Modern war using Nature's military math and molecules .....messages for universities, the Pentagon and world governments. You have been defeated in the Science Wars.

The European engineering vector ( i, j, k ) war identified with math parameters: Norway, Viking, Thor . . . . The TOE physics battle at - - -> u.TOE.ya. . . . .. . . . . ..exposes secret community conspiracy against math.

Permalink 12/18/13 12:47, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


TOE = Theory Of Everything includes the atomic anthropology SCIENCE WAR casualty reports from Oslo, Norway.

The SCIENCE WARS have been descibed in other blog articles. Those article describe the multi-facted dimensions of Sartre existentialism on EARTH LAB. These dimensions include the periodic atomic table government, math life, North Pole magnetic data field interatcion with human iron Hemoglobin proteins, gravity field thought interaction with brain atomic mass, etc.

These concepts have been written about or suggested by many others in the past. For example we have messages from year 1865.





Keyword(s): blog-112
Lewis Carroll and the student brain experiments
03/29/11 11:19 , Categories: Uncategorized

LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?

The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."



Thus we have the student guinea-pigs used by the modern educational system...with the puppet strings as predicted by STRING THEORY physics ...about the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...the atomic brain and atomic social anthropology systems.

The primary symptom of a human guinea-pig denial of the situation and denial of the possiblity. Bertrand Russell, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Rudolf Carnap and a few others escaped the intellectual jail.....and their symbolic books sent us serious messages.
Messages in symbolic life format: Brave New World, 1984, The War of the Worlds, and others like FUTURE SHOCK --> and example of applied literature is the the shock of the Utoyea anthropology SCIENCE WAR.



Here, in Blog-656, we discuss V = Vectors of Earth Lab mathematical-physics and their expressions in EARTH LAB space time....... including symbolic language vectors and social engineering vectors.

Mechanical engineering vectors are familiar to many college students. Linear algbera transformations, matrices, math tables with rows and columns..... are concepts familiar to math students. Tensor space is a related cconcept......with the Herman Weyl 1921 book " Space, Time, Matter".

Books like "Tensor Analysis on MANIFOLDS" by Bishop and Goldberg could be useful to New York City universities in explaining the Manhattan project from 1943 to year 2001...with the year 2001 MANiFOLD --> when the MANhattan 2 Towers FOLDED.

The universities will NOT explain the tragic MATH demo of Man.i.folds. However, we are grateful for the SCIENCE WARS information as outlined by agent Sokal and undercover agents at Duke University. They set-up an excellent decoy...... a front.....a sucessful trap ...... that was a challenge to decode. Unfortunately, they became entrapped themselves...... however, they can be saved thru communications theory.





Briefly, lets review math vectors.

In high school algebra class we learn how to graph a parabolic equation on a 2-dimensional piece of paper with the (x,y) axis. By extension.....we have the 3-dimensional (X, Y, Z) plane geometry axis. The plane geometry WAR expression was via the usage of the plane geometry military tool known as a airplane. That airplane tool and puppet string physics applied to atomic mans .....enabled the Universe math government to structurte the Manhattan physics project ERROR event of September 2001. The basic Laws of the Universe are well-known to scientists.....this is a evolution of those laws into new FORMATS of expression and complexity.....that need to be understood.

In college physics or engineering class we also learn about
the (i, j, k) coordinates or frame of reference vectors. These are similar to the (x,y z) . . . but a little more complicated.


Images for modern viking warriors


The math word Viking really V = Vectors i,k .... are KING of thinKING. Today the modern Viking is expected to percieve the ancient word Viking as V = Vectors i,j,k.


Above SYMBOL MACHINE ......  social mechanics BATTLE with U = Utoeya and V = Viking


The Europe engineering vector wars and Europe math wars are well known to history.
The history of math wars and the Europe cover-up approved by Nor.WAY...way...direction .....vector HONOR code violations by the guardians of vector integrity.






Viking WAR reports that they failed to REPORT to UTOE = Universe Theory of Everthing.

