The modern Earth government uses Nature's military molecules to ATTACK human error sites

The atomic Earth government army. The chemistry Lewis structure represented by Fort Lewis. Biochemistry textbook author reports from Fort Campbell. Fort Dix bio-computer soldiers take BASIC assembler language course with base M-16 .

Permalink 12/17/13 18:45, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

After you read the post below, visit    
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred  POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within,  etc.   The Grand Unified Theory (GUT)  500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.




The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of EARTH LAB events as atomic/molecular data events. In particular, physical chemisty --> social chemsitry.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.

The human is composed of atoms, math equations and nouns.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms and symbols are the origin of thought.



Thus ...let's look at chemistry and its expressions VIA humanoid agents. If Nature wanted to set an exmaple, what would be a good example.
Well, let's look at atomic EARTH and Nature's chemistry department and see how it designed humanoid institutions .....institutions that ought properly represent the periodic atomic table ....that is the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, and atomic human brain actions.



Uses: Phosphorus pentachloride is a white crystalline solid that sublimes at 100 °C. It reacts violently with water to producephosphoric and hydrochloric acids. It is used as a chlorinating agent and as a catalyst in the manufacture of acid chlorides.

The Lewis StructurePhosphorus has five valence electrons.
Chlorine has seven valence electrons.

There are a total of 5e- x 1 phosphorus + 7e- x 5 chorines = 40 valence electrons to be placed in the Lewis structure for phosphorus pentachloride.

The best Lewis structure you can draw for this compound is:



By using superysmmetry physics properties of Nature ...we can see the parallel processing expression VIA the atomic philsophy of agency ..that is ...human agents and their social/military/political structures.

--> chemistry symbol PCl (5) --> represented by President Cl(Clinton)

--> Phosphorus pentachloride is a white crystalline solid that sublimes at 100 °C.

--> penta implies the pentagon of chemistry molecule military thoughts

--> white implies the White House ...of chemistry social engineering thoughts and the white optical electromagnetic spectrum with the symbolic WHITE HOUSE filled with nouns, adjectives, verbs, math equations, social chemistry formula , physics empirical data and formulas.


It reacts violently with water to produce
--> Implies PCl and President Clinton and the Whitewater travel agency issue

Thus, we see above AB 5 ...Phosphorus Pentachloride ....with

modern AB = Army Base ....penta (EARTH molecule pentagon)

Thus the modern AB ...Lewis structure.......advanced U.S.ARMY theory of physical existences and symbolic existences ......enbedded within EARTH LAB. Thus the 11-dimensions of string theory physics and M-theory ...which includes the U.S.ARMY M-16 rifle ..used for the world-wide SCIENCE WARS ....being fought in base 16 hexadecimal space/time with the HEX military tool of Computer Earth system 370 .....the HEX rifle named the M-16 being used in Base 16 hexadecimal geography region of Hex'AF' = 175 = Afghanistan data processing war zone ........





We see the DARPA theory of modern bio-physics electron soldiers .... with atomic brain electron circuits. American and British soldiers are sent to the IRAQ war zone to fight VALENCE SHELL battles ...using metal bullets as symbols of the chemistry VALENCE WARS --> social engineering chemistry VALENCE battles.

The American Chemistry Society and DARPA don't explain this to college graduates ...because they believe that university students and college graduates are to stupid to comphrend such simple tricks of their BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology proganada policies.

Lewis Carroll is a LEWIS structure that explains the symbolic militray battle at the Virginia TECH English propaganda department and their violations of atomic English language and its integrity and HONOR laws.

--> LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?

The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."




Thus the Virginia TECH experience the Darwinian evolution of social chemsitry of

Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR)The VSEPR theory assumes that each atom in a molecule will achieve a geometry that minimizes the repulsion between electrons in the valence shell of that ...


Also, Manhattan VSEPR .... V + SEP + R --> with

Vector air planes +
SEPT 11,2001 +
repulsion of the WORLD Traitor Center(center of mass) ....



