 1
....with CH + O battle 2 CHildren Oslo ...the battle of UTOEYA (also spelled Utoya).
UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything violations of Margaret Mead atomic anthropology laws and diplomatic ERRORS that are part of the Hierarchy Problem of atomic brain agents.

Thus OS = Orgin of Species battlefields of Europe with
......OS = OSLO, Norway and their intellectual communications failure ...consequently the LIE/ false statements about the more true Nature of Lie = Liege, Belgium.



Maybe someday the universities in Europe may study current events ... more seriously. Newspaper investigative reporters need a tool ...called the functioning brain with curoisity .... in order to write more detailed new reports.
They could if they tried to accept the existence of basic science and basic math a components of our daily symbolic lives.




Thus we have an interesting puzzle about EARTH and social chemsitry evolution expressions.



CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


The modern Earth government ....molecular chemistry army. Advanced theory of ionization constants of acids and their FORT HOOD conjugate base with SECRET(ary) of Defense Gates.

Permalink 12/17/13 19:30, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of EARTH LAB events as atomic/molecular data events. In particular, physical chemisty --> social chemsitry and military chemistry expressions VIA human actions.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.

The human is composed of atoms, math equations and nouns.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms and symbols are the origin of thought.


Thus ...let's look at chemistry and its expressions VIA humanoid agents. If Nature wanted to set an example, what would be a good example?
Well, let's look at atomic EARTH and Nature's chemistry department and see how it designed humanoid institutions .....institutions that ought properly represent the periodic atomic table ....that is the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, and atomic human brain actions.



First, let's look at a theoretical chemistry military structure ...that exists at a molecular level AND to to bring its molecular thought/ideas to a more visible level ..... uses humans actors/players on the EARTH stage. This would enable an alert math /science amateur to see what is happening. The visible events are described and printed in newspapers ..say some tragedy. The surface veneer data is accurate (date, time, place, police data gathered or accident circumstances or crime scene). Given that empirical database .....we look at the deeper levels of existence .....for more primordial causes ..... that eventually surfaced to a level of conscious expression for all to see.

Let's start our path ..with looking at the American Chemsitry Society and the modern military chemistry institutions. Keep in mind, we have 2 major formats of existence.

a) the physical existence of atoms, molecules, forces seen in a high school chemistry or physics lab

b) The symbolic existence of those structures. Thus the nouns, adjectives, chemistry formula, physics equations start their symbolic existence inside a students brain .... particularly his eye/retina and the optical nerve .....and the brain optical computer system. Many years later, the symbolic life becomes LINKED to his subliminal mind,etc. Later, his mind may LINK to the James JOYCE data streams of consciousness OR the Carl Jung (university campus/coporation) ..collective unconsiousness ..or the groups collective MIND. That is both good and has a few problems.

The point I wish to that the surface level of our daily lives is just a part of a larger bio-communications system that exists at several levels.
Those systems using the human bio-computer symbolic processor have existed for thousands of years .... and helped build /or destroy ancient civilizations.

In year 2012, the United States and Britain are at that turning point .... and don't care to understand why. Universities refuse to discuss major issues like Karl Marx CLASS Warfare with the Cole Hall, Virginia TECH, Columbine class shootings.



Modern military chemistry ..... outline.


Uses: Phosphorus pentachloride is a white crystalline solid that sublimes at 100 °C. It reacts violently with water to producephosphoric and hydrochloric acids. It is used as a chlorinating agent and as a catalyst in the manufacture of acid chlorides.



The Lewis Structure
Phosphorus has five valence electrons.
Chlorine has seven valence electrons.

There are a total of 5e- x 1 phosphorus + 7e- x 5 chorines = 40 valence electrons to be placed in the Lewis structure for phosphorus pentachloride.

The best Lewis structure you can draw for this compound is:


By using superysmmetry physics properties of Nature ...we can see the parallel processing expression VIA the atomic philsophy of agency ..that is ...human agents and their social/military/political structures.

--> chemistry symbol PCl (5) --> represented by President Cl(Clinton)

--> Phosphorus pentachloride is a white crystalline solid that sublimes at 100 °C.

--> penta implies the pentagon of chemistry molecule military thoughts

--> white implies the White House ...of chemistry social engineering thoughts and the white optical electromagnetic spectrum with the symbolic WHITE HOUSE filled with nouns, adjectives, verbs, math equations, social chemistry formula , physics empirical data and formulas.


It reacts violently with water to produce
--> Implies PCl and President Clinton and the Whitewater travel agency issue


Thus, we see above AB 5 ...Phosphorus Pentachloride ....with

modern AB = Army Base ....penta (EARTH molecule pentagon)

Thus the modern AB ...Lewis structure.......advanced U.S.ARMY theory of physical existences and symbolic existences ......enbedded within EARTH LAB. Thus the 11-dimensions of string theory physics and M-theory ...and we need to look at the other dimensions of military expression of Nature ...and our relationship to that situation.




We see the DARPA theory of modern bio-physics electron soldiers .... with atomic brain electron circuits. American and British soldiers are sent to the IRAQ war zone to fight VALENCE SHELL battles ...using metal bullets as symbols of the chemistry VALENCE WARS --> social engineering chemistry VALENCE battles.

