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City of Janesville, Wisconsin losses GM factory in the symmetry physics SCIENCE WARS - economic casualty
Also see blog-->General Motors = GM = Gravity/Magnetic with
keywords: GM assembly line computer earth
also listed under above toolbar subject: Astrophysics
The book Supersymmetry: Theory, Experiment, and Cosmology by Pierre Binetruy has as Appendix A:
A review of the Standard Model and of various notions of quantum field theory ..........has concepts that are familiar to the Wisconsin University system, many corporations, the United Auto Workers, scientists working for General Motors automotive,etc.
Janesville GM Assembly Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These economic physics theories and their data are intellectual achievements, available in many books and reasearch papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and the its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum information evolution.
Looking at Appendix A we see concepts:
A.1. Symmetries
A.2. Spontaneous breaking of symmetry
A.3. The Standard Model of electroweak interactions
A.4 Electroweak precision tests
On page 402 ...we see the sentence:
--> The case is somewhat different....The same argument as just given tells us....
....math sysmbols with..( G..M ) where dimensional analysis tell us that we are still missing a squared mass factor (m squared) which turns out to be the top mass-squared.
Using parallel processing analytical tools of EARTH LAB...
we look at the above KEY WORDS:
argument G M missing factor ...which becomes Janesville reality
argument G M missing factory ...thus physics symmetry VIA an economic display and a logic display -->
CAUSE: Janesville General Motors missing facts of life
EFFECT: missing automotive factory
On page 398...we see the math component of the geography state of Wisconsin..
thus Wisconsin = Wis + Con + sin math function.
Thus we see the page 398 sin functions (of wiscon.SIN) ...
then lead us to page 402 ..and the economic consequences to the Citizens of Janesville for their intellectual neglect ...a responsibility to try to understand the simple math concepts that are part of our daily lives.
Citizens of Wisconsin ought try to understand EARTH LAB and the context in which we live.
Maybe the universities..some day ....when not to busy with sports and DVD movies and pizza......may consider that their VIEW of the universe has some intellectual omissions of obvious,simple FACT....... that are the CAUSE --> EFFECT -->the omitted GM FACT.ory.
Now not to many people are expected to understand the details of pages 398 thru 402; but every adult ought understand that WisconSIN ....is a subset of the larger mathematical-physics fabric of existential dimensions on EARTH LAB with Nature's vast intellect.
WisconSIN sine wave economic structure
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