Thus we see many pieces of a puzzle that seems to fit together ..into some MODEL of how events happen on EARTH. The newspaper and television reports are incomplete...they lack the depth ...that only serious science students can begin to understand.


The best Lewis structure you can draw for this compound is:


Thus we have the EARTH government test site TA + COMA, Washington ....a component of the living EARTH cell BASE PAIR comprised of
Washington, East Coast
Washington, West Coast

The test site COMA, Washington was used by Eric Berne and others to study TA and modern military mind games ..... in the brain wars that started around 1960.
Thus TA + COMA --> TACOMA brain symbolic computer ..brain defense studies.

Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis parent adult child model, theory ...
self/personal development
Transactional Analysis explanation, history, Eric Berne TA model history and
explanation, plus more free online training for management, sales, marketing, ...

Games People Play: The Basic Handbook of Transactional Similar
(9780345410030): Eric Berne: Books. ... Dr. Eric Berne, as the originator of transactional analysis, has attained recognition for developing one of the most ...



Let's look at an EARTH government molecular conflict with humanoid organizations.
The conflict is a consequence of human institutions continued violations of the periodic atomic table engineering limit laws. Thus we have a Margaret Mead nuclear family..atomic anthropology battle report.




Let's translate the above into everyday language ....and look a the tragic events described by the EARTH molecule penta --> pentagon (pentachloride) ....
the chemistrymilitary molecule  parallel to the humanoid Pentagon.

--> repulsive forces

--> trigonal bipyramid ....  subset words ....
.... trig --> trigger of a gun weapon

--> joining two --> Two towers SEPt 11, 2001 and the repulsive forces battle

--> The central atom P (central command atomic Pentagon) ....which exist at a different existential dimension that the human Pentagon. Physics talks about these vatious levels and dimensions.

Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia
In non-technical terms, M-theory presents an idea about the basic substance of ... This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ...

--> five corners implies pentagon

--> triangular plane ...with subset letters
.......ang --> anger plane --> expressed as EVENT

American Airlines Flight 77 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe aircraft crashed into the western side of the Pentagon at 09:37 EDT. ..... Injured victim of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon Building being loaded into an ...

The Bush administration on Tuesday released video images of American Airlines Flight 77 crashing into Pentagon and killing 189 people in the ...


Thus we CLUES to a puzzle .....about HOW EARTH really works ...and our relationship to EARTH and Nature ...and its vast forces and powers.



Let's outline the EARTH biochemistry military structure.


Cofactor (biochemistry) - Wikipedia,
For example, the multienzyme complex pyruvate dehydrogenase at the junction of ... Many contain the nucleotide adenosine monophosphate (AMP) as part of their ... DNA polymerase .... Adenosine-based cofactors are thought to have acted as interchangeable adaptors that ....Campbell, M. K.

Thus we have the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsiousness message of
AMP --> Atomic Military Police with professorial adaptors that LINK to Fort Campbell Military Kentucky.

This fits in with President Eisenhower and his biochemistry molecules and their expression --> in some CIA obsure biology language ...the speech about the
military industrial complex 
of the 11-dimensions of bio-physics puppet string theory .....thus Nature's social biochemistry
military complex of -->
the multi-enzyme complex 
AND the battle of
the multi-en = english language war at Virginia TECH and
the vast number of bull-stories of EAST Coast universities ..... that violate the biochemistry standards for symbolic integrity. Bragging nonsense on cellular phones is not the MISSION of Nature's molecules NOR the DNA Constitution of the United States.

Remeber that the 4 DNA nucleotides (nitrogenous bases) selected the 7th month (7 Nitrogen electrons and July) ....thus the 4th of JULY is really a DNA reminder ...and the LAW schools, English departments, and philosohy departments have a brain cell problem .... they forgot the social biochemistry project started in year 1776.






Another EARTH biochemistry message processing site.

The symbolic military FORT .....the biochemsitry textbooks with Campbell us understand the biochemistry MAJOR battle at EARTH LAB site ...the EARTH geography LAB ..with a biochemistry LAB HOOD ...labeled with proper noun: Fort (lab) HOOD.