Viking war symbolic commands.....
Vietnam war in 1968 with President N X N (NixoN) square matrix.

Virginia Tech Shooting with agent (i, k) = (individual, korean)
Mr.CHO the Chosen One for the Viking social engineering vector mission.

With Mr.CHO we are reminded of vector war year 1950.
North Korean war zone
Norway and vector K of (i,k) of Viking code
North Pole message to magnetic Hemoglobin iron life and their Hum(an) ERRORS.
Norway ought tell England to learn how to READ and WRITE the proper atomic English language of the 26 proton English alphabet of ferrous oxide atoms of iron......used by myoglobin iron proteins used by fe=ferrous oxide structures known as the hand,arm writing muscles of Fe= Female newspaper reporters. Since those reporters fail to help understand the IRON LADY (Margaret Thatcher); Nature holds them partially responsibility for many tragic university campus shootings. Nature holds them completelty responsible for the incomplete news reports filed with the atomic/astrophysics continuum. These include the incomplete explanations of the COLE Hall shooting and the Virginia TECH cover-up by reporters..

Vineyard --> Martha Vineyard
Visiting Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Where and What? › ... › United States › Massachusetts
Cape Cod is no different. The iconic name is always associated with
the Kennedy's, Martha's Vineyard and many other names.
Hyannis, Cape Cod Motels, Hotels, Inns, Lodging and ...
Hyannis Cape Cod Motel, Hotel Inn ...
Island Ferries to Nantucket & Martha's Vineyard, JFK Museum,



Thus we see the data keywords for the Viking involvement in the murder of President Kennedy.

The European social engineering equation used was

Viking = V + (i, k).... King(or president)..translated is

Vineyards (i,k) = (individual, Kennedy).... (King or high office equivalent)


In modern European Viking
social engineering vector ...murder directions...

V (i, J, K ) = ( individual, John, Kennedy)

with OS --> OSLO and parallel agent OSWALD.

The lack of participation by European countries in understanding this VECTOR process of political science life...suggests that they wish to cover up a process well-known to them. If they expressed surprise and concern about this process ...and funded research into its understanding ...the European countries would be given the benefit of doubt about their deliberate role in a subliminal mind world-wide murder conspiracy.



Vang --> Vector angle ....the shooting at Rice Lake, Wisconsin.
.......Matrices battle
...........rices --> rice shoots at Rice Lake with
...........rices --> rice secretary of state for math

secret array of EARTH botany and math governments ......
secret.ary of State Rice (botany math agent)



Thus we come to mathematics war known as World War 2.

We have the axis powers involved ......with symbolism ..

axis --> algebra math function graph on (x,y) axis

powers --> World War 2 ...... base 2 exponent powers



Thus we come to MATH history and astronomy history ...and the ViKING vectors that influence life.


year 1643 Death of Galileo
Isaac Isaac Newton was born on what is retroactively considered 4 January 1643 [OS: ... such as Descartes, and of astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. ... the subsequent two years saw the development of his theories on calculus,
add 200 years giving year 1843
Celestial Railroad by Nathaniel Hawthorne

add 100 years giving time region 1943
and the Celestial arrival of astrophysics messengers
of Hawthorne --> Haw + Thorne giving
Hawking (1942) and Thor(ne) (194O).

Of course, they ain't talking about their secret background; but that's okay. Their books provide the pieces to their unpublished bio-math puzzle.


Why do European, Amertican, and Norwegian teachers lie to their children about the TRUE NATURE of world affairs and world history? They won't even try to help clarify the situation. Then Norwegian newspaper reporters and editors continue the cover-up .......about the TOE mathematical-biophysics casualties at u.TOE.ya.

Why did the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology government send the AN = Atomic Number proton agent AN = Anders ? Ask your citizen government funded university to provide more false, incomplete explanations about an event that basic college science and math books can explain.
Because citizens approve of this cover-up ...... it continues. Lack of intellctual integrity and purpose are problems in Margaret Mead atomic social psychology. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs now includes the atomic human Hierarchy Problem of biophysics.

