« The electron shell war . The K,L,M, N energy level SCIENCE WAR messages for the Secretary of Defense, Department of Energy, and university intellectuals and their atomic human plans. |
The K, L, M Principle Quantum Number atomic EXTERNAL expression VIA the signal component of KLM Airlines. Expressions of their atomic heritage and atomic evolution.
Various books and articles exist on Supersymmetry. Theory and data are available in those books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.
The Margaret Mead nuclear family......atomic social antropology conflict .... is best explained by example. Using parallel processing we can view the some tragic events of that conflict.
An event that was previously covered in a blog-title ...is outlined below.
The event of year 1993....of the periodic atomic table government and its various expressions ...included atomic bio-physics humans with a symbolic brain computer.
The parallel processing OR
SUPER-symmetric model for 1993 involved SUPER-colliders ..... and created a nuclear reaction....
that is a Margaret Mead nuclear family chain reaction ... over several years.
The components of the atomic human SIGNAL ...... nuclear tragedy. The tragedy involves the atomic brain cell .... the atomic nucleus within the cell nucleus ... the intellectual tragedy.
--> Waxahachie Superconducting Collider ...cancelled
--> Wa...............................Co..........cancelled
--> ................................Columbine ..cancelled
--> Water U.S.Navy.........U.S.S.Cole .......cancelled
--> Wave mechanics/oceanography..Cole Hall ..cancelled
Thus we have the practical application of supersymmetry theory to our daily existence....
--> Thus Waxahachie Super Collider .........
--> the Waco, Texas Super Collider .....the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology message to the world.....from the periodic atomic table government ....a message to atomic humans in Washington,DC that misrepresent OR mis-interpret atomic government social engineering policies.
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Now, we look at quantum physics war messages about society VIA a messenger organization.
The organization is composed of atomic humans with a brain comprised of electron shells and their electron thoughts. In this case, we have a group of human brain electrons that ..... well, they had the same idea .... and hence, they organized themselves.
Nature started an atomic social economics project in year 1919.
Year 1919 is a potassium atomic project ...TIME signal K ...with 19 protons and 19 electrons.
Th internal life of the atom ..... is known in physics as the Margaret Mead nuclear family ..... and its expressions VIA humans ...becomes atomic social anthropology. Thus the internal life of a particle ..... can be seen by the amateur scientist (who can't afford epensive atomic accelerators like Stanford Linear) VIA its external expression FORMAT.
Thus repeating ... the internal nuclear family can send messages to the human level ...of daily events ....LIFE and DEATH ....... messages for analysis by atomic social science analysts .... interested in atomic thoughts and atomic behavior as expressed VIA the experimental humanoid output device.
Thus the alert,self-educated basic math/science individual can study these events and then understand the atomic anthropology situation. It's like reverse-engineering.
FermiLAB approaches the atom from their VIEW.
This is good. They study hard, think hard, and do very, very complicated experiments. They gather data and build empircal models. Theorists try to extend those thoughts ..... into expectations of future mathematical-physics relationships and expressions ... laying the symbolic groundwork .....to be enhanced by experimentalists.
I use Nature's stomic message system ..... which brings atomic signals up to the surface levels of EARTH LAB ..... so my eyes can see an event. Very few events are eligible. Maybe one or two a year. The newspapers print major events ..... and amongst those ...the rare event that represents some additional message ..... a message from Nature.
Thus we have 2 components .... both necessary to this process.
FermiLAB, research labs and universities, etc. .....approach the atom from their VIEW.
They publish their results. College textbooks in physics and chemitry explain the atomic model. These models are necessary to understand Nature's alternative message prtocessing system.
Thus I study the textbooks ..... and using EARTH LAB and its daily events .... I read the newspapers ( the secret of Sherlock Holmes). Then, like Sherlock Holmes, out of the dozens of events I review over 6 months ..... 1 event seems to RING in BELL in my atomic subliminal mind.
Then I check out the structure of the event, etc. ..... with my math and science textbooks.
Interesting atomic/math social science puzzles.
Here we see that the periodic atomic table government of Nature ..... has thru Darwinian atomic selection ...... given us a group of atomic human messengers ...... convientlently located in the Niels Bohr Instiute geography region. Thus we see an atomic system flowchart ....starting with atomic thoughts that then flow to those humans with brain K, L, M electron shell identifiers.
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1 day ago – Book KLM airlines flights with CheapOair. Get discount roundtrip fares on all KLM flights and KLM airline tickets. Find low deals on all KLM ...
Thus we have the question: " What is Nature's signal about the 8 crashes".
Aviation authorities have filled incomplete reports on these accidents; raising the question of premeditated accidents created by pre-programming the airline pilots BRAIN Computer subroutines with false instructions.
This was rather obvious in the Runaway 26 protons of iron event. The bio-physics Hemoglobin signal was about ferrous oxide accident at Lexicon, Kentucky.
Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics structures at FermiLAB refuse to acknowledge the secret social science manipluations world ... that they protect. The world of South Pole magnetic field life that interacts with the human iron Heme group fe(ii) ion .... and thus interacts with the brain ...creating a hybrid human ...as described in sufficient detail by:
a) Star Trek: The Next Generation with Captain Picard and the Borg
b) The NIL = Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. Illinois ..... North Pole magnetic field battle at Cole Hall
c) The magnetic field shooting of Milwaukee Policeman Norberg .... with SCIENCE WAR messages from FSU and Paul Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, Florida.
d) The North Pole magnetic field war at UTOEYA with Norway nonsense intellectual stories in their newspapers.
None of the above groups will discuss the SCIENCE WAR casualties and how to reduce the magnetic field and gravity field WAR Activity on EARTH. What are they hiding?
UTOEYA --> UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything battlefield regarding CH = organic chemistry textbook symbols for CH = Carbon Hydrogen structures (represented by human organic CH.ildren war casualties at UTOEYA). Newspapers, universities, government could care less about accurate explanations of the Margaret Mead atomic anhtropology war. The King of Norwayought dismiss the intellectual clowns that provide him with incomplete and misleading information ...and withhold SCIENCE WAR data from him.
A consequence of the Runway 26 accident scheme .....was that one or more universities received large gifts from the estates of the COMA AIRLINES dead. A nice fund-raising trick run by educational institutions around the nation ..... approved by the
Department of Education ...subset word command...
Depart .... Education .....
thus Virginia Tech students on April 16
departed for their Base 16 Hex'AF' = 175 = AF.terlife education in the atomic English language and atomic computer science for the DEAD.
Osiris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Death and institution as god of the deadý:
Osiris is an Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld ...
Virginia TECH and other schools ougth be more careful with their Carl Jung collective unconsciousness manipulation schemes and rackets. They were forwarned by Aldous Huxley and George Orwell to reduce their atomic marketing and atomic social pscyhology silly nonsense tricks.
They like to play the televion show " I've got a secret" and then they play DUMB over very obvious facts that any high school science and math student in senior class can figure out.
Thus we have the question: " What is Nature's signal about the 8 crashes".
What are some possibilities?
a) the above electron shell table may provide some clues to these Margarget Mead atomic anthropology ....aviation signals.
b) 8 crash records implies the 8 electrons of air = Oxygen atomic computer (weight 16) ..... the LUNG BASE 16 hexadecimal data processor. Thus 8 crash records has to do with the brain computer and oxygen used by the iron/oxygen myoglobin proteins of the arm muscles used by newpspaer writers and authors ...... that deny the existence of this process ..... of Nature's atomic message processing system.
Thus 8 --> implies 8 data bits = 1 data byte of some new dimension of computer science ...with the modern version of Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and applications.
c) The Margaret Mead nuclear family .....ur = uranium 238 atomic anthropology systems VIA human expressors.
ur is a component of atomic murder systems.
Murder = M + ur + rd + er giving
M-theory physics base Uranium (atomic humans) RD errors ..expressed via murder in society.
Uranium 238 computer equation --> Base 2 exponent 3 = 8 data bits.
What kind of atomic computer systems are running at FermilAB?
d) the atomic neightborhood battles ......
Neighborhood --> Ne + eigh = b + or + hood -->
Neutrons eight base orders hood
Thus the Fort Hood atomic battle with 13 dead.
Timothy McV(eight) in the quantum State of Oklahoma with Federal violations of Nature's Margaret Mead atomic anthropology laws and limits.
Ne = Nebraska neutron anthropology battle at the Omhaha West Side Mall in December with the astrophysics parallel agent Hawkins ..... supersymmetry war messages for Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking. Cambridge University denies the existence of these possiblities ..... it has become a party school, a talk school, a playground for British scholars. The universities of England and their philsophy, social science, theology, and English departments have lost their intellectual perception of understanding new data events and new data signals that occur in the world. Simple comprehension illudes their Hollywood mind-set.
e) perhaps some message with about chemistry OCTET RULE = 8 --> social chemistry.
As a result of several misunderstandings in the ensuing communication, the KLM
Atomic shells are named as K L M? - Yahoo! Answers Indiain.answers.
Answers - Atomic shells are named as K L M? – Discover ... Electrons in outer shells have higher average energy and travel farther from the nucleus than those in inner shells. ...
Thus.....did KLM airline symbolize an atomic electron on EARTH LAB.
Did KLM airlines (electron parallel) travel further from the nucleus (the Niels Bohr Institute in Copehagen, Denmark with the hydrogen Bohr Model as a parallel to EARTH/ moon orbital shell)
A Guide to Materials Characterization and Chemical Analysis -
Google Books
John P. Sibilia - 1988 - Science - 408 pages
In addition to the secondary electron images that provide topographic ... a K shell ionization occurs, followed by an L shell electronic transition, giving rise to an L ...
Was the KLM accident explosion at Tenerife an EARTH LAB experiment in K shell ionization?
but ultimately KLM would admit their crew was responsible for the accident
The accident had a lasting influence on the industry,
particularly in the area of communication -->
partic is a subset of the above atomic word
particle physics VIA Darwinian selection
of the Z particle social anthroplogy spokesperson Mr.Z.
Hence, we have a missing piece to help solve the Hierarchy Problem in atomic anthropology leadership in Washington, DC ...that has neglected its SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com
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