Mary K. Campbell ... arisen ultimately from very simple molecules, such as H2O, CH4, CO2, NH3, N2, and H2. • Field of Biochemistry draws from many disciplines ... the nucleotide sequence in nucleic acids and the amino acid sequence in ...

DNA and amino acid discovery and structure :: DNA from
Proteins are made up of 20 different subunits — amino acids. ....NH. 2. O. I thought that nucleotides were found in equal amounts in DNA molecules.
Thus we have Nature and Drawinian evolution of biochemistry molecules with the molecular selection of a humanoid agent with amino acid military identifier: NH.
Thus the selection of NH = Nidal Hasan to send a biochemistry message to the universities and governments and ther Pentagon ....about the existence of the SCIENCE WARS.




Molecular cell biology EVENT with
the TEXAS AM --> AMINO acid war zone of TEXAS and FORT HOOD with
Robert (molecular Logic) Gates ....ought recognize the existence of EARTH and its various components. The university social science and atomic anthropology song-and-dance is unaccpetable in modern times.

-->The Fort Hood shooting was a mass shooting that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, the most populous U.S. military installation in the world, located just outside Killeen, Texas.
In the course of the shooting, a single gunman killed 13 people and wounded 29 others. It is the worst shooting ever to take place on an American military base.

The sole suspect is Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army Major. He was shot and taken into custody by Department of the Army Civilian Police officers.

--> place on an American military base.

Thus the deeper message of the tragic EVENT...
Am = American amino acids and nitrogeous bases WAR .... when will
American universities WAKE UP. Do professors and and officials in Wahington,DC have an SRP particle? Empirical data says NO.

Signal recognition particle - Wikipedia,
The signal recognition particle (SRP) is an abundant, cytosolic, universally conserved ribonucleoprotein (protein-RNA complex) that recognizes and targets ...

History - Mechanism - The composition of SRP - AutoantibodiesSignal recognition particle RNA - Wikipedia, the free
The signal recognition particle RNA, also known as 7SL, 6S, ffs, or 4.5S RNA, is the RNA component of the signal recognition particle (SRP) ribonucleoprotein ...

ribonucleoprotein ... is used by String theory physicists ...
ribon --> 1/2 of a ribbon/string inside a physcists internal BRAIN ..the other half of the ribbon/string is external existences...that includes the ROPE subset word of the euROPE war zone ....battles at UTOEYA and Liege.



Then we come to the Pentagon bio-computer research test site ..known as Fort Dix, New Cotton Jersey with Princeton University and their cotton textile secret fashion languages .....they use those language secrets in the textile textbooks they publish. Meanwhile, Pentagon soldiers take IBM basic assembler training at Fort Dix with
.TOM Watson labs ..that is
ATOM Watson labs with DNA Watson ...

the concepts combined into one modern militray format with the
ATOM-16 rifle carried by lung breathers ...oxygen
ATOM-16 bio-computer soldiers.

Thus Fort Dix BASIC training has Darwinian evolution expands into symbolic evolutions ......and helps defend Nature and it's projects ...from those who deny to give recognition to Nature's diplomats.

Thus the modern AB chemsitry .... molecular geometry -->..... advanced U.S.ARMY theory of physical existences and symbolic existences ......enbedded within EARTH LAB.

Thus the 11-dimensions of string theory physics and M-theory ...which includes the U.S.ARMY M-16 rifle ..used for the world-wide SCIENCE WARS ....being fought in base 16 hexadecimal space/time with the HEX military tool of Computer Earth system 370 .....the HEX rifle named the M-16 being used in Base 16 hexadecimal geography region of Hex'AF' = 175 = Afghanistan data processing war zone ........

Virginia TECH also is a data processing war region ...with a major battle on April 16

Milwaukee, Wisconsin is another battlefield with the Base 16 Hex murder of Jake Gerard on S. 16th Street
AND the shooting of Milwaukee computer science BINARY police team on S 2nd Street ..that is Norberg and Kunish.
Thus we see the astrophysics view of atomic EARTH ...and the various activities on the geography surface of EARTH VIA Shakespearan actors labeled humans.
Around year 1600 ..... William Shakespeare described the future of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".




CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


Norway and Copenhagen violate the diplomatic protocol laws of the Earth social chemistry government.. . . Europe atomic politicians ignore the existence of Dipole Moments of polar molecules - - --> result Utoeya molecular children tragedy.

Permalink 12/17/13 18:41, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of EARTH LAB events as atomic/molecular data events. In particular, physical chemisty --> social chemsitry.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.

The human is composed of atoms, math equations and nouns.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms and symbols are the origin of thought.



Thus ...we look at human physical chemistry --> social chemistry.
European governments do not acknowledge the EARTH government or Nature's intellect. Hence, human relationships with EARTH are ignored .....because of the superiority of human brain cell thoughts ..and that includes Hollywood illusions.

The UTOEYEA tragedy is part of a series of events..that are ignored by hynpotized scientists.

UTOEYA is also spelled UTOYA.

This we have a BASE PAIR of events ...both ignored by governments and newspapers ...who print biased, distorted incomplete explanations.

The UTOYA events U + TOYA --> involved the Stanford Linear Accelerator atomic brain cell problems in Califorinia. Thus it was arranged by atomic EARTH existential space/time .....
to send the TOYA signal ...the signaling event involved the

TOYOTA iron automobile with 4 rubber tires that acclerated doen a California LINEAR pathway known as a concrete highway.

While the specific format of the LINEAR pathway and the accelerator mechanism are different .....the concepts ...the abstract common foundations are similar ..when described in symbolic words ...... as predicted by supersymmetry physics or parallel processing events on EARTH. The common atomic and force factors:

- both exist in California

- both involve acceleration of particles (small atoms ....or from the CALTECH astrophysics point of vew of atomic EARTH ..the Toyota iron particle).

- both have linear pathways for the particle acceleration

Californians drink to much California wine, that confuses their perception of EARTH LAB and the powers of Nature.

The signal was ignored by the
Department of Energy and the
Department of Transportation (Trance Sport)
..the Atomic EARTH message was repeated in

UTOEYA format ..
U + TOE = Unified Theory of Everything

Again, North American and European governments ignore the deeper meaning of the tragic event.
European citizens are so busy looking at restaurant menus, talking trivia, and watching sports ....they have lost any intellectual understanding that prior generations may have had.

Let's look at the life of molecules VIA humanoid carriers ....that is physical molecular structures known as humans AND symbolic structure ...their
bio-computer brain with words, math equations, and social chemistry behavoiral formula.


Dipole Moment - YouTube
Oct 5, 2009 - 10 min - Uploaded by EnderlePhD
Drawing Lewis structures and using VSEPR to determine if a molecule is polar or nonpolar (i.e., does the ...
Dipole moment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dipole moment can be defined as the product of magnitude of charge & distance of separation between the charges. Dipole moment may refer to: Electric dipole ...

Electric dipole moment - Bond dipole moment - Dipole - Transition dipole momentMolecular Dipole Such molecules are said to be polar because they possess a permanent dipole moment.

A good example is the dipole moment of the water molecule.
Molecules ...
Molecules ...
Molecules ...
Molecules ...
Molecules ... sometimes occur in 2-legged, 2-armed, 2-eared bio-physics structures with the EARTH LAB experiemnt label: humanoid. They have been given symbolic brain processing abilities.....which seem to have a simple logic deficiency.

A good example is the dipole moment of the water molecule.
Water Molecules ...
Water Molecules ...
Water Molecules ... are input to these humanoid structures. The water molecules ... a long time ago .....began to have dipole thoughts .....and thus the origins of dip + pol thoughts .... in the history of science lead to creation of diplomats and politics.