The Northern Illinois University valence-shell electron repulsion VSEPR battle results in 6 dead at Cole Hall - - --> the social chemistry valence war on the ST. Valence Day of February 14, 2008. The PCl trigonal bipyramidal shooting

Permalink 12/17/13 21:41, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The phosphorus pentachloride (PCl) social engineering message. Molecular military structures and military expressions from NATURE for the modern human symbolic brain.


The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of EARTH LAB events as atomic/molecular data events. In particular, physical chemisty --> social chemsitry.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.

The human is composed of atoms, math equations and nouns.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms and symbols are the origin of thought.










The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on St.Valence Day, February 14, 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, United States, killing five and injuring twenty-one, before committing suicide.

The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.
Six people died in the incident, including the perpetrator.
Twilight Language:
New St. Valentine's Day Massacre
Feb 14, 2008 – New St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Another painful ... The gunman turned the gun on himself on the stage at Cole Hall. All of the victims are ...

SCIENCE WAR translation of the news sentence:

St. Valentine's Day Massacre ....subset letters
St. Valen.......Da..Mass science words
St. Valence Data atomic Mass .....

Thus we have the Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology ...atomic mass anger expression VIA the atomic humanoid student massacre.


Atomic English language word --> anger --> an + ger -->
atomic number germinates with DeKalb  Seeds (see data set)in the DeKalb agriculture / farm  and college community with Einstein's field theory of a farm data fields.


Thus various University departments knowingly with-held vital information from the police during the murder investigation. Interesting the universities of North America operate. Of course ..this must have citizen and government approval. Thus...I was a fool to believe that the news reports from the year 2008 tragic event ..where complete reports.



Outline of some other events:


The living EARTH cell has it's own version of genetic BASE PAIRS. Thus if we look at EARTH global events ..occuring on the geography surface of EARTH ......and we look at the EARTH LAB space/time continuum .....we see 2 major events as BP = Base Pair signals involving Nature's organic chemistry government ...that is hydrocarbons and related structures and their social engineering chemistry messages.


Let's look at this example of Base Pair signal events .....and then we will look at the Northern Illinois University situation a Base Pair signal.
The empirical data is there ...and the suggested models are there ...only the final question remain open ---> What does it all mean? We have some clues to the answer, but scientists refuse to help explore these issues ...because human governments discourage intellectual understanding of Nature's intellect and the Earth governemnts signal's.



--> Base Pair signal of algebraic UNION of sets of existences on EARTH --> involving UNION CARBIDE and the university system of India ...and the students they send to British and American universities ...for advanced education and also teaching jobs.
Why does INDIA continue their Bull-stories in year 2012?

Bhopal disaster - Wikipedia
Compensation from Union Carbideý:
The Government of India passed the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Act that gave the government rights to ...

List of industrial disasters - Methyl isocyanate - Warren Anderson


of India passed the
Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Act

pal --> paleontology war /archeology war of India

PaleontoLogy -Finding Fossils You don't have to be a professional paleontologist to collect the remains of ancient life. This handy guide shows you how and where to find your ...

Recent finds of fossil hominids at Olduvai Gorge (Tanganyika)
by JE Frisch - 1961
finds of fossil hominids have been made by Dr. L.S.B. Leakey  during the last four years. ... floor, of a child's mandible together with skull and hand fragments made it ... scendants may be responsible for the stone industry associated with Zinjan- ...



George Orwell - 1984
George Orwell - 1984
George Orwell - 1984

Bhopal disaster Main article: Bhopal disaster
The Bhopal disaster was an industrial disaster that took place at a Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in the Indian city of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Around midnight on 3 December 1984, methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas was accidentally released from the plant, exposing more than 500,000 people. The government of Madhya Pradesh confirmed a total of 3,787 deaths related to the gas release. [6] Union Carbide was sued by the Government of India and agreed to an out-of-court settlement of US$470 million in 1989.


--> BP = Base Pair agent for Nature
Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia,
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the BP oil disaster, or the Macondo blowout) is an oil spill in the ...