Lewis Carroll is a LEWIS structure that explains the symbolic militray battle at the Virginia TECH English propaganda department and their violations of atomic English language and its integrity and HONOR laws.

--> LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts? The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."




Thus the Virginia TECH experience the Darwinian evolution of social chemistry of

Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR)The VSEPR theory assumes that each atom in a molecule will achieve a geometry that minimizes the repulsion between electrons in the valence shell of that ...



Thus we see many pieces of a puzzle that seems to fit together ..into some MODEL of how events happen on EARTH. The newspaper and television reports are incomplete...they lack the depth ...that only serious science students can begin to understand.


The best Lewis structure you can draw for this compound is:


Let's look at EARTH LAB ......since we have chemistry LAB HOOD provided by ther U.S.ARMY...known to the astrophysics view FORT (lab) HOOD.

Thus the geography surface of EARTH LAB and the objects of the surface (including humans)....can be considered as chemistry symbolic objects.


Applied chemistry ---> social chemistry --->  K = Killeen atlas (location of Earth)

An acid dissociation constant, Ka, (also known as acidity constant, or acid-ionization constant) is a quantitative measure of the strength of an acid in solution. It is the equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction known as dissociation in the context of acid-base reactions.


Acids and Bases - The McGraw-Hill Companies
Chemistry (Chang), 10th Edition ... 15.6 Weak Bases and Base Ionization Constants ... Between the Ionization Constants of Acids and Their Conjugate Bases

NP-APCHEMISTRY - chapter15np-apchemistry.wikispaces.
The opposite can be said for a Brønsted base and its conjugate acid. This is ... JPG Example from Chemistry: Eighth Edition, Raymond Chang ...

The Relationship Between the Ionization Constants of Acids and Their Conjugate Bases.


Thus we look at EARTH LAB. Now United States humans and their Pentagon have something called the

Nature has a similiar structure explained by  Charles Darwin. 
The Darwin military 

Using supersymmetry bio-physics or parallel processing ..we see that Nature's similar mechanism.





Thus we have the  GATE  and   BASE --> with Robert Gates and Army BASE ....with its the geography map region of EARTH LAB...TEXAS.



Above, the equations for the chemistry surface of EARTH LAB ...with K = Killeen and the FORT LAB HOOD..




Below, we have Fort HO .....thus FORT HOOD is a symbol for the water molecule.



Thus we have ..from Nature's point of VIEW .... a social chemistry equilibrium problem on EARTH ...and the Texas region was chosen as a demo ... a message processing region for Nature's signal ...about the largest military force in the world ---> Nature's intellect and its chemistry military molecules and the modern SCIENCE WARS. Thus a reminder to the Pentagon and the University of TEXAS and the hydrocarbon citizens of TEXAS to upgrade the philosophy content of their brain cells.


Below...... a military symbolic equation ....
K = Killeen and subcripts with concepts
a,b,w --> army base war.



Thus we have the social chemistry map equation
with the relations to DARPA/Pentagon advanced chemistry


K a --> Killeen and austin, University of Texas
K b --> Killeen base with biochemistry MAJOR military actions
K w --> Killeen and waco ...with Camp David parallel ....Branch Davidian.


The 3 cities are in the same geography socio-chemistry area.
Texas ought be more aware of the existence of their surroundings.
Pizza and beer ...must be the extent of their curiosty.



Thus we see some CLUES to a modern puzzle about life and events on EARTH.
It is important that human institutions understand the basics of the new type and format of Darwinian evolution .... and symbolic evolution,etc.
Nature continues with new expressions. It is our job to intellectually understand the message expressed...and if necessary, make the appropriate social engineering adjustments.



CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


Modern atomic politics --> introduction

Permalink 12/07/13 23:56, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

Humans are expressions of the periodic atomic table and other components of Nature.
Thus these atoms and gravity force, magnetic field forces, math life equations are assembled into a product: such as a 2-legged human OR a 4-wheeled iron automobile with a gasoline engine.





Examples of expression.

--> President K  

John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), often referred to by his initials JFK, was the 35th President of the United States, serving ...


--> Premier K = 


Nikita Khrushchev
Никита Хрущёв
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-B0628-0015-035, Nikita S. Chruschtschow.jpg
First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
In office
September 14, 1953 – October 14, 1964
Preceded by Joseph Stalin
Succeeded by Leonid Brezhnev
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union
In office
March 27, 1958 – October 14, 1964


---> K --> Potassium social engineering messages VIA  POT, hippies, and grass

Urban Dictionary: pot-head hippies ....... or in more detail 

Urban Dictionary: potassium atom bio-physics hippies

Proper Noun; The one place in the world where weed is almost free!


Hiring Pot Heads and Dead Heads for New Hippie Jobs - ABC News

Hiring Potassium atomic  Heads and Dead Heads for New Hippie Jobs -
ABC = Atomic Bio-Chemistry news    News › MoneySmall Business Center
Nov 16, 2009 – Grateful Dead memorabilia and boomining medical marijuana industry 


-->  Potassium atom and its  insitutions and social  political expressions



Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... political science news agency  




From the VIEW of Nature's vast intellect .... it is suggested we are subset humans with subset institutions. We live on Earth Lab. Humans and their daily activities are embedded in the EARTH LAB atomic/astrophysics continuum. Given this VIEW...we can acquire a better understanding of ourselves, events, and world affairs.





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CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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