But they forget ....even the Washington Post newspaper reporters for Watergate ...forgot that washing and water molecules are symbolically related ...and water has molecular thought logic gates .... a reminder for Robert LOGIC Gates ......that the brain has its own military defense system ....and the humanoids in Washington DC ought use their brain logic gates and recognize the SCIENCE WARS someday.




Thus..what data was omitted from from the newspaper Watergate description?

Polar and Non-Polar Molecules -- from the Internet
by Ron Kurtus (revised 13 September 2005)

The arrangement or geometry of the atoms in some molecules is such that one end of the molecule has a positive electrical charge and the other side has a negative charge. If this is the case, the molecule is called a polar molecule, meaning that it has electrical poles. Otherwise, it is called a non-polar molecule. Whether molecules are polar or non-polar determines if they will mix to form a solution or that they don't mix well together.

Polar molecules
Chemical bonding is the result of either an atom sharing one or more outer orbit electrons with another atom or an atom taking outer orbit electrons from the atom with which it is bonding. Normally, an atom has an even distribution of electrons in the orbits or shells, but if more end up on one side that the other in a molecule, there can be a resulting electrical field in that area.

Water is a polar molecule because of the way the atoms bind in the molecule such that there are excess electrons on the Oxygen side and a lack or excess of positive charges on the Hydrogen side of the molecule.


Water is a polar molecule with positive charges
on one side and negative on the other

The history of water molecular political science:

- Battle of Water100 in year 1815
........number 100 math component of b1ood

- Watertown + Ixonia, Wisconsin 1972
..........n ixon .....region

- Hinckley & Schmitt Bottled Water with President Ron Reagan and the water molecule shooting messenger .

- Whitewater, Wisconsin and President Clinton travel agency issue





Thus today...we have humanoids that DRINK water nolecules ...and yet refuse to give dipole diplomatic recognization to Nature's EARTH molecular government.





Let's look at how molecules and there expression VIA humanoid institutions.

Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry -
Sulekh Chandra - 2005 - Science - 324 pages
APPLICATIONS OF DIPOLE MOMENT Structure of molecule : Diatomic molecules containing atoms of different elements (For example, HCI, CO and NO) have ...

Quantum chemistry of atoms and molecules -
Philip S. C. Matthews, P. S. C. Matthews - 1986 - Science
To begin with we shall only consider molecules containing two ident- Fig. 4.1. ... diatomic molecules, such as HCl ,CO, NO, will then be considered. The two ...

books.David Robert Bates, Immanuel Estermann - 1970 - Science
For homonuclear diatomic molecules, for instance, the most important ... For polar molecules, CO, NO, etc., the transition of primary importance is J —>J + 1, ...




Thus we see that CO and NO are polar molecules. The atomic EARTH ..then would assign these to humanoid institution, city, geography country ...and for

NO --> Norway being close to the North Pole ...would be considered by Nature as appropriate representative atomic country .... a polar molecular of atomic EARTH LAB.

CO --> Copenhagen , Denmark and its Niels Bohr intellectuals ..would understand this structure of Nature and Earth LAB.

Thus we have the atomic English langauge with 3 key words and their atomic prefixs-->

No --> Norway
Co --> Copenahgen
De --> Denmark

Then using this atomic language...we look at the prefixs to see the secret European language manipulators ..with symbolic atomic constructions of:

No + De --> Node....such as an atomic brain electron node or a communications node of string theory physics

Co + De --> Code such as Baltic Sea computer Earth system 370 code...
with the BALTIC = BAL + TICK/TOCK CLOCK code for year 2000 upgrade they have ignored. BAL = Basic Assembler Language.

Thus we see that De = Denmark is some master mind ...whose citizens refuse to communicate regarding Unified Theory Of Everything. Hence, UTOEYA. And Norway likes to play dumb ..regarding the Margaret Mead nuclear family ....atomic anthropology war.