Timeline of the Deepwater ... -
Deepwater Horizon explosion - July - June
Size of Spill in Gulf of Mexico Is Larger Than Thought -
Apr 28, 2010 – Size of Spill in Gulf of Mexico Is Larger Than Thought. Chris Graythen/Getty ... Cast: Covering the Oil Spill and Other Top Stories (April 29, 2010) ....




Thus we see that atomic humans constructed of organic molcules
enjoy lies /schemes/ bull-stories and other distortions. While the tragic EVENTS happened and the surface veneer description of the evnts are true( date, time, location, the sequence of events) ... the conclusions are incomplete.

EVENTS sometimes have deep causes ...and a sequence of CAUSE --> EFFECTS ..... an information
chain of cause/effects within EARTH LAB space/time mathematical/physics (with organic chemistry) continuum ..... that can eventually ERUPT into a tragedy.

Sort of like a volcanco, Nature gets annoyed ...Nature warns human institutions and governments ...the warnings are ignored .......and then eventually Nature allows the TRAGIC signal to occur .....for the pleasure of newspapers and self-rightous citizens and officials.
The LOVE CANAL situation ....newspaers printed biased,distorted explanation of organic chemistry WAR.

Thus we see the organic chemistry war with the intellectual social science and theology LIES approved by universities ..... who have betrayed their pledge to Nature to use their Central Nervous System 370 absttact brain symbolic processor to maintain intellectual integrity.



Thus we look at the state of Illinois bio-chemistry WAR that took place at Northern Illinois University, CH = Carbon Hydrogen life forms at CH = Cole Hall, DeKalb.






The pair of Cole Halls and  their  brick /cement electron model VIA the EARTH sized display structure



The shape of a molecule can be predicted based on the number and arrangement of electron pairs around a central atom. The geometry is determined by minimizing the repulsions between electron pairs in the bonds between atoms and/or lone pairs of electrons as postulated by VSEPR theory.

Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory:

Principle: Electron pairs around a central atom arrange themselves so that they can be as far apart as possible from each other.

According to VSEPR theory, molecular geometry can be predicted by starting with the electron pair geometry about the central atom and adding atoms to some or all of the electron pairs. This model produces good agreement with experimental determinations for simple molecules.

Geometry Types:
The most common geometry types are defined by the number of electron pairs around an atom. Electron pairs are defined as electrons in bonds, lone pairs, and occasionally a single unpaired electron. The various geometries are shown in the graphic on the upper left.




Trigonal bipyrimidal ..... symbolic military tools
Trig --> trigger for a gun VIA a hypnotized humanoid messenger

Molecule war applications:




Molecular Geometry butane.chem.
The angle between the lone pairs and the central atom is 180 o. When three ... The central atom, Be, has two pairs of bonding electrons. .... A compound with 5 surrounding atoms, and no lone pairs, is phosphorous pentachloride, PCl (5). It has ...



The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on ST.Valentine's Day 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people.
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall.
Six people died in the incident, the perpetrator and 5 class students. .

Thus we see applied chemsitry --> social chemistry

No Lone pairs ...equation with molecule PCl

No = Northern
Lone = Lone Gunman Steven K.




--> Social chemistry molecule PCl components ....

P = Perpetrator via Darwinian atomic molecular selection of Steven K.

Cl = Classroom experiments the brain death of 5 students.
Thus each of the 5 chloride atoms of phosphorus pentachloride is represented by a student.




Their atomic choride names were:

Name ......Age........ Hometown

Catalina Garcia 20 Cicero
Julianna Gehant 32 Mendota
Ryanne Mace 19 Carpentersville
Daniel Parmenter 20 Elmhurst
Gayle Dubowski 20 Carol Stream



Catalina Garcia, Juliana Gehant, Ryanne Mace, and shooter Steven Kazmierczak were declared dead on the scene at Cole Hall, while Daniel Parmenter was pronounced dead shortly after arrival to Kishwaukee Hospital at 4:00 p.m. Gayle Dubowski was flown to the nearest trauma center, St. Anthony Hospital in Rockford, where she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival there at 4:14

Thus we see the additional signal of the DNA time war ....... of the Y2K biological clock error of year 2000 brain computer upgrade failure. Thus we have 4 PM --> 4 DNA nucleotides and time 4:14 implies 4 DNA nucleotides and 14 implies nitrogeous bases.



