Category: Uncategorized
The Wisconsin genetics war and the 23 chromosome hostage students in Marinette --> the living EARTH cell address 2339 S. 43rd helps explain Milwaukee society DNA 64 codon manipulation errors.
Boy Scout Sam Hengel of Marinette High School sacrificed his life in the DNA wars. His obvious SIGNAL is very important .....and has been deliberately ignored by citizens, state governments, federal governments, and universities.
Sam Heng… more »
DNA social science military expressions with David Petraeus
DNA military expressions using humanoid warriors.
Year 2004 to 2009 - Admiral William Fallon chief of central command and General David Petraus through television news and newspaper classified information sections have given us the suggest… more »
The DNA Time Split problem
Physics theory of earth time is a modern TIME PARADOX. 1) your teacher said ---> Twenty - Four hour day = 24 2) ZINJAN + ZINO says --> 20 - 4 = 16 hours a day
Ask yourself " Why does April Fool's Day exist?".
Are you a TWO-TIME l… more »
The Time Machine - Computer Earth and brain computer biological clock failure
The TIME MACHINE -Computer Earth By zinjan
H.G.Wells wrote the following clues:
» Year 1895 - The TIME MACHINE » Year 1897 - The Invisible Man » Year 1898 - The WAR of the Worlds
George Orwell wrote the TIME COMPUTER manual: 1984… more »
Chicago Physics - The Missing Mind Problem
Chicago Physics -The Missing Mind Problem By zinjan
The Chicago area and Northern Illinois area are involved in several subtle brain experiments. College students and professors are particpants of a COMPUTER EARTH puzzle. What are the comp… more »
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