We see atomic agent AN = Atomic number VIA AN = Anders with element 76 = OS = OSLO and its atomic address in the periodic atomic table ..element Osmium mess/message for the OSLO elite humans and their supreme atomic brain attitudes. OSLO ought not make OS = Osium ERRORS like the Lee Harvey OS(wald) assassination of Kennedy OR
the events related to OS = Osium and OSAMA Binary Laden. OSLO is the European intellectual project manager for understanding these things....they don't even TRY to understand anything. Do NO = NORWAY citzens breath Nitrogen and Oxygen? That's a difficult question in year 2012.

Osmium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
element 76: Osmium (Os), Transition metal .... /ˈɒzmiəm/ oz-mee-əm) is a chemical element with the symbol Os and atomic number 76. It is a hard, brittle, ...




Thus we have tragic social chemistry EVENT in Norway.
What chemistry molecule might send such a message .... and transform it's message into social chemistry ...that is a social physical expression.
Thus we look at Viking molecular math-geometry life
with Viking --> V = Vectors i,j,k











Norwegian PM: Utoeya shooting a "national disaster"news
Jul 23, 2011 – Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg speaks at a press conference in Oslo , Norway, July 23, 2011. The death toll rose to 84 in the ...


Thus the symbol C-H above would find .... according to the TOE physics theory ... would find representative C H structures --> CHildren at a location on the geography surface of atomic EARTH .... a TOE theory location
UTOEYA , Norway.

The nearby major molecule city of OSLO ...would have subset letters OSO -->




Thus the O S O structure symbolized by OSLO.

The O S O structure ..the inverse mirror is SOS.

OSLO and European scientists ignore all of these signals per instructions of their superior citizen/government intellectual policies.





Thus we see CLUE to an interesting puzzle ...about daily activities and events on EARTH.

CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


The modern EARTH government - - -> the chemistry army. The SCIENCE WAR battle of WEAK intellectual BASES at the Fort Hood base ionization constant K = Killeen, Texas- -- > the science evolution of molecular Watergate political affairs .

Permalink 12/07/13 23:42, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of EARTH LAB events as atomic/molecular data events. In particular, physical chemisty --> social chemsitry and military chemistry expressions VIA human actions.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.

The human is composed of atoms, math equations and nouns.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms and symbols are the origin of thought.



Thus ...let's look at chemistry and its expressions VIA humanoid agents. If Nature wanted to set an example, what would be a good example?
Well, let's look at atomic EARTH and Nature's chemistry department and see how it designed humanoid institutions .....institutions that ought properly represent the periodic atomic table ....that is the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, and atomic human brain actions.



First, let's look at a theoretical chemistry military structure ...that exists at a molecular level AND to bring its molecular thought/ideas to a more visible level ..... uses humans actors/players on the EARTH stage. This would enable an alert math /science amateur to see what is happening. The visible events are described and printed in newspapers ..say some tragedy. The surface veneer data is accurate (date, time, place, police data gathered or accident circumstances or crime scene). Given that empirical database .....we look at the deeper levels of existence .....for more primordial causes ..... that eventually surfaced to a level of conscious expression for all to see.

Let's start our path ..with looking at the American Chemsitry Society and the modern military chemistry institutions. Keep in mind, we have 2 major formats of existence.

a) the physical existence of atoms, molecules, forces seen in a high school chemistry or physics lab

b) The symbolic existence of those structures. Thus the nouns, adjectives, chemistry formula, physics equations start their symbolic existence inside a students brain .... particularly his eye/retina and the optical nerve .....and the brain optical computer system. Many years later, the symbolic life becomes LINKED to his subliminal mind,etc. Later, his mind may LINK to the James JOYCE data streams of consciousness OR the Carl Jung (university campus/coporation) ..collective unconsiousness ..or the groups collective MIND. That is both good and has a few problems.

The point I wish to that the surface level of our daily lives is just a part of a larger bio-communications system that exists at several levels.
Those systems using the human molecular bio-computer symbolic processor have existed for thousands of years .... and helped build /or destroy ancient civilizations.





FORT HOOD ..... a Base ionization constant TEST with DARPA and university advanced theoretical chemistry experiments .....on the geography surface of atomic EARTH.
Below, we have the EARTH site social chemistry equation for
.... K = Killeen Texas.