Thus we review the U.S.Naval research LAB view of the EARTH LAB  parallel Cole Hall  oceanogaphy event.

PCl5 - Phosphorus Pentachloride --> Navy Theory of awareness of the existence of oceans and water and violent reaction of the EARTH chemistry department.
Uses: Phosphorus pentachloride is a white crystalline solid that sublimes at 100 °C.
It reacts violently with water to produce phosphoric and hydrochloric acids. It is used as a chlorinating agent and as a catalyst in the manufacture of acid chlorides.

The Lewis Structure

Phosphorus has five valence electrons.
Chlorine has seven valence electrons.

There are a total of 5e- x 1 phosphorus + 7e- x 5 chorines = 40 valence electrons to be placed in the Lewis structure for phosphorus pentachloride.



PCl5 - Phosphorus Pentachloride --> Navy Theory of awareness of the existence of oceans and water and the U.S.S.Cole violent reaction of the EARTH chemistry department in October 2000.
The EARTH pentachlorine military action moleculues
...........penta --> pentagon ..modern evolution ....the
humanoid Pentagon and university intellectual atomic anhtropology puppets and clowns ..ought upgrade their brain with more the realistic ideas of M-Theory physics and the 11-dimensions of string theory.



In year 2009, DARPA and the Pentagon had the nitrogenous bases biochemistry battle at Fort Hood.

That is to complicated for the University of Texas, Baylor, Texas A&M party schools to TRY to understand. Their elite intellectuals will not help research the nasty event at FORT HOOD; because in might reveal the truth of the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness social manipulation schemes of their school collective MIND --> the groups of students, graduates, and administrators.




Thus we see a process of Nature and the periodic atomic table of life and thought.
Humans are chemistry molecule structures and humans are symbolic machines.
Thus the human bio-computer can take chemsitry molecule thoughts and convert them into social chemistry this case some tragic experiences for all involved in the MESSAGE.


Thus we have CLUES to an interesting puzzle ....

Argonne Chemical Sciences & Engineering - Argonne National ...
Argonne National Laboratory, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, DOE Logo ... Start-ups using Argonne technology compete for America's Next Top Energy ...

Analytical Chemistry Resources
Resources relating to Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation, including: Journals, Research Groups, General Resources, ... Argonne National Laboratory


Argonne, FermILAB, University of Chicago, IIT, Northwestern, DePauL, Loyola, Circle Campus, and other educational institutions and corporation research labs are familiar with such matters;
and they are paid to protect CITIZEN subliminal MIND schemes and rackets.




Thus we see DARPA ....and modern social science technology war ....known as the INTELLECTUAL WAR component of the Science Wars.

DARPA - Wikipedia
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of new ...

DARPA Falcon Project -
DARPA Grand Challenge -
DARPA Network Challenge



Grand Unified Theory of physics --> Grand Challenge for DARPA atomic brain cells..



CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


Nature's coordination compounds and their military coordination DISPLAY message for DARPA, Naval Research Lab , and the U.S.S.Cole on October 2001 --> the crystal field splitting in octahedral complexs

Permalink 12/08/13 01:19, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized




The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military. DARPA has been responsible for funding the development of many technologies which have had a major effect on the world,





Coordination Compounds
A characteristic feature of the transition metals is their ability to form a group of compounds called coordination compounds, complex compounds, or sometimes ...

Coordination Compounds
One definition of a metal complex or coordination compound is 'a com- ... Although this definition usually works well for coordination compounds, it is not always ...




Crystal Field Theory:
Energy Level SplittingThe Crystal Field Theory experiment illustrates the effects on a metal d orbital .... must have an electronic transition whose energy change is between 1.8 and 3.1 ...

