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The city of Liverpool HELP signal ignored
British government funds for science research have conveniently ignored a HELP message from NATURE via the molecular cell biology LIVER messengers from Liverpool: the Beattles music group.
Thus the NEXT chapter for the textbook:
Molecular and Cell Biology of the Liver edited by Albert V. LeBouton suggested in here.
Molecular & Cell Biology of the Liver: Albert V. LeBouton ...
The LIVER routes its messages to the human arm/wrist/hand and writes English word books for the EYE/optical nerve (Gulliver's Travels book by Jonathan Swift year 1726)
the messages are for the mouth/vocal chords and EAR ...via Beattle songs from 1964 thru 1974.
Music Transplantation Of The Liver VIA the Liverpool singing LIVER agents.
Thus the British have a serious problem with their symbolic brain computer design ....part of the human body data processing system.
Molecular & Cell Biology of the Liverpool, gland of England : Albert V. LeBouton ...
The Beatles
What company, what government will help understand the "HELP" the Liver song request ....of the city of LIVER data record symbolized by the physical geography city of LIVERPOOL, GLAND of enGLAND with a LIVER population of about 435,000 walking and talking LIVER structures with Base 2 binary legs with the human TOE.
Thus TOE theory = Theory of Eveything physics includes the theory of British neglect and their communication problems. Of course, Lewis carroll, Herbert Spencer, Bertrand Russell, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley were aware of British secret socities .....and published books about the situation. Perhaps the University of Liverpool and a few other British universities ought be closed until the audio "HELP" request is understood. Since they can't handle the problem; they ought assist those individuals that have a more serious approach about life and world affairs.
The 100 year old British symbolic brain ERROR.
CLUE from year 1910 ==>Principia Mathematica to *56
(*56 is the atomic weight of IRON (number 55.85 rounded to 56) ......hence important messages for the health of symbolic HEMOGLOBIN iron proteins of the IRON LADY's memory ..........but British citizens and universities have FORGOT their responsibility in understanding this symbolic biochemistry process)
Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell wrote:
--> it is largely because the contradictions showed that he, in common with all other logicians ancient and modern, had ALLOWED some ERROR to creep into his...
Why aren't universities working on this problem?
Perhaps,they could use another viewpoint?
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