Below, we see the chemistry equation in action at EARTH LAB site...FORT LAB HOOD.

NH = Nidal Hasan and the watergate battle continues at Fort HO --> HOOD.


The Washington Post newspaper will have to upgrade their Hollywood style reports of world affairs ..... with some DEEPER knowledge. They may actually have to study basic chemistry and physics.... instead to taking Creative Writing classes in college.

The chemistry books state.....(see Chang 7th edition page 618)

The ionization of weak bases is treated in the same way as the ionization of weak acids. When ammonia dissolves in water, it undergoes the reaction -->



...... The equilibrium constant is given by K (on EARTH LAB this would be the molecular humanoid city of Killen)

Table 15.4 lists a number of common weak bases (this includes the British military and their WEAK university intellectual bases) ........


Note the basicity of all these compounds ...

--> word basicity --> basic city .....
thus Fort Hood basic training 
and the city of Killeen .

Thus from the astrophysics view of atomic EARTH .... and the view of bio-objects on the geography surface of EARTH ......that region of TEXAS fits the description ...of atrophysics chemistry basicity location.

The word adjectives descibe its
activity (basic training for biology acid/base structures in humanoid format)
and its location (city K = equilibrium constant).

Hence, an EARTH LAB ... a basicity of compounds ...and that includes symbolic life..such as English language compound sentences inside the human meolcular computer brain.

.... page 618 chemistry sentence

Note that the basicity of all these compounds is attributable tothe lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom

(thus the periodic atomic table ...humanoid agent ....Darwinian atomic selection of Ni = Nitrogen = Nidal as the LONE pair of electrons in the LONE STAR state of Texas) the LONE shooter ....the shooting star of the LONE Star state..



--> page 618 chemistry sentence
However, the ability of the lone pair to accept a H+ ion makes these substances Bronsted bases
( the parallel to Hollywood social chemisty movies ...
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Hollywood star Bronson Sep 1, 2003 – Hollywood actor Charles Bronson, gritty star of films such as The Magnificent Seven ....)

The Magnificent 7 was about the social activity and thoughts of nitrogenous bases of DNA nucleotides. Nitrogen has 7 electrons and 7 protons and 7 neutrons ....according to bio-physics existential research done at universities. Thus we see a pattern of nitrogeous bases messages that ought be understood by the 7th Day Adventist religion and their DNA humanoid science representatives.




-->Page 619




Alleged Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan faces
March 2012 trial ...
Jul 20, 2011 – Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan's military trial date has been set. Hasan faces 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted ...


What other secrets and lies come from newspaper reporters and university political science and social science departments.

We have the water molecule ...and Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social anthropology and atomic political science issues.

--> Watergate with President N (Nixon) ..the Earth chemistry
government agent for N = Avogadro's number



--> President Ron Reagan shooting with water molecule war with agent ..symbolic of Home and Office Bottled
Water Delivery from HinckleySprings® - Similar
Hinckley Springs provides home and office bottled water delivery service, water coolers, coffee delivery service, tea, and cocoa to the Midwest, including ...

--> President Clinton and Whitewater, Wisconsin travel agency at the University campus of awareness ...of Jefferson County ...and state code WI = William Jefferson Clinton messages fro Wisconsin intellectuals ...that is lazy thinkers of Wisconsin.
Thus we have clues to a puzzle.
By a strange twist of FATE ...... or perhaps Nature's influence in atomic humanoid matters we have ....

-->Page 619


Conjugate bases --> gate bases -->
...  Robert Gates and Fort Hood Army Base

...  Bill Gates with atomic mic --> Microsoft  invoice bills ... bill logic GATES 


ammonia --> Texas AM university with Ammonia, DARPA, and Pentagon Mr. Gates.


The atomic/molecular system of Nature  VERSUS schemes and biased explanations of REALITY ....


and Nature's solution/answer VIA Darwinian molecular selection of a humanoid agent  NH.

Thus ..we must ask.... what is the message that Nature is telling the human species of the United States?

Good question.


CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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