Crystal field theory -
Crystal field theory (CFT) is a model that describes the breaking of degeneracies of ..... Chemistry: The MolecularNature of Matter and Change (4th ed.).

Crystal Field Splitting in Octahedral Complexes Chemistry ...Octahedral Complex Crystal Field Splitting.
The octahedral arrangement of six ligands surrounding the central metal ion is as shown in the figure.

EARTH Lab---> Oct--> October    Octahedral signals















Crystal Field Theory
Crystal Field Theory was developed in 1929 by Hans Bethe to describe the ... Carefully observe how the energies of the orbitals change as the distance ...




The empirical data provided by the distance and approach of the atacking boat.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Around 11:18 local time (08:18 UTC), a small craft approached the port side of the destroyer, and an explosion occurred, putting a 40-by-40-foot gash in the ship's port side according to
the memorial plate to those who lost their lives. According to former CIA intelligence officer Robert Finke, the blast appeared to be caused by explosives molded into a shaped charge against the hull of the boat.

Terrorist Attack on USS Cole: Background and Issues for ... On October 12, 2000, the U.S. Navy destroyer Cole was attacked by a small boat laden with ...


the memorial plate --> orbital plate ... electron war message



Thus we have a brief outline ..that EARTH LAB theorists and reseachers may build upon.
In year 1897, H.G. Wells wrote " The War of the Worlds" ....and here we see an example of such an astrophysics galactic battle on EARTH involving the IRON SHIP (ferry message to FermiLAB ferrous oxoide bio-physics humanoids). L.Ron Hubbard wrote "Battlefield Earth". That war message is about the BATTLE Field --> Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory war and the cover-up by universities and FermiLAB ...that will not discuss FIELD theory and the application problems and student casualties at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University.

The NORTH POLE magnetic field ...field splitting message EVENT of the U.S.S.Cole and the Polish IRON SOLIDS shipyards message EVENT(see Solidarity movement of 1985) ....... are data EVENTS that ought concern the Pentagon, Naval Research Labs magnetic department and their university friends at Florida State University magnetic lab in the HUMAN iron hemoglobin protein INTELLLECTUAL WAR zone with the Tallahasse arrogance Hierarchy Problem of their exclusive Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computers.

While educated intellectuals know better, they pick up that subliminal MIND arrogance attitude from television and the general citizen population ... that could care less about EARTH gestalt processes. But I believe that some professors and graduate students ..... will move beyond the BRAVE NEW WORLD social pscyhology war traps (the internal IRON CURTAIN brain barriers of Heme group Fe(ii) ion) ..... and help understand what is happening.


The periodic atomic table government of Nature has existed for millions of years ..... and built dinosauers and monkeys. Then Nature's biochmeistry designed a humanoid ..... and then it started brain cell projects with symbolic content of nouns, verbs, math equations, etc.

Thus Nature has the Earth Fe = Ferrous oxide Fe = Federal governments and its many expressions.
Nature's vast intellect has social engineering projects involving subset humans and their subset institutions and subset Fe = Federal governments and subset Fe = FermILAB research labs.
However, these modern advanced entities have forgotten their humble atomic orgins AND refuse to recognize the Hierarchial structure of existences.
Hence, the IRON WARS and the Fe = Feed Citizens .... digestive system mentality of the Federal government and Georgetown restaurants all approved by IVY league college philosophy --> the only purpose of brain life to to eat and then later use the BAT room.

Batavia physics explains why modern washroom toilets use Ferengi engineering and Jet Propulsion Labs .... jets of water .....water molecule accelerator rings that take large particles and place them into brownian motion VIA rotation around in a interior circle at high speed ...........oh! -->thats the supersymmtery physics / parallel processing model of circular accelerators ...... a BAT Bathroom model for the average man like myself ...who had PSSC physics in high school and does remember a few things about the wave tanks/ripple tanks.

National Science Foundation experiments ......  evolution audit trail ....

- Nixon, Watergate and the plumbers
- Reagan and Hickley and Schmit bottled water brand
- Clinton and Whitewater Wisconsin travel agency
- NIU Oceania shooting at U.S.A COLE ... a naval research battle signal in DeKalb, Illinois?

These are complex puzzles that can only be understood by atomic human brain communications ....... with a goal to understanding the signals being sent by Nature's various molecular forcess and processes ...and their relationhip to human society.



Oh! The Stanford Linear accelerator supersymmetry experiement used the California Highway system, the State police and ...then used the atomic structures ..
- an atomic human driving
- an atomic TOYOTA auto with a gasoline pedal (accelerator)
- and a LINEAR concrete/cement/black top highway ....

Thus the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet earth)
linear accelerator experiment with
CALTECH and the University of California.
Of course, knowbody knows anything about quantum possibilty theory.

Is Princeton university aware of earth events?
Does the University of Chicago have curosity to know what's happening?
Does Columbia University study the Base 2 binary war of the TWO Towers?

None of the above groups will establish communication LINKs with down-to-earth thinkers.
Empircal data is irrevalent .....
one must be a CULT member of the fa.CULT.y .... per George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

Hail Brave New World!
Hail the George Orwell Oceania shooting at NIU oceanography?
Hail proganada of television and newspapers.

Thus we see the intellectual prison that is self-created; a process those authors thried to warn us about.




The secrets of Margaret Mead nuclear family ....atomic political science and atomic message systems atomic humans that enjoy incomplete and biased explanations of REALITY events. The deeper levels of M-theory physics society and the 11 dimensions ..... who cares?

Any line ...and story line is okay .....the BULL-story line that the National Science Foundation feeds their ignored undercover student agent...identifiers " PSSC Book #85 with E85 gasoline BP = Base Pair project with BP = British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico ...
1960 Sarasota High School PSSC physics and the Far Horizon Resort, Longboat Key (Viking vector coordinates EARTH project) ..... BP....the living EARTH cell genetics vbiolation by National Science Foundation and educational system rackets ....

- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the BP oil disaster, or the Macondo blowout) is an oil spill in the ...




Deepwater Horizon --> Deep undercover agent Watertown, Wisconsin and the Far Horizons Resort with special astrophysics authority code "Event HORIZON" per Stephen Hawking/ Gibbons. The University of Cambridge will not help explain the British Petroleum EVENT HORIZON tragedy at astrophysics EARTH LAB site known as --> Deepwater Horizon .... and the Base pair relationship to the Far Horizons LU =Logical Unit X --> Luxury Resort.

The X-Men books/movies (math equation agents X,Y,Z variables) and CalTECH agent LOGAN ...are not interested in astrophysics LOCAL REGION event messages. Thus it's up to amateur scientists to form a group and help me to figure out these puzzles. Thus the absence of university ineterest ........provides the lesser beings an opportunity to study and think.
The Naval Research Lab ougth study the world someday. All adult males do naval research in the bedroom using the HEAD .........but some men ought advance to the 2nd HEAD (the skull) ...... and then think beyond the social psychology world of manipulation and tricks.

Lewis Carroll warned all of us in year 1865 with his comments.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheeredand was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..   with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."

String theory - Wikipedia
String theory is an active research framework in particle physics that attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. It is a contender for a theory ...

M-theory - Superstring theory - History of string theory

History of string theory 
History of string theory 
History of string theory 
History of string theory 


and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. with STRINGS.
Maybe, someday ...physics and chemistry theorists will consider ...that I and Nature's string theory undercover agents in Margaret Mead atomic anhtropology might not like be STRINGED along by university approved ...... atomic social science department nonsense and tricks.




Hey, don't feel bad ..... I was over 56 years old ...before I understood the possibility of those sentences. Then books like BRAVE NEW WORLD, the INVISIBLE MAN, 1984, the IRON MASK (see FermiLAB about Dumas applied atomic literature) ...then the books seemed to make pieces of a puzzle...things slowly fell into place. Also,since I have brain symbolic defiencies, I needed Cliff Notes (or equivalant published explantions) to understand the hidden symbolism.



CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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