The electron shell war . The K,L,M, N energy level SCIENCE WAR messages for the Secretary of Defense, Department of Energy, and university intellectuals and their atomic human plans.
A periodic atomic table government news report of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology WAR ...January 10, 2012 review of past SCIENCE WAR events.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore, atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/the human atomic feelings expressor/the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and college chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we have atomic family ... anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites ...such as Fort Hood. Part of the atomic table is shown below.
Above, we see the 1st column/Group .....
IA --> 1st A --> 1st Atomic Army
thus we see Fort H ......the element represented by Fort Hood.
In atomic symbols ...we have Fort H = Hydrogen which is a Major H (Hasan) element ..especially of molecular political science ...such as
- President Nixon and the water molecule issue or
- President Clinton and the water travel agency
- Hinckley & Schmitt Bottled Water message with the
shooting at President RON Reagan..... who was elected
as atomic brain electron President ......with Nature's theory of
electron political science
.....ron --> Ron Reagan from California and its universities ...who claim to study electrons and physics AND who like to bragg AND invent Hollywood style stories of REALITY.
Quantum numbers are nothing but address of an electron.It is used to locate an electron inside an atom.To make it clear think of your address.It contains Name,Door No.,Street name and city name.
Accordingly we also have four quantum numbers.
1.Principal Quantum number
2.Azimuthal Quantum number
3.Magnetic Quantum number and
4.Spin Quantum number
It is indicated by n. It tells us the shell in which an electron resides.
As the value of n increases,energy of the electron also increases i.e., energy increases as we move away from the nucleus.
"It is like the city name in your address"
"It is like the city name in your address"
"It is like the city name in your address"
"It is like the city name in your address"
"It is like the city name in your address"
Thus the atomic communications symbols sent
and their translation
- city name K L --> KiLLeen, Texas Fort Hood
- M N --> atomic MaN composed of electron shells
- n = principle quantum number
..n = integers = 1, 2, 3 subset letters
..n...i --> ni --> nidal agent for atomic alphabet
Fort H = Hydrogen social science messages
Major H = Hydrogen biochemistry from Virginia TECH
Thus consider the atomic element equation:
Fort Ho + od ADD
Major H .......GIVING
Ho H + od --> or explained as -->
H o H = Water molecule od = overdos(e)
Thus we have the
H o H = water molecule signal
What is water?
What is watergate?
What is a water molecule logic gate.
What is a microbiology brain logic gate?
What is a....rob...................gate?
What is agent Robert Gate(s) from Texas A&M education site?
Nature sends interesting signals for humans to understand.
Viewed as a puzzle with Nature's CLUES, it can be very interesting for the curious mind.
Water is a very important substance, as it makes up the larger part of an organism's body. But what exactly is water? Inside the body of a human being there is a skeleton, which makes your body solid and makes sure you can stand up without falling apart. Water is also a kind of skeleton. It consists of tiny particles, the atoms, just like every other substance on earth. One of these atoms is called hydrogen and the other is called oxygen. As you probably know the air that we breathe also contains oxygen. One particle of water is called a molecule. When lots of water molecules melt together we can see the water and drink it or use it, for instance to flush a toilet.
How is a water molecule built up?
A water molecule consists of three atoms; an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, which are bond together like little magnets. The atoms consist of matter that has a nucleus in the centre.
The difference between atoms is expressed by atomic numbers. The atomic number of an atom depends on the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. Protons are small positively charged particles. Hydrogen has one proton in the nucleus and oxygen has eight. There are also uncharged particles in the nucleus, called neutrons.
Next to protons and neutrons, atoms also consist of negatively charged electrons, which can be found in the electron cloud around the nucleus. The number of electrons in an atom equals the number of protons in the nucleus. The attraction between the protons and electrons is what keeps an atom together
Water molecules exist are described in various methods in practical daily life.
For example:
People in Washington,DC may go to a laundromat to wash their dirty cotton clothes with WATER.
People in Washington,DC may be ...after dinner ... may be washing dinner plates and coffee cups in the kitchen sink with detergent and water.
Perhaps, some people ought review English class 101 ... year 1960 version.
Take a course in the Cole Hall oceanography classroom andstudy George Orwell and OCEANIA and the propaganda printed in newspapers by biased reporters. Then study the U.S.Cole incident in
Oc = Oceania message in Oc = October 2000. U.S.Naval Research Labs has no interest in signal processing .....that may require some different VIEWS. They like to think inside the box.
Thus we have the Erwin Schdroginger physics cat in a box experiment ..... using the Persian Gulf as the Persian cat ..... symbolism and math mappings amongst the many dimensions of existence on EARTH LAB.
M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...
Perhaps, learn how to Read a biochemisitry textbook at Ford Hood Soldier Read Center.
Read the same bio-molecule military textbooks Major Hasan studied at Virginia TECH.
Perhaps, the Washinton Post newspaper ought upgrade their inventive writing class about
Watergate, Whitewater, Ronald Reagan shooting, Fort HOH molecule battle in Texas.
But they may be undercover agents for the periodic atomic table ..... and as such ...instructed to write a certain point of VIEW ...... as a symbolic decoy stratgey. That theory ties in with the Patty Hearst newspaper secret identifier label: Symbolise ARMY = symbolic army + boise-einstein statistics.
The New York Times ought take some courses in advanced journalism someday .... such as Isaac Newton and the city of gravity life .....a Newton New York City dimension of M-theory in M-thgeory test location M = Manhattan.
The Chicago SUN-Times and the Chicago Defender reporters ought study the 400 year astronomy war titled " Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth'.
The second example of a periodic atomic table signal sent.
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, United States, killing five and injuring twenty-one, before committing suicide.
It is indicated by n. It tells us the shell in which an electron resides.
As the value of n increases,energy of the electron also increases i.e., energy increases as we move away from the nucleus.
"It is like the city name in your address"
"It is like the city name in your address"
"It is like the city name in your address"
"It is like the city name in your address"
"It is like the city name in your address"
-K L --> city of deKalB
...... Ill/sick quantum state = illinois(e)
-K skell = Kazmierczak with bullet shells ...symbolic of electron shell Margaret Mead anthropology messages K
- M N --> atomic MaN composed of bio-physics electron shells
- n = principle quantum number
..n = integers = 1, 2, 3 subset letters
..n...i --> ni --> niu = northern illinois universe VERSUS the northern illinois(e) university intellectual social science song-and-dance ERRORS.
Thus one ought study the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...that is the atomic nuclear family and its daily life expressions VIA human vehicles / human agents / atomic brain messengers .......that ought use their brain symbolic computer someday. Nature's social engineering projects with subset humans has many ERRORS.... caused by human misinterpretation of the SOCIAL CONTRACT as orginally suggested by John Locke. Thus Nature's reminder for the Penn State philosophy department of the the football locker room deal with bio-computer scientist agent Joe Paterno ==> Job order entry Pattern node.
Thus Penn State and DARPA ought consider the human brain electon circuits ...and the diplomatic communications NODE problem.
The Zino particle physics communications node and
the Wino particle physics communications node have --> node assigned to a bio-physics agent Zin ...
per the Darwin atomic evolution and
selection ..wino particle and its atomic anthopology agent.
The Department of Defense ought consider their atomic human existence....and realize that NATURE thru Darwinian evolution constructed their physical bio-chenmistry existence and their symbolic brain existence comprised of nouns,verbs, math equations, etc.
Thus Nature's intellect is a sense greater that us. This is not recognized by theology and political science groups. Nature continues to evolve ....especially symbolic MATH LIFE evolution and will always be several steps ahead of those with a human ego ...that ignore EARTH LAB signals ..... .chemistry LAB Hood chemsitry LAB hood at EARTH LAB site Fort Lab Hood. The world is a big place ..... an the symbolic, information world is big ..... and computer science companies have lost several battle in their attack upon COMPUTER EARTH system 370.
The Utoeya Battle of OS/JCL near OSLO, Norway and the BAL (Baltic) region was the latest major defeat in Europe. Europeans deny the existence of these possibilities. They spend their time watching movies, playing sports, shopping, and eating in cafes ..... thus they are the premier social engineering thinkers in the world. Brave New World as Aldous Huxley